1. Revised list of what the Council is already doing
  2. Action Plan

Supporting Information Item A - Revised list of what the Council is already doing


The Positive Ageing Strategy was adopted in November 2011, with the goal to provide for a district where older people are:

  • supported to age positively
  • encouraged to participate
  • valued and acknowledged for their contribution to society.

The Positive Ageing Strategy identifies four objective areas ('strategies') which are, to promote:

  1. ageing in place
  2. inclusive approaches
  3. recreation and leisure opportunities
  4. community participation.

The Positive Ageing Strategy outlines what the Council is already doing in the space of each 'strategy', and also further opportunities.

A light review has been undertaken of the items that Council said it was already doing, to check currency and validity. The following assessment provides a brief update to items noted in the Positive Ageing Strategy, as at November 2012, noting any major changes. This light review has not incorporated a complete organisational scan of other items that the Council is already doing that may not appear on this list. This list will be reviewed annually, with the next review being more comprehensive.

What the Council is already doing

No. / Council Activity / PAS Strategy # / Sub heading / Item / Update as at November 2012
Social Development / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Lease land for pensioner housing at no/minimal cost. / Current and on-going.
Social Development / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Provide loans for pensioner housing. / Loans have been provided in the past. This is considered on a case by case basis.
Social Development, Finance, Communications / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Provide information on and administer rates rebates for low-income households. / Current and on-going.
Finance, Communications / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Provideinformation on and administer a rates postponement scheme for older people. / Current and on-going.
Strategic Planning / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Work with Iwi to identify appropriate areas for papakaainga housing. / Identification has been undertaken as part of the Coromandel Peninsula Blueprint project. The draft District Plan provides a framework for Māori land. The District Plan gives effect to the Regional Policy Statement and the Blueprint, which outlines the requirement for papakaainga housing. Further developments are expected in this area after the Hauraki Treaty Settlements.
Building Control / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Regulate building quality through the building control activity. / Current and on-going.
Landuse Planning / Strategy 1 / Supporting suitable housing for the aged / Provide for a range of housing options in land-use regulations. / Current and on-going.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Provide safe footpaths including management of vegetation which obstructs footpaths and notifying property owners where relevant. / Current and on-going.
Footpaths are provided with cross-fall (slope) and width compliant with specifications under the Council's Code of Practice for Subdivision and Development. When/where work is required this is undertaken as part of Council's footpath maintenance and replacement programmes.
Regular inspections of vegetation by footpaths are undertaken and issues are addressed that are identified either via inspection or reported through a Request for Service (managed via consultant).
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Inspect footpath faults (where there is a difference in level of at least 10mm), and fix them within one month. Often it is unaffordable to fix one problem within a quick timeframe so faults may be fixed as a package as soon as is practicable. / Current and on-going.
Regular condition assessments are undertaken on Council managed footpaths. When faults are identified either via the biennial footpath rating surveys or reported via a Request for Service, remedial work is programmed and completed based on intervention criteria and response time specified within the road maintenance contract. Response times range from 48 hours to two months depending on the severity of the fault.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Ensure safe town centres. / Current and on-going.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Provide safe crossing areas through pedestrian crossings and refuges on busy roads. / Current and on-going.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Investigate and determining appropriate action when problems with mobility scooters and wheelchairs getting from footpaths to roads are identified. / The Council is replacing footpath to road kerbs as part of Council's Footpath Replacement Programme. Kerbs are being addressed as the applicable section is due for replacement.
Specific problems are generally notified through the Request for Service (RFS) system, however the Disability Strategy provides for accessibility audits to identify such issues.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Provide mobility scooter training. / This service has been provided in the past. Feasibility to continue this service is currently being discussed between the Council and Sport Waikato.
Local Transportation / Strategy 1
Strategy 2 / Helping the aged get around
Contracting other agencies to contribute to positive ageing / Contribute funding support with other agencies to provide a low cost option assisting people throughout the district to attend appointments at Thames and Waikato hospitals. / The funding in the past has supported a coordinator role to coordinate trips with transport operators.
The funding for the coordinator role has been on hold since August 2012 due to the scheme not delivering the intended results (i.e. improve non-attendance rates at appointments). How available budget is spent in future is currently under review pending results of an investigation by Waikato Regional Council.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Keepreserves as physically barrier free as possible e.g. keeping bollards to a minimum. / Current and on-going, as the natural terrain allows.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Identify where new or replacement seating is best placed when developing reserve management plans. Staff also consider new seating as gaps arise or are made known to them. / Current and on-going. Dates for review of reserve management plans are currently being discussed.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Provide ergonomically designed new or replacement seating in parks, that are fit for purpose. / Current and on-going. The design of seats are considered as opportunities arise.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 1 / Helping the aged get around / Provide for reserve management groups in most communities and invite nominations for community representatives. / Current and on-going.
Community Centres and Halls / Strategy 1 / Providing spaces for the aged to get together / Provide meeting spaces to congregate and undertake activities. / Current and on-going.
Community Health and Safety / Strategy 1 / Helping keep people safe in public / Enforce against public nuisances (e.g. dogs, consumption of liquor in public places). / Current and on-going.
Social Development (local) / Strategy 1 / Helping keep people safe in public / Supportcommunity night patrols in some areas. / Current and on-going.
Community Health and Safety / Strategy 1 / Helping keep people safe in public / Restrict use of alternative transportation means on town centre footpaths e.g. cycling, skateboards but not mobility scooters. / Current and on-going.
Emergency Management / Strategy 1 / Helping keep people safe in public / Provide emergency response planning for the vulnerable and immobile members of the community (including the infirm elderly) through utilising a buddy system in the event of a significant tsunami event striking the Coromandel Peninsula's east coast (developed in Whitianga to date and to be applied to other east coast communities). / The Civil Defence team is undertaking work to provide better support to high risk groups (including the elderly) in emergencies. This includes providing an integrated welfare response and community evacuation processes, and developing a communications plan.
