3rd Grade 2nd 9 Weeks Social Studies – Cobb Digital Library (CDL) Pathfinder

Essential Question(s): How did Paul Revere help the United States become an independent country? How did Frederick Douglass expand the rights and freedoms of people in our country? How did Frederick Douglass demonstrate positive character traits? How did Susan B. Anthony help people? How did Susan B. Anthony's environment (physical and cultural) influence her choices? How did Susan B. Anthony help women get the right to vote? How did Susan B. Anthony show positive character traits?

Standard: 3T3C- Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

Directions: 1) Log on to Cobb Digital Library (CDL) and click on “Databases” for Encyclopedia, Periodical, Website and Book. Click on “eBooks” for eBook. 2) Follow the directions under each type of resource in the areas below. 3) Locate the resource on each database. 4) Have your teacher and/or peer initial the box in the area you completed. 5) Once you have located all four resources in each category, initial and date in the box provided. 6) Count each resource you were able to locate and complete the Information Literacy Rubric. 7) Turn this packet in to your teacher by December 13. 2013.

  1. Paul Revere

Encyclopedia / Periodical / Website / Book or eBook
Name of
Source: / World Book StudentOpen Now>Paul Revere>Click on the article “Revere, Paul”. / SearchasaurusOpen Now>Click on Magazines tab>”The Famous Ride of Paul Revere” Appleseeds, Oct. 2001. / netTrekkerOpen Now>Paul Revere>Archiving Early America: Paul Revere>Watch the video. / Destiny>Paul Revere>Paul Revere by Sarah Tieck
Call #: B
Initials / Initial and Date Here When Completed
  1. Frederick Douglass

Encyclopedia / Periodical / Website / Book or eBook
Name of
Source: / Galileo ElementaryOpen Now>Britannica School Elementary>Frederick Douglass>Click on the “Frederick Douglass” article.>Read Introduction, Early Life, Antislavery Work, and Later Life. / Searchasaurus>Open Now>.Frederick Douglass>Click on Magazines tab>”Frederick Douglass” Cobblestone, January 2010. / DestinyOpen Now>Frederick Douglass>Click on Web Sites>Web Path Express Douglass’s Escape from Slavery. / eBooks>Search Bar: Douglass>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass>Click Open Now>Enter Your Destiny Username and Password
Initials / Initial and Date Here When Completed
  1. Susan B. Anthony

Encyclopedia / Periodical / Website / Book or eBook
Name of
Source: / WKidsinfoBitsOpen Now>Susan B. Anthony>Click on Magazines tab>”Susan Brownwell Anthony”, The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. / Student Resources in Context>Open Now>Susan B. Anthony>Magazines section>View All>”The Right Woman”, Smithsonian, Feb. 2010 / netTrekkerOpen Now>Susan B. Anthony>BrainPOP Jr.: Susan B. Anthony>Watch Video. / Databases>Pebble Go BiographiesOpen Now>Susan B. Anthony>Introduction, Early Life, Life’s Work, Later Years, Contributions, Timeline, Video.
Initials / Initial and Date Here When Completed