Homes Association
PO Box
Raytown, MO 64133
Date: 04/06/2017
ATTENDANCE:Whittney Robison, Ryan Cox, Jennifer Barnes, Bill Barnes, Sandy Olson, Joe Zapien, Paul Landes, Joe Jimenez, Paul Oldham, Deborah Scott
Discussed best way for us to correspond with each other and determined email was best. We still need to contact Joe Zapien by phone to update him.
Whittney Robison volunteered to take meeting minutes since a Secretary had not yet been voted on.
APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES: Held February 21st minutes approval for next meeting since did not get emailed or printed
WEHA bank account
Checking Balance $2,424.00
Savings 1 $ 484.31
Savings 2 $ 678.72Pool & Park Savings
Each year Woodson Estates Homes Association should collect assessments in the amount of $22,000.00. For the 2016/2017 year we collected $18,124.00.
Delinquent Assessments and + interest owed = $14,500
There are 75 properties that are delinquent. From 1 year to 8 years
At this time we have 12 liens
All Invoices have been sent out.
Woodson Estates sells Frontier Trash Bags as a FUND RAISER for the park and pool area. The money goes into a special savings account and at this time the board is hoping to raise enough to replace the roof on the shelter house and replace the playground equipment. You can order the bags by contacting Sandy Olson, 816-405-2415 or . The bags can be picked up at 12112 E 62nd Terrace, or a board member will deliver them to your home. We are on our 4th order of 100 bags.
We have several sizes to choose from and they sell for $10.00 a roll.
Yellow – 39 Gallon – 25 bags per roll
White – 15 Gallon – 65 bags per roll
Blue – 55 Gallon – 16 bags per roll
Woodson Pool
Checking Balance: $ 91.13
Savings Balance: $4,107.50
The Woodson Sharks swim team is taking registrations at this time. There are usually about 80 to 90 kids that participate in this competition. For information please contact Cheryl Miles at
The Pool Committee rose over $9000 to repair the pool through GoFundMe and a fundraiser at Crane Brewery. They have also set up a Signup Genius page to get volunteers to help prepare the pool for opening.
Motion 1: Allow Pool Committee to use their funds to make pool repairs.
Motion: Paul Landes
Second: Sandy Olson
Motion Passed
Bill Barnes and Sandy Olson agreed to get an email out to the Woodson Estates email list to enlist volunteers for the pool.
Paul Oldham is rebuilding the Woodson Estates Homes Association Website. The new site will allow multiple logins for updating pages. He plans to add pages for the pool and the swim team. Homeowners will eventually be able to pay assessments online, and it will update QuickBooks.
We discussed the election of officers and the officer positions. The amount of work done by the Treasurer was discussed. It was recommended that the Treasurer relinquish tracking of the Sharks swim team accounts. Sandy Olson will meet with Cheryl Miles about the management of the Sharks swim team accounts. This will decrease the amount of work for the Treasurer.
Motion2: Have orientation for the new board members
Motion: Whittney Robison
Second: Paul Landes
Motion Passed
Motion 3: Table the Election of Officers
Motion: Joe Jimenez
Second: Whittney Robison
Motion Passed
We discussed our final proof-reading of the By-Laws and preparation to submit to the Lawyer for completion. The upcoming work to gather signatures was also discussed. The board members are going to read over the new documents and make corrections at the next meeting.
Reminder that Brush Pick-up is April 24th.
The Board will provide Dumpsters for the neighborhood on September 9th.
Motion 4: Schedule Garage Sale for June 7th-10th to coincide with Timber Valley’s Garage Sale
Motion: Sandy Olson
Second: Whittney Robison
April 20th.
Dates & Reminders:
-Brush Pick-up April 24th
-Garage Sale June 7th-10th
-Dumpsters September 9th.
-Thanks to Whittney Robison for taking minutes.
-All invoices for assessments have been sent out by Sandy Olson.
-Pool Committee rose over $9000 for pool repairs. Special thanks to Jennifer Crosby and Kathy Markley for their work.
-Web page rebuilt by Paul Oldham.
Motion 1: Allow Pool Committee to use their funds to make pool repairs.
Motion: Paul Landes
Second: Sandy Olson
Motion Passed
Motion2: Have orientation for the new board members
Motion: Whittney Robison
Second: Paul Landes
Motion Passed
Motion 3: Table the Election of Officers
Motion: Joe Jimenez
Second: Whittney Robison
Motion Passed
Motion 4: Schedule Garage Sale for June 7th-10th to coincide with Timber Valley’s Garage Sale
Motion: Sandy Olson
Second: Whittney Robison
-Bill Barnes and Sandy Olson agreed to get an email out to the Woodson Estates email list to enlist volunteers for the pool.
-Paul Oldham is continuing to update the website.
-The board members are going to read over the new documents and make corrections at the next meeting.
-Sandy Olson will schedule the Dumpsters.
Meeting Minutes Approved by Board: 04/20/2017