WELCOME BACK!! The Quincy School ~ Community Partnership in collaboration with George Burke will award $15,000.00 in teacher mini-grant funds to middle and high school professional staff. Mini-grant funds will provide the opportunity to increase comprehensive programming that supports student academic, social and emotional development. Grant initiatives are described below.

Answers to the questions below must be typed and not exceed two typed pages. Handwritten proposals will not be accepted. Mini-grant proposals should be single spaced, 12-font size, have one-inch margins and printed on one side only. For an electronic application, go to www.quincypublicschools.com. Go to School Links and click on Teacher Mini-Grant Application. When completing questions 1-4, please omit your name, the name of your school, and any other identifying information to insure objectivity in the selection process. Please note: One proposal per professional staff member with the exception of George Burke Grant Proposals.

1.  Check the name of grant applying for:

□ George G. Burke Team Grants

These funds are made possible through the generosity of George G. Burke, attorney and philanthropic contributor to the City of Quincy. These innovative grants will be applied for by teacher teams. Funds may be used for initiatives that support student academic, social or emotional development. Ten mini-grants will be funded at $500.00 each.

□ Boston University Grants

These funds made are possible through the generosity of Boston University in collaboration

with the QPS Teacher Internship Program. Funds may be used for initiatives that support

Community Service Learning, Academic Support and/or Team Building. Fourteen mini-grants

will be funded at $350.00 each.

□ Quincy School ~ Community Partnership Grants

These funds are made possible through the generosity and support of our community

business partners. Funds may be used for initiatives that will enhance the educational lives of

their students. Fourteen mini-grants will be funded at $350.00 each.

2.  Grade Level: Subject:

3.  Please describe your grant initiative in detail, including learning activities supporting student academic, social, and emotional development.

4. How many students will be impacted by this initiative?

You maysubmit your copy electronically to (note: principal must sign proposal and therefore you must scan document) or submit one original and four copies of your Mini-Grant Proposal to Mr. James Mullaney, Quincy School ~ Community Partnership, 34 Coddington Street, Quincy MA 02169 or Interoffice to James Mullaney, Business Office.

Mini-Grant Proposals must be received by Thursday, October 8, 2015 by 4:00 p.m.

Mini-grant recipients will receive grant funds at a formal ceremony/reception on

Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. at North Quincy High School, Atrium of Honor.