Emergency Management / Strategy 1 / Helping keep people safe in public / Frequently meet with aged representative groups and attend events to educate and disseminate information on planning for an emergency. / Attendance by Council staff at such meetings has not been well resourced. This will be reconsidered in forward work programmes.
Strategic Planning / Strategy 1 / Trying to keep rates affordable / Set and apply rates limits while not compromising on good outcomes for the Peninsula. / Current and on-going.
Strategic Planning / Strategy 1 / Promoting efficient service provision / Concentrate development in three urban hubs to enable prioritisation of services and facilities, and help gain a critical mass. / Current and on-going.
Economic Development / Strategy 1 / Promoting efficient service provision / Support the Labour Market Forum to overcome skill shortages in the District. / Support is currently given through both staff and elected member representation at these meetings. The Labour Market Forum is currently considering reviewing its purpose.
Social Development / Strategy 2 / Contracting other agencies to contribute to positive ageing / Work with Community Waikato to strengthen social service networks and advisory services, to participate in the Agewise and positive ageing strategy networks. / Current, but under review.
Social Development / Strategy 2
Strategy 3 / Contracting other agencies to contribute to positive ageing
Supporting initiatives that promote the aged staying active / Work with Sport Waikato who promote the 'upright and active' programme and activities to celebrate the International Day of the Older Person. / Current, but under review.
Social Development / Strategy 2 / Empowering community groups to contribute to positive ageing / Make local community grants available for community initiatives. / Current and on-going.
Economic Development / Strategy 2 / Advocating for initiatives to meet older peoples’ needs / Improve energy, broadband and technology in rural areas to help overcome remote isolation. / Current and on-going.
Strategic Planning & Economic Development / Strategy 2 / Working with other partner agencies to plan for the future of our communities including the aged / Work with other partner agencies, encourage the management of growth and development on the Peninsula, and recognise the need for co-location of services and facilities (including for the aged) within three main urban hubs. / Current and on-going.
Strategic Planning / Strategy 2 / Helping other agencies get results / Disseminate information on demographic trends and community issues to various service providers, to help advocate for older persons issues. / Current and on-going (as in information is made available).
Social Development / Strategy 3 / Supporting initiatives that promote the aged staying active / Provide funding support to Sport Waikato to provide "upright and active" walking and exercise opportunities for older people. / Current, but under review.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities and programmes so that the aged can keep active / Provide neighbourhood parks and walkways so that people can stay active. / Current and on-going.
Swimming Pools / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities and programmes so that the aged can keep active / Provide 'seniorsize' classes (low impact aquarobics) twice a week for older people at the Thames Centennial Pool. / Current and on-going.
Swimming Pools / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities and programmes so that the aged can keep active / Provide discounted entry options to the Thames Centennial Pool for older persons. / Current and on-going.
Swimming Pools / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities and programmes so that the aged can keep active / Provide a chair lift for unsteady or disabled persons to enter the swimming pool at Thames Centennial Pool. / Current and on-going.
Swimming Pool / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities and programmes so that the aged can keep active / Support the 'green prescription' scheme by providing free entry to older people referred by their doctor or physiotherapist to undertake swimming or lane walking exercises. / Current and on-going.
Libraries / Strategy 3 / Providing access to a wide range of leisure reading material / Provide access to a wide range of leisure reading material including fiction and non-fiction books, large print, e-books, audio books and newspapers as well as CDs and DVDs at community libraries. / Current and on-going.
Libraries / Strategy 3 / Providing access to a wide range of leisure reading material / Provide library deliveries to people who are house-bound. / Current and on-going. This service is currently provided in Thames and Mercury Bay.
Libraries / Strategy 3
Strategy 4 / Providing free internet access
Providing free access to online community resources / Provide free internet access at district libraries. / Current and on-going. This service is currently provided at the three district libraries.
Community Centres and Halls / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities that can be used for leisure purposes / Provide discounted use of the council owned halls and civic centres for use by community groups. / Current and on-going.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities that can be used for leisure purposes / Consideropportunities to make parks and reserves more age-friendly when they are being upgraded such as providing picnic tables accessible to wheel chairs, mobility scooters and other mobility devices. / Current and on-going. Accessibility is being considered as part of the Disability Strategy.
Parks and Reserves / Strategy 3 / Providing facilities that can be used for leisure purposes / Provide for reserve management groups in most communities and invite nominations for community representatives. / Current and on-going.
Various (including Libraries, Emergency Management, Parks and Reserves) / Strategy 4 / Recognising the valuable role of volunteers including older volunteers / Seek contribution from older people regarding their knowledge, experience and labour in various ways such as volunteering at libraries, on civil defence and fire force groups and helping maintain reserves. / Current and on-going.
District Leadership / Strategy 4 / Recognising the valuable role of volunteers including older volunteers / Recognise the contribution made to the district by supporting Community Services Awards. / Current and on-going.
Libraries / Strategy 4 / Providing free access to online community resources / Provide free internet access at district libraries. / Current and on-going.
Communications / Strategy 4 / Making it easier for people to hear from and provide feedback to the Council / Cater the Council website to all age groups (it is compatible with e-government requirements). / Current and on-going.
Communications / Strategy 4 / Making it easier for people to hear from and provide feedback to the Council / Take major consultation initiatives out to communities and marae so that people don't have to travel far to participate. / Current and on-going.
Communications / Strategy 4 / Making it easier for people to hear from and provide feedback to the Council / Make more use of the internet to keep costs low and access wide, whilst recognising that not all of the aged have access yet. / Current and on-going.
Various (including libraries, halls, pools) / Strategy 4 / Providing community spaces / Providesafe community spaces for older persons to meet and participate in activities and events (libraries, halls, pools, civic centre). / Current and on-going.
Human Resources / Strategy 4 / Adopting an equal opportunities employment policy / Ensure that people considering employment options at the Council are not discriminated against because of their age. / Current and on-going.

