Planning notifications for July 2005
05/01037/B Black & Nicholls, Cronk Mayn, Jurby Road, Lezayre. Erection of detached house & garage within grounds and construction of additional driveway off existing access.
05/01071/C Sadd, Lower Glentramman Farm, Garey Ford Road, Lezayre. Change of use of redundant stone barn & shed to ancillary/holiday accommodation with single garage and dedicated amenity area
05/01085/B Carey, Field 134889 Lezayre Road, Churchtown, Lezayre. Widen existing opening and form new gate entrance for safe access for trailer & tractor.
05/01140/B Edwards, Ballakillingan House, Lezayre. Proposed tennis court.
05/00099/B Tomlinson, Field 132021 Glen Duff House, Glen Duff, Lezayre. Amended plans for erection of boarding kennels, car parking and associated facilities.
The following plans were approved by the Planning Committee:
05/00771/B Allford, The Croft, Glen Auldyn. Erection of conservatory & creation of additional window.
05/00727/BWatts, Hillview, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Demolition of attached garage, construction of two storey extension and new detached garage.
04/01595/A Starkey, Land adjacent to Sheeoil, Jurby Road, Lezayre. Approval in principle for dwelling. On Appeal. The Minister has directed that the appeal be dismissed and the decision of the Planning Committee to refuse the application be confirmed.
The following appeals are to be heard:
04/02292 Young, Field 130870, Bernahara Road, Lezayre. Appeal against refusal for erection of replacement storage barn. 14 July 2005 9.30 a.m.
04/02230 Hornby, Claddagh Mill House, SulbyBridge, Lezayre. Appeal against refusal for approval in principle for demolition of existing house, construction of new dwelling, construction of second dwelling incorporating old mill buildings. Submissions required by 20 July 2005.
04/02061 Morris, Kafue Cottage, St Judes Road, Sulby. Appeal against refusal for erection of replacement dwelling with detached garage. 2 August 2005 3.30 p.m.
Planning notifications for August 2005
05/01347/BSulbyPrimary School, Sulby, Lezayre. Alterations to implement works recommended by Disability Discrimination Act, accessibility audit.
05/01322/B Bambridge, 37 Carrick Park, Sulby, Lezayre. Construction of double garage.
05/01355/B Harland, field 134816, Loughan-e-Yeigh, Garey, Lezayre. Erect agricultural building in corner of field.
The following notifications were received from the Planning Office
05/00452/A On Review. Island Studios Ltd., Baldromma Farm, Jurby Road, Lezayre. Approval in principal for erection of film personnel accommodation and car parking facilities. REFUSED.
05/00099/B Tomlinson, Field 132021, Glen Duff House, Glen Duff, Lezayre. Erection of boarding kennels, carparking and associated facilities. APPROVED.