Ashwater News Letter November 2011


It was noticeable many faces were absent following a plea for a Hall Working Party – the hall and shop are community projects and need continuing support, they do not run on their own. Please help where you can by using the shop and of course attending hall events of which we are fortunate to have so many organised for the next two months.


Please forward contributions to or telephone 01409 221073 byFriday 25th November for inclusion in

the next issue.

November and December (in the hall, unless stated)

9th November – Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm

12th November – Jim Crawford Blues Night, 8pm

14th November – Horticultural Society Talk on Fungi at 7.30pm

17th November – Short Mat Bowls, 10am

26th November – Bingo, 7.30pm

3rd December – Craft Fayre, 1pm04pm

4t December – Rise and Shine Theatre Show

5th December – Horticultural Society, Christmas Decoration Making, booking essential

10th December – Lyrics and Verse Evening

Parish Hall Events

Jim Crawford – Blues Night 12th November 2011 at 8pm

This is live entertainment at its arguable best from a Devon based performer, much sought after elsewhere. Jim plays a variety of instruments, sings his own as well as renowned compositions and has some amusing tales to add between songs. He is a nationally renowned Blues/Folk singer, songwriter and guitarist who is returning to Ashwater Parish Hall after his success of last year. You asked us to re- book him so please support the Events Committee by buying your £5 tickets in advance from: The Village Shop, Brian George, Wendy Lee, Grace Evans, John Forward, Ivan Buxton and Kate Tomlinson

Details from Sue and Brian George on 01409 211643

Short Mat Bowls

The next session of Short Mat Bowls will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday, 17th November from 10.00 am until 12. The cost is £2 per person. Please wear flat shoes. Everyone welcome.

Rise and Shine Theatre – Christmas Production 4th December

If you missed the wonderful performance last year then you should make a date now for this entirely different production from a really good troupe of performing artistes. Make a reservation as tickets will be going fast – 01409 211222. The Cast would like a little help from the audience by dressing in Victorian Style if at all possible.

Lyrics and Verse: Sat. 10th December

Tickets £5 – Book in advance from 01409 211222 (proceeds to Hall funds). There will be readings from the Nation’s Favourite Poems and songs from Carillyon. Coming as it does, just before the Christmas madness, this will be a relaxed evening of poems and songs, with drinks and nibbles. Sit at your table, relax and listen to the songs and poems as waiters bring drinks to your table.

Carillyon are John Forward and Ali Rowe, a duo who were active on the national folk circuit for many years before migrating to Ashwater. John himself is a prize-winning song-writer and they have a very eclectic repertoire: among the songs they sing are poems by Charles Causley, songs from the singing of Paul Simon and Kate Rusby, and traditional songs including the Ashwater Bell Ringing Song which they have promised to sing on the night. The Bellringing, (known locally as the Ashwater Bell Ringing Song) with a tune based on the sound of the bells, is a song from the Baring-Gould collection Songs of the West. It records a series of bell ringing competitions around the Devon and Cornwall border in Jubilee year (believed to be one of Queen Victoria’s jubilees.) The bells in the song are rung in Broadwoodwidger, Ashwater and North Lew and the competition also goes to Launceston and Callington.

Parish Hall Working Party

A big thank you is due to all who gave up time to form a working party and recently carried out a wide range of jobs at the hall. Thanks to their endeavours in rectifying general wear and tear, the hall and grounds are looking much better. All that remains is for the kitchen to be finished, hopefully another working party will volunteer.

News Eve Party Cancelled

Regrettably, the Events Committee have decided not to arrange a party in the hall on New Years Eve.

Community Shop and Post Office

Next month will see the first anniversary of the community shop and it has proved to be a successful addition to the parish. It is quite possible to purchase most if not all of your weekly shopping, often at less cost than at the major supermarkets and every purchase of local goods helps someone in the locality. Regrettably at the moment there are still those who do not support the shop as fully as the committee would like.

All of the proceeds are ploughed straight back into the running costs including stock purchases, which has enabled the variety and quality to be sustained. An increase in the number of visits and average spend during the next 12 months could help create a surplus that could be used for other future community projects.

The volunteers have done a fantastic job covering many of the opening hours but we are still reliant on too few to continue in this manner. With effect from 7th November 2011 the shop will open at 8.30am and close at 5pm during the week and open at 8.30am at weekends, closing as before at 1pm Saturdays and Noon on Sundays. The Post Office will be open from 9am until 4.30pm, but will be closed on Saturday mornings. The situation will be reviewed again when the clocks go forward in the Spring. Stamps may still be purchased during shop opening hours even if the PO is closed. Postal collections are unaffected.

Volunteers are still needed to help keep the Post Office and Shop running smoothly during the new hours. There are always jobs to be done even if you cannot work behind the counter, such as cleaning on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon or setting out the newspaper orders first thing in the morning. There is a rota form in the shop and Christine would be pleased to welcome new assistance.

The shop is supporting the Holsworthy extension of the Bude Foodbank. The ‘Foodbank Scheme’ helps those in genuine need during the present difficult times. Food purchased in the shop may be donated to the scheme. The provisions are then drawn on by people in crisis. A list of suitable food for donation is in the shop and will be taken weekly to the Holsworthy centre for distribution.

Consideration is also being given to possibly arranging to stock some gluten free products, but this will depend upon the call for same. If you are interested in purchasing some of these from the shop then please let Christine know when you next visit. Obviously it will not be possible to buy in just one or two packs of say, sausages, so the demand will have to be assessed.