Supporting Information Item B - Action Plan


The Positive Ageing Strategy was adopted in November 2011, with the goal to provide for a district where older people are:

  • supported to age positively
  • encouraged to participate
  • valued and acknowledged for their contribution to society.

The Positive Ageing Strategy identifies four areas of focus (strategies) which are, to promote:

  1. ageing in place
  2. inclusive approaches
  3. recreation and leisure opportunities
  4. community participation.

The Positive Ageing Strategy outlines what the Council is already doing in the space of each area of focus (strategies), and also further opportunities.

A review has been undertaken of the items outlined in the Positive Ageing Strategy, to assess their currency and feasibility considering organisational changes post adoption, and alignment with actions in the recently adopted Disability Strategy (adopted November 2012). There is a reasonable amount of cross-over between the Positive Ageing Strategy and Disability Strategy. As such, the review has considered whether there are opportunities for actions to have combined implementation and where this is possible it is noted.

As a result of this review, an action list has been compiled regarding opportunities further to actions that are already happening in support of older people ageing positively in the Thames-Coromandel. The action plan is outline below and identifies actions by Council activity, reference to and alignment with the Disability Strategy, and resource implications and proposed timeframes for implementation.

This should be read in conjunction with the Disability Strategy Action Plan.

Action Plan

No. / Council Activity / Action / PAS reference # / Opportunities for alignment with Disability Strategy (DS) actions / Resource Implication(s) for Council / Proposed Timeframes
Communications / Assist in changing attitudes towards older people through increasing diversity in imagery and using positive images of older people in Council's communications outputs. / 4.1 / Combine with exercise to obtain positive images of disabled people
(DS #57). / Engage a professional photographer - focus would be larger than images of older people.
Yet to be costed. / As opportunities arise and on-going