
Q. What is PCI bus? Explain features of PCI bus.

Q. Explain features of PCI express bus?

Q. State difference between PCI and PCI express bus

Q. With block diagram explain AGP port

Q. What is cache memory? State its needs. Explain different levels of cache

Q. State features of DDR and SDRAMS

Q. List and explain features of P processor

Q. Describe real, protected and virtual mode

Q. compare real, protected and virtual mode

Q. state and explain motherboard criteria

Q. draw and explain north/south bridge architecture

Q. What is BIOS? state its functions


Q. What is FAT? Explain different features of FAT

Q. What is NTFS? Enlist different features of NTFS

Q. List and describe different FAT

Q. Describe lowlevel and highlevel formatting

Q. Describe FM,MFM, and RLL with diagram

Q. Describe construction of CD-ROM drive

Q. Explain: Cluster, Interleave factor, Master boot record, zone bit recording, track, sector, cylinder

Q. What is blue ray? State features and specification of blue ray

Q. describe working of HDD with construction

Q. Describe construction and working of DVD drive

Q. what are servo? Enlist different type of servo? Describe each of them with details?

Q. describe partiotining of HDD? How it is done? State its use

Q. Compare FAT 16,32 and NTFS

Q. Compare all different servos

Q. compare low level and high level formatting

CH- 3

Q. Compare CRT and LCD

Q. State advantages and disadvantages of CRT over LCD

Q. State advantages and disadvantages of LCD over CRT

Q. What is scanning? List different type? Describe both? State difference between them

Q. What is LCD? List different type? Describe in detail? State difference between them

Q. Describe Video Accelerator Card and explain

Q. State specification of CRT monitor?

Q. State specification of LCD monitor?

Q. Draw block diagram of colour monitor? Give function of each block

Q. List and describe terms related to LCD


Q. What is printer? State is functions? Give classification of printer

Q. What is scanner? State its functions? Give classification of scanner

Q. State advantages and disadvantages of i) Dot matrix

ii) Laser

iii) Deskjet

Q. With neat diagram explain Deskjet and lazer printer

Q. With neat diagram explain Flat bed scanner

Q. With neat diagram explain working of opto-mechanical and mechanical mouse

Q. What is modem? With neat diagram explain internal and external modem

Q. state difference between internal and external modem

Q. state difference between inkjet and lazer printer

Q. State specifications of Dot-matrix printer, Laser printer and Flat-bed scanner

Q. List type of keys used in keyboard? Describe each in detail

Q. Write characterstics of Dot-matrix printer, Laser printer, Deskjet printer, Flat-bed scanner

, Mouse

Q. Describe terms related of Flat-bed scanner and printer


Q. What is power supply? State functions of power supply

Q. Draw diagram of 20 pin ATX with colour code? State function of each pin

Q. What is UPS? State difference between offline and online UPS

Q. Draw block diagram of online UPS and describe each block?

Q. Draw block diagram of offline UPS and describe each block?

Q. Q. Draw block diagram of SMPS and describe each block?

Q. With block diagram explain blackout, brownout, surge, spilles

Q. list different protection devices? Explain function of spike suppreser & stabliser

Q. State symptom of power supply problem

Q. State characterstics of power supply and UPS


Q. Sate features of USB, RS232, Firewire, PCI

Q. Draw timing diagram of Centronics interface and explain

Q. Explain in breif SCSI drive configuration

Q. What is SCSI cable and connector? Give SCSI drive specifications

Q. Explain sequence of event in RS232 communication with signal

Q. Compare firewire and USB

Q. Compare USB and RS232

Q. Describe centronics interface with neat block diagram explain important signal of centronic interface

Q. What is RS232? State its application

Q. Describe IDE and ATA interface in detail

Q. Explain USB support data rates and versions

Q. List and describe USB cable


Q. What is preventive maintainance? State its types
