HSDO Process Description for Appointing AST/OTS in FASA
Following is a summary of the steps to follow as of [FASA implementation date to be determined]:
- Department/Program originator creates a newFASA transaction with a draft offer letter (see ** below) and a current Curriculum Vitale(C.V.) attached at:
- Department/Program originator forwards FASA Form to 1)Chair/Director 2) April Jackson for approval.
- Once approved by the Chair/Director and HSDO, H&S Faculty Affairs notifies department that the FASA Form and draft letter have been approved and that FA will hold the FASA Form until we receive a copy of the countersigned final offer letter.
- The Department/Program then:
- Prepares and sends final version of offer letter to the candidate.
- Receives countersigned offer letter from the candidate.
- Sends copy of countersigned offer letter to Faculty Affairs.
and, at the same time:
- Obtains the candidate’s signature on the Academic Staff Consent Form for the background check.
- Completes Background Check Request Form and submits it to the HR Service Center (NOTE: As of 6/1/2014, all Academic Staff—Teaching and Other Teaching Titles appointees must be “background checked.” )
- Faculty Affairsroutes theFASA Form to HR Service Center for PeopleSoft entry. Please note that the requirement that we have the countersigned letter in hand could mean a delay in PeopleSoft/Payroll processing since the FASA Form will not be sent to the HR Service Center until the countersigned letter is in hand in Bldg. 1.
- The HR Service Center obtains the background check and notifies the Department/Program when received.
- The Department/Program maintains a record of the approved background check.
- The Department Program maintains complete records of all FASA Forms appointments. After all approvals please print the FASA Form by checking View Summary and printing the form.
** Use of approved template offer letters is required for both paid and unpaid AST/OTS appointments, effective October 1, 2012. All letters must be countersigned by the individuals being appointed, acknowledging receipt of information about the specific position as well as obligations they will carry as Stanford employees. HSDO Faculty Affairs must have the countersigned letters in the HSDO beforeFASA Forms are routed to the HR Service Center for PeopleSoft entry.Future reappointments of individuals who have countersigned letters on file won't require a second countersigned letter although they will require offer letters. Consult Tina Kass with any questions about the reappointment letter template.
Y:\Faculty Affairs\Faculty Affairs Staff\Procedures--HSDO Faculty Affairs\T-FORM PROCESS\H&S Process for Appointing AST-OTT as of 5-1-2017 EXTERNAL .doc
Effective 5/1/2017