Greer Middle College Charter High School

Meeting of the Board of Directors Minutes


September 23,2013

Greenville Technical College - Greer Campus

In attendance: Ted Hoffman, Vernon Rutland, Tracy Kramer, Nancy Welch, Jack Brunson, Matt Williams Absent: Alison Peterson, John Mansure, Tony Kouskolekas, BJ Collins, Jerry Denman

1.  Call to Order (Ted Hoffman)

Time: 6:20pm

2.  Approval of Agenda

Motion to approve agenda: Tracy Kramer

2nd: Nancy Welch

Vote: 0 opposed

3.  Public Comments


4.  Approval of August Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve agenda: Tracy Kramer

2nd: Jack Brunson

Vote: 0 opposed

5.  Administrative and Committee Reports

a.  Executive Director’s Report

·  August 28

Met with board members from GTCHS to discuss their proposal to sell the white portables we currently rent to us.

·  August 29

Attended a luncheon with Melanie that featured Representative Trey Gowdy.

Hosted the GMC Open House. Very successful event. Received a great deal of positive feedback.

·  September 5

Help host the GMC Summit event

Met with area legislators after the summit

Attended a luncheon with Tracy Kramer and Melanie that hosted Lindsey Graham

·  September 6

Melanie and I helped run the Leadership Greer meeting at the Chamber

Attended the First Friday Luncheon with the Chamber

·  September 9

Melanie and I met with Mayor Rick Danner

·  September 11

Melanie and I attended the membership drive for the Chamber

·  September 12

Jim Fair was on campus and met with Melanie and me.

·  September 17

Attended the GMC finance meeting

·  September 18

Attended the Minority Economic Development Breakfast.

Melanie and I met with Bank of America representative.

·  September 19

Attended a Brunch hosted by the President of Columbia College

Attended the Board Meeting for the Greer Chamber of Commerce

Was elected to serve on the Executive Board for the Greer Chamber.

·  September 20

Meeting with Colton Keesler to discuss technology needs for the new building.

Dance on the Deck for GMC students

§  The school was struck by lighting the end of July and has had to replace several electronic items on campus. We have filed an insurance claim and they will be sending a check for the items, minus the $1000 deductible.

b.  Development Report

Students – enrollment

  • 397 enrolled

o  9th – 105

o  10th – 100

o  11th – 107

o  12th – 82

  • Wait List for 2013-2014

o  9th – 54

o  10th – 1

o  11th – 15

o  12th – 3

o  Resource/Special Ed – 11

Public Relations

·  Met with Trey Gowdy at a Greer Chamber Luncheon. Talked to him about a visit to GMC. We are working to make this happen.

·  Greenville Chamber Luncheon with Lindsey Graham. Good contacts made

·  Lunch with Les Gardner with Greenville Tech Foundation. Good connection and open door.

·  Bill and I met with Mayor Rick Danner about a cultural exchange / enrichment opportunity with a school in China. Will follow up with him next week.

·  Participated in the Greer Relief Golf Tournament on Sept. 16.

·  Participated in the Greer Chamber Membership Drive on Sept. 11.

·  Met with Jim Fair with Greer Today and showed him our campus. He wants to be a partner with GMC moving forward. He published a story about our education summit and is promoting Fall for GMC.

·  Helped with Jr. Leadership Greer and Leadership Greer orientation.

·  Leadership Development Council, Handshakes and Hashbrowns, First Friday Luncheon

GMC Open House organization – 146 families came to this event at GMC

Education Summit – Good results! Will report at the Board Meeting.

Fall for GMC -- $14,700 in business sponsors

Upcoming: Dr. Keith Miller to visit GMC on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 9am

c.  Financial Report

On File

d.  Facilities Report

Current Facility

GTCHS is wanting out of rental business. Therefore they are asking us to purchase the 4 white portables at a cost of $40k. If we finish our lease with them it’s going to cost us approx. $32k anyway. We are in the process of reviewing our best options. i.e. what they are worth, moving cost etc. I spoke with George Forest (forest movers) he does all of Greenville county portables. He said they are worth about $4k-$6k at best. Cost to move will be around $7k-$9k. I am unable to find anyone who will give us a written appraisal on them. He did say that if we purchased them then he would take them off our hands for the cost of moving them when we are finished with them.

New Facility

Colton Met with Kayvon on to review the technology plans for new facility. Considered all IP based systems:



Instructional Tools (such as projectors and Smart boards)

AP Wireless

Low Voltage Lighting (if we choose that route)

Digital signage

Access Control

Video Surveillance

other monitoring systems

We defined what the typical classroom would be, then reviewed the other areas.

Basically we ended with a "1st Draft" footprint of the quantity of IP cabling connections needed minus low voltage lighting.

3D has completed the survey minus a few small details. They are coming back to survey manholes and locate fire hydrant for water and sewer details.

e.  Chairman’s Report

1. Assisted with FFGMC silent auction preparation.

2. Assessing options for existing portable purchase.

6.  Old Business

a.  Staff Survey

b.  Land lease for current facility

c.  Land survey for new facility

7.  New Business

a.  GTCCHS portable purchase

b.  Board Training Sept 30th @ Legacy Charter

8.  Executive Session (If Required)

Motion to enter executive session: Ted Hoffman

2nd: Jack Brunson

Time: 8:08pm

Motion to exit executive session: Tracy Kramer

2nd: Nancy Welch

Time: 8:25pm

** Motion from Finance committee to send budget back to the school to be amended to reflect an enrollment of 400 students. / 0 Opposed

**Motion to authorize Board Chairman (Ted Hoffman) to be able to negotiate with GTCCHS. / 0 opposed

9.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn: Jack Brunson

2nd: Tracy Kramer

Time: 8:27pm