The annual accounts have been ‘audited’ and presented to the Financial Services Authority. A Trading Loss of £8,273 was recorded with an Operating Profit of £11,082 for theperiod 18th March 2010 to 31st March 2011. The accounting period differs from the trading period because it took from March 2010 to November 2011 to raise the capital to open the shop for business. Copies of the accounts are available at the shop on request.

Ashwater Horticultural Society

The Society had a good outing to Westonbirt with plenty of photos and seeds brought back –for the show next year? The next meeting is Monday November 14th Mr Catt is speaking on Fungi. He is an excellent speaker and asks that we all collect specimens to bring to the meeting! Every one is welcome. Advance notice of the December meeting(Monday 5th) which will be our Christmas decoration making with mincepies and mulled cider or apple juice! Places are limited for this meeting so contact Fiona 221 403 or Jill 211 506 to reserve places.

Ashwater Football Club – Bingo 26th November

The Football Club are holding a Bingo Evening on Saturday 26thNovember 2011. Doors open at 7.30pm with ‘eyes down’ at 8.00pm.

Ashwater Parish Council

Mary Gliddon has recently had a hip replacement operation and has advised us that she is making good progress from her operation. We all wish her a speedy recovery.

Torridge District Council has produced 2 questionnaires and they are inviting members of the community to complete these and return them by the 15 November 2011. The subjects of the questionnaires are Torridge’s 2012/13 Budget and the new draft Strategic Plan. If anyone would like to complete the forms, they can be found online at:

Holsworthy Family Workshop Resource Centre will be holding a Craft and Food Fair in Holsworthy Memorial Hall on Saturday 12 November.

Diamond Jubilee celebrations – the parish council would like to know if any individuals or organisations are thinking about holding an event to mark this occasion. Should this be the case, then a joint event may be an idea with everyone concerned. Please contact Sheila Myers (01409 220212 / )

Affordable housing in Ashwater – if any readers know of anyone who is looking for affordable housing in the area, please write or email as soon as possible to Sheila Myers, Springfield Bungalow, Halwill, Beaworthy, Devon EX21 5UF.

The next parish council will be held on Wednesday 9 November 2011 at 7.30pm.

Ashwater Parish Church

Services during November

Sunday Nov 6th 9.30 am Morning Worship

Friday Nov 11th 10.50 am Remembrance Service on Village Green

Sunday Nov 13th 10.50 am Ecumenical Remembrance Service

Sunday Nov 20th 8.00 am Holy Communion

10.00 am Morning Praise

Sunday Nov 27th 9.30 am Morning Worship

Sunday Dec 4th 9.30 am Morning Worship

4.00 pm Christingle Service

Harvest Supper

Thank you to everybody who supported our Harvest Supper in the Parish Hall. It was a good evening and appeared to be enjoyed by all who attended. An extra special thank you is due to Carol Moon and her team of ladies who provided the refreshments and who were extremely busy in the kitchen during the evening. Thank You ladies.

During the evening the result of the draw to raise funds for repairs to the Church wall was announced and the lucky winners were:- £100 - Vicky Yelland; £50 – Steve Furse, £25 – Maureen Forward.

Link Draw winners September

£10 – Mrs H.Smith, £5 – Mrs S.Furse, £5 – Mr J.Carroll.

Ashwater Methodist Church - November Services

November 6th 11am café Church at Holsworthy (there will be no service at Chapel today)

November 13th 10.45am at the Parish Church (there will be no service at Chapel today)

November 20th 11am a local arrangement service.

November 27th 11am Worship led by Mrs M Aicheler

Get Ready for Winter

Now the clocks have gone back it is a timely reminder that winter is approaching. The Government's 'Get ready for Winter' website is now live on the Direct Gov website

This site includes lots of useful tips for preparing for winter and also some very useful links to other agency websites such as the met office.

Also, don't forget the new Devon County Council website advice page for winter weather which contains tips and advice for winter travel and winter weather.


Carol Moon would like to say thank you to all those who attended the Macmillan Cream Teas, the Meerkat Cheer Team for their display, helpers, all who made scones and cakes and those who made donations. The total sent to Macmillans was £336.00.

…..and finally

Don’t forget the new shop and PO opening times:


Mon – Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm

Saturday 8.30am – 1.00pm

Sunday 8.30am - Noon

Post Office

Mon – Friday 9.00am – 4.30pm

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed

Fresh Milk, Butter, Cheeses, Bread, Cakes, Meat, Bacon, Sausages, Vegetables, Fruit and Beers from local suppliers.

The Ashwater Newsletter is produced, printed and delivered by volunteers free of charge to residents of the parish and also sent by email to any interested party. Items of news and forthcoming events are always welcome – see the the opeing page for the publication deadline.

Small adverts cost £10 per issue and help to cover the cost of paper and printing, which are otheriwse donated or paid from parish council funds raised through the local precept.

Donations of paper for the newsletter are always welcome and may be left in the shop – thankyou.

Distribution of Newsletters

My thanks to those who provide articles for and distribute the newsletters. If you know of anybody who did not receive a copy please let me know: copies will always be available at the Village Shop, Parish Hall and in the Village Inn. Any information for inclusion in or offers to help please contact Ivan Buxton on 01409 221073, e-mail . Don’t forget to visit the Ashwater Websites and