Demolish the existing and erect a three storey building to provide residential care accommodation with associated parking provision (Revised Scheme). Amended plans received 29.11.05 and 16.01.06.


1.1  Members will recall that this application was deferred at the Planning Committee on 15.12.05 for

-a full tree assessment by the Local Planning Authorities Arboricultural Officer, and

-a members site visit prior to the committee.

1.2 The previous Committee Report is appended.


2.1   To approve the application for a 54 bed residential care home as set out in the recommendation attached.


3.1   Subsequent to the previous committee report the Arboriculturalists comments are as follows:-

·  Particular attention has been paid to the retention of important trees on the site particularly those around the periphery of the site. Scaling down of the footprint of the building in relation to the trees at the rear of the site (from the earlier refusal) significantly improved the relationship of the proposal to the important trees. Changes to the layout of the building has also provided a better relationship between the building and the trees at the front of the site.

·  The proposal will result in a loss of 13 trees:- 1 x Lawson Cypress; 3 x Holly; 1 x Norway Maple; 1 x Birch; 2 x Yew; 2 x Acacia; 1 x Fruit; 2 x Bay trees. These trees are either of a poor quality or low amenity value specimens.

·  The loss of the trees can be compensated for by the proposed planting of 13 semi-mature and heavy standard trees.

·  The submitted Arboricultural Method Statement adequately deals with the sensitive tree issues and tree protection measures required to ensure that the remaining trees are unaffected by the proposal.

3.2 Furthermore to clarify the conditions are to read as follows:-

Condition 13 to read thirteen trees, not three.

Additional condition to add:-

·  Prior to the commencement of development, details of a secure mobility parking facilities shall be submitted to and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, implemented in accordance with agreed details and thereafter retained.


In order to secure the provisions of the transportation needs of the residents.

3.3  The applicant has provided additional plans which illustrate the existing and proposed finished floor levels of the site.

3.4  The applicant has submitted supporting information with regards to the function of the plant room. The agent states that ‘the plant room is intended to accommodate boiler appliances and controls, and will be contained within cavity walls with solid core access doorway and insulated roof. The boilers will be balance flue gas fired appliances, with flues directed to the rear garden, and clear of the boundary fencing. As modern appliances, these will operate with very high degree of efficiency and without any obvious acoustic emissions, in which circumstances no adverse environmental impact will be introduced’.



Contact Officer:

Clare Dick, Planning Officer

Tel: 01202 633317


Item No: 5

Case Officer: Ms C M Dick

Site: 6, 8 & 10 St Peters Road, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0PA

Application No: 05/05300/002/F

Date Received: 16th September 2005

Agent: Canford Cliffs Architects 28 Haven Road Canford Cliffs Poole Dorset BH13 7LP

Applicant: Mr R Annauth

Development: Demolish existing and erect a three storey building to provide residential care accommodation with associated parking provision. (Revised Scheme).

Ward: D 040 Parkstone

This application is brought before the Committee at the request of Councillor Ann Stribley because of neighbours concerns about over development.

Site Description

·  The application site is on the east side of St. Peters Road. No.s 6 and 10 are detached 2 storey houses.

·  No. 8 is a 2 / 3 storey building which is currently vacant (previously in commercial use). There is hardstanding to the front and rear.

·  To the rear of the application site on Charmouth Grove are 2 storey houses. No. 10a St Peters Road which is north of the application site is a house. To the south of the application site (4 St. Peters Road) planning approval has been granted for a 3 storey block of 14 flats (2nd floor is within the roofspace).

·  Opposite the site are 3 storey blocks of flats.

·  There are a number of TPO trees on the application site, in particular at the rear of the site and along the frontage with St. Peters Road.

Relevant Planning History

·  September 2005: application for demolition of Nos. 6 and 8, erect a 3 storey building to provide residential care accommodation was refused. No. 10 was to be used for service accommodation. The refusal related to the bulk, scale, mass and footprint (with particular reference to the east wing which protrudes into the rear of the site) resulting in a visually dominant and prominent form of development, which would be harmful to the character and appearance of the streetscene. The application was also refused because of the loss of trees along the frontage and to the rear of the property and the likelihood of compromising the future retention of important trees within the site.

Current Proposal

To demolish Nos 6, 8 and 10 St. Peters Road and erect a 54 bed residential care home with communal facilities. It is proposed that there will be a maximum of 15 staff at any time on the site. The building would be 3 storeys with the 2nd floor accommodated within the roofspace. There would be a 3 storey wing (east wing), which would protrude 12m into the site, at the rear. A total of sixteen (2 disabled) parking spaces would be provided to the front of the building.


Neighbours were notified and a site notice was posted. 13 letters of objection have been received. The main objections are as follows:-

·  The development is within the ‘Ashley Cross Conservation Area’

·  Out of keeping with residential properties in St. Peters Road

·  Over development

·  Concerns with the bulk, scale, massing, footprint, height

·  Loss of privacy and overlooking

·  Lack of on site parking provision

·  The type of replacement trees and hedges have not been specified

·  The area is historically known for its springs and waterlogged ground, has this been taken into account?

·  Overshadowing the rear gardens of Charmouth Grove

·  Noise pollution from staff change shifts

·  The proposed development is sited close to established mature trees- residents of the proposed development may ask for their future removal

·  Lack of sufficient turning space for delivery vehicles within the development

The Head of Transportation Services – no objection subject to conditions

Arboricultural Officer– no objection

Head of Social Services – supports the application

Wessex Water – no objection subject to informative.

