SECTION ONE DETAILS OF POST (To be finalised on Appointment)

Name off office holder / TBC ON APPOINTMENT
Role title (as on license) / Rector
Name of benefice / Bourton on the Water with Clapton and The Rissingtons
Deanery / North Cotswolds
Archdeaconry / Cheltenham


To work in the power and grace of the Holy Spirit, with the Bishop and other colleagues, in the ministry of word and sacrament exercising the cure of souls in this benefice.
To have regard to the developing diocesan vision ‘LIFE’ process, centred around Jesus’ offer of life to the full (John 10: 10)
To ensure the highest protection of children and vulnerable adults in accordance with the diocese’s protocols and safeguarding arrangements.


v  To maintain a discipline of prayer and study to be firmly rooted in Christ.
v  To preach and teach the faith to build up the body of Christ in the parishes.
v  To be a visible sign of Christ’s presence in the wider community including the schools and amongst the tourist industry
v  To exercise a ministry of pastoral care working in partnership with colleagues, retired clergy and the laity.
v  To engage positively and creatively with the ecumenical CURVE project for Upper Rissington
v  To exercise leadership in nurturing a culture of mission and outreach, seeking to draw people of all ages and backgrounds – including children and young people – into a living encounter with the risen Christ.
v  To nurture discipleship within the church communities.
v  To contribute to the wider life of the Deanery and Diocese.


v  The Churchwardens
v  The Revd Christopher Etherton (House for Duty Associate Priest)
v  The Revd Michelle Porter- Babbage (Title Curate – currently final year)
v  Mr Alan Robinson (Reader)
v  PCC and other lay leaders
v  Other community leaders
v  Shopkeepers, local businesses, schools, pubs
v  Tourists
v  The Area Dean
v  Archdeacon of Cheltenham
v  Diocesan Human Resources Manager

SECTION FOUR Role Context and any other relevant information

This document should be read in conjunction with the benefice profile and Bishop’s letter.


Parish/Benefice Name : Bourton on the Water with Clapton and The Rissingtons
Patron: The Board of Patronage, The Lord Chancellor, Wadham College Oxford, R Wingfield (by turns)
Number of PCCs: 4
Church Buildings: 5
Population: c4000+
Usual Sunday Attendance: See Profile
Parish share 2017: £73,344 (Anticipated to rise to >80k in 2018)
Church tradition: Traditional Rural including BCP, Central / Traditional through to more Open Evangelical especially at Bourton
Any major building projects: Re-ordering at Bourton recently completed
Ecumenical Partnerships: CURVE at Upper Rissington
Church Sharing Agreements: None

SECTION SIX – at the time of drafting/reviewing this Roles and Responsibilities Document, what are the office holders’ key objectives within the next Episcopal/Ministerial Review/other review or process - or if this is an new appointment please give one or two key examples of objectives that may be discussed at appointment selection stages/in the first few terms in office

These are initial objectives for the first six months and will be reviewed and reset after six months with a member of the Senior Staff.
v  To build good working relationships with the congregations, the community and the team.
v  To gain the confidence of the congregations continuing to build the ministry of the whole people of God.
v  To build upon relationships with schools and younger families, to seek to draw younger people into the church congregations whilst valuing all age groups.
v  To continue to address issues of stewardship to seek to increase generosity and contribution to the costs of ministry locally and in more deprived areas of the Diocese.
v  To identify objectives for the substantive exercise of this ministry in the years to come.

SECTION SEVEN – is there anything further or additional information that would be useful here for the office holder? (or go to section eight)


Date of agreement of this Roles and Responsibilities document / On appointment
Signed by Incumbent (if appropriate)
Signed by Archdeacon

The current copy of this document should be held with the office holder and on file in the Bishop’s Office.