Hazard Identification

School ...... Visit To: PalaceGreen WHS Durham

List significant hazards which may result in serious harm or affect several people. / Who may be affected? / Risk rating
H/M/L / Control measure
List existing controls or note where this information may be found. / Further action
List the risks which are not adequately controlled and proposed action where it is reasonable practicable to do so. / Is risk adequately controlled?
Narrow paths
Owengate and Dun Cow Lane are narrow streets
Footpaths on the North and South Baileys are narrow / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit.
Bollards present on North Bailey path. / Suggest walking in pairs along narrow roads with adequate adult supervision. / Y
Uneven surfaces and cobbling on many of the roads and pathways, Dun Cow Lane, Owengate and South Bailey. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Preliminary visit suggested.
Recommend walking carefully and slowly on cobbled areas.
Groups with disabled members may be affected. / Y
Loose paving
Some paving slabs lifted on North Bailey path. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Group leaders to be aware of these areas and take extra care when guiding pupils. / Y
Coal chute covers
Metal covers for coal chute are present on some houses along North and South Bailey, these will be heavy and may be sharp or loose. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Coal chute covers should not be touched or lifted by any member of the party.
Pupils should be observed carefully. / Y
Irregular traffic such as buses and cars travelling along North and South Baileys and around Palace Green via Owengate and Dun Cow Lane. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / H / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Group leaders to be aware of traffic.
Supervise pupils closely, ensure that where possible paths are used for walking and to stop along the trail. Caution when crossing roads. / Y
Inclines and Slopes
Regular steep inclines and slopes on Dun Cow Lane and Owengate and along North and South Baileys. Steps behind Cathedral (from river) / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit.
Handrails on steps leading to Cathedral from river path. / Preliminary visit suggested.
Recommend extreme care on steep slopes, supervise pupils closely.
Groups with disabled members may be affected. / Y
The World Heritage Site, Palace Green, River path and Baileys are used regularly by visitors and students. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / L / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Group leaders to supervise pupils when walking.
Ensure pupils walk in pairs, caution when stopping along trail, be aware of other path users. / Y
Entrances to buildings
If visiting Cathedral, Castle, Churches or Visitors centre be aware of heavy doors and steps at entrances. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / M / All members of party to be informed prior to visit.
Handrails present on most staircases. / Group leaders to open heavy doors.
Supervise children on steps and though doorways. Avoid pushing, children to enter buildings one at a time. / Y
River Path
Unpaved public footpath along river, overhanging trees present, may be slippery when wet and could contain tripping hazards, occasionally used by cyclists and dog walkers. / Staff, Adult helpers and Pupils / H / All members of party to be informed prior to visit. / Groups to be closely supervised.
Children to be warned about trip hazards and should not touch dogs or any other animals seen. / Y