Relevant Planning Policy

BE1 - (Design)

NE27 - (Tree Preservation Orders)

T13 - (Parking)

H32 - (Rest Homes and Nursing Homes)

Planning Considerations

The principal considerations concern the principle of development, the impact of the development on the character/appearance of the area, impact on neighbouring amenity, implications for important trees and highway safety issues.

Principle of Development

·  Adult Social Services have stated that there is a need for this type of accommodation within this part of the Borough.

·  The proposed development complies with policy H32 of the Poole Local Plan.

Impact on Character/Appearance of the Area

·  The site is outside the Ashley Cross Conservation Area.

·  The character of St. Peters Road is of large buildings set within large plots. Several of the buildings within St. Peters Road, including part of the application site (No. 8) are characterised by frontage hardstandings.

·  The architect has staggered the footprint of the north, main and south block and the links between the buildings, to reduce the impact of the building within the streetscene.

·  The eaves and ridge height of the proposed north block has been designed so that it is in character with the neighbouring property No. 10a St. Peters Road.

·  The bulk, scale and mass of the east wing, has been considerably reduced relative to the previous proposals

·  The proposed bulk, scale, mass and footprint of the proposed development will not be materially harmful to the character and appearance of the streetscene and wider area.

Neighbouring Privacy and Amenity

·  The proposed development has been designed to minimise the impact upon the neighbours. Whilst there are windows proposed in the north elevation of the north block and the south elevation of the south block at first and second floor level (within the roof space), the windows serve landings and en-suite WC’s. A condition can be attached ensuring that these windows are obscure glazed and that the roof lights have a minimum cill height of 1.8m to negate overlooking and loss of privacy to the neighbouring properties.

·  The proposed windows serving the living accommodation at first and second floor level on the rear elevation are 32.5m from the rear windows of properties on Charmouth Grove, which is an acceptable separation distance to deal with overlooking from the habitable accommodation.

·  With regards to the east wing, it is proposed that there will be windows and rooflights serving the lounge/dining area at first and second floor level to the north, east and south elevation. The distance from the north elevation to the boundary with 10a St. Peters Road is 18m which is an acceptable distance to the boundary of the site. The proposed windows on the east elevation will be 18m from the rear windows of properties on Charmouth Grove. A condition can be attached ensuring that these secondary windows are obscure glazed and the cill height of the rooflights is at 1.8m high to negate overlooking and loss of privacy of the neighbouring properties.

·  The proposed footprint, resultant bulk, scale and mass of the development would not be harmful to the amenities of the occupants of the neighbouring properties.


·  The arboricultural officer is happy that this current scheme overcomes the previous reasons for refusal. The submitted Arboricultural Method Statement is acceptable.


·  Sixteen spaces (2 disabled) are shown for the proposed development. No objection has been raised with regards to the two accesses provided for the site. Adequate visibility splays have been provided.

Human Rights Act

In coming to this recommendation/decision consideration has been given to the rights set out in Article 8 (Right to Privacy) and Article 1 of the First Protocol (Right to Peaceful Enjoyment of Possessions) of the European Convention on Human Rights.



Subject to the following conditions

1 - GN150 (Detailed Permission - Time Expiry 3 Years (Standard))

The development to which this permission relates shall be begun not later than the expiration of three years beginning with the date of this permission.

Reason -

This condition is required to be imposed by the provisions of Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and amended by Section 51(1) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.

2 - GN020 (Screen Fencing/Walling - Submission of Details Required)

No development shall take place until details/a plan indicating the positions, design, materials and type of boundary treatment to be erected has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The boundary treatment shall be completed before before the buildings is occupied. Development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, maintained for a period of five years and thereafter retained.

Reason -

In the interests of amenity and privacy and in accordance with Policy NE28 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

3 - GN030 (Sample of Materials - Submission of Details Required)

Details and samples of all external facing, roofing and surfacing materials to be used shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority before any on-site works commence. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved details.

Reason -

To ensure that the external appearance of the building is satisfactory and in accordance with Policy BE1 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

4 - GN090 (Obscure Glazing of Window(s))

Both in the first instance and upon all subsequent occasions, the windows coloured GREEN on the approved plan on the north and south elevations and the east elevation of the east wing shall be glazed with obscured glass in a form sufficient to prevent external views and shall either be a fixed light or hung in such a way as to prevent the effect of obscure glazing being negated by reason of opening.

Reason -

To protect the amenity and privacy of the adjoining properties and in accordance with Policy H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

5 - HW100 (Parking/Turning Provision)

The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the access, turning space, vehicle parking and cycle parking shown on the approved plan have been constructed, and these shall thereafter be retained and kept available for those purposes at all times.

Reason -

In the interests of highway safety and in accordance with Policy H13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

6 - HW110 (Cycle Provision)

Prior to the commencement of development, details of secure cycle parking facilities shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority, implemented in accordance with the agreed details and thereafter retained.

Reason -

In order to secure the provisions of appropriate facilities for cyclists and in accordance with Policy T13 of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted 2004).

7 - HW200 (Provision of Visibility Splays)

Before the development hereby permitted is brought into use and notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 or any subsequent re-enactment thereof, the land designated as visibility splays as indicated on the approved plans shall be cleared of all obstructions over 0.6 metres above the level of the adjoining highway, including the reduction in level of the land if necessary, and nothing over that height shall be permitted to remain, be placed, built, planted or grown on the land so designated at any time.