Year: Reception Term: Summer Date:20/04/2009
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Dispositions & Attitudes /
  • Self confidence and self esteem
  • Self care
/ Self initiated learning
News time
Circle time
PE sessions
Preparing for lunch / Can you tell me about what you are doing?
Can you tell me about what you have learnt.
Would you do anything differently?
How will you get ready for PE and lunch /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Circle time props
Social Development /
  • Plays alongside others / builds good relationships
  • Sense of community
  • Respecting others and own views/cultures/ beliefs
/ Circle time
Discussions about the parcel of honey and letter from Barry Benson
Voting for recipe to try / Tell me about … your holiday, birthday, news?
How did you work together? /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Circle time props
Topic props
Emotional Development /
  • Behaviour
  • Consequences of actions
  • Expresses needs appropriately
/ Care of honey – sharing of cooking ingredients and jars for labelling
Self-initiated activities
PE - changing / What is it?
Where did it come from?
What should we do with it?
How will you get ready for PE and lunch /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Role-play
Jars, honey
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Scientific – Exploration & Investigation /
  • Shows curiosity and interest in the features of objects and living things
  • Shows interest in why things work
  • Observes and similarities ad differences and asks questions abut why things happen
  • Explores using their senses
  • Finding the letter and parcel
  • Exploring and investigating the new area and the lab.
  • Self initiated activities
  • Challenge of the week in Lab Area
  • Honey tasting from around the world
/ Who’s it from?
What do the different honeys taste like? Why do they taste different? Which countries do they come from?
Where does honey come from (bees)? What else comes from bees? /
  • Adults to show be example and to use LSA to support
  • Children to model and extend and share ideas.
  • Through intervention and questioning
  • Support children who need help with tools and with sharing.
  • Encourage children to complete, helping those who have difficulties
/ Topic role-play props, honey, camera, books, computers, cooking, ingredients, magnifying glasses, writing materials
Sense of time /
  • Can differentiate between past and present
  • Discussions, sharing of experiences of when they have had or experienced honey in the past and in what
/ When did parcel arrive?
When have you had honey? What do you remember about it?
Do you like it?
When, where, how, past, /
  • Encourage children to join in.
Through questioning their understanding of what they have experienced. / Camera, topic books, honey, parcel and letter
  • Knows how to use keyboard and mouse
  • Can operate and access simple programs Finding out about different types of bees in different places in the world
  • Class lab for research about honey – what clues can they find on the links provided?
  • Construct a bee on-line educational web-page.
/ How will choose a programme?
What will you need to do?
How can we use the computer to find out information?
Computer, mouse, keyboard, on, off, click, drag,
How ill you make it? Do you know where parts should be? /
  • Pair with mixed levels for extension of skills f Adults to model and to support where needed. To encourage the sharing of ideas for less able
  • In pairs with adult to support and help save and print
/ Computers, programmes, web page
Sense of Place /
  • Shows and interest in the world they live
  • Comment and ask questions about where they live and the natural world
  • Whole class discussions – concerning visit, bees their roles, names
  • Circle time
  • Self initiated activities
  • Finding out about different types of bees in different places in the world
  • Bee picnic – looking for bees
/ Where can we look to find bees? Why? Where can we go? Can you spot a bee? What other bees did you find out about? What are they like? Same? Different?
Garden, bees, flowers, nests, hives, park, /
  • Through intervention and questioning
  • Encourage children to join in.
  • Involve parents to come on picnic
/ Magnifyingglass, park/garden, camera, recording materials
Construction /
  • To construct in a purposeful way using a variety of resources
  • Use simple tools and techniques
  • Contructing bee sticks
  • Cutting and sticking 2D bee
  • Antenna construction
/ Tell me about your model? How would you change your work? What do you like about your model?
What will you need to join with? What can you do to support other? Share knowledge?
Build, balance, fix, build, make, join, stick /
  • Make sure children have all materials needed, encourage independence and ideas for pieces of work. And collaborative work.
  • Show and discuss examples of work
/ Construction toys, collage media, sticking area, creative area outside
Communities /
  • Begins to know about own and others culture and beliefs.
  • Communicates freely about home and about significant personal events
  • Circle time
  • Discussions concerning their research on finding out about different types of bees in different places in the world
  • Their experiences of bees at home and stories from their families
/ Tell me about…?
Family members, special occasions – birthdays, etc, /
  • Encourage children to join in.
  • Through questioning their understanding of what they have experienced
/ Honey, circle time props.
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Movement and Space /
  • Develops gross motor by exploring ways to travel, climb on the climbing equipment and risk assesses for themselves
  • Spatial awareness
  • PE sessions
  • Physical Area in outdoor area
  • Busy Bee games
  • Dance – working from now onthe ‘Dance of the bumble bee’ – for our end fab finish -
/ How will you move around safely?
Tell me about what you are doing?
How will you move to the music? Can you find a space?
What does this muic make you feel? How could you move? How would a bee move? Can you Wag? What does this mean
Vocab – ‘can you…?’ , dance, waggin, swarm, bees, fly, fast, slow, growth, growing, flowers, pollen, carry, ‘’move like..’, names of equip, balance, under, over, behind, over, side, jump, hop, skip, run, space, move, slow, fast, stretching, sliding, forwards, backwards, crouch, spin. / Outdoor equipment to be changed Weekly so that children can learn different ways in approaching the apparatus and bikes/scooters. Adult to support less able.
Asking children to show and share ideas with others / Hall, playground.
Bikes, climbing Equip. balancing beams, tyres, hoops, bean bags, balls, scarves, dance CD and props for dance.
Health and Bodily Awareness /
  • Shows some understanding that good practises such as regular exercise and healthy eating, sleep and hygiene can contribute to good health
  • Exploring honey.
  • Continue to make sure children wash hands after the toilet and before lunch regardless of whether they have been to the toilet.
  • Snack time
  • P.E sessions
/ Why is it important to exercise?
Why is it important to warm up?
How can we keep fit?
Why is it important to eat healthily?
Why do we need sleep?
Why do we was our hands? / Asking children to show and share ideas / experiences with others. To help and support each other where possible / Honey, fruit, milk, water, PE equipment.
Using Equipment and Materials /
  • Demonstrates hand and eye coordination
  • Develops fine motor skill in using simple tools and equipment
  • Self-initiated activities
  • Sticking and cutting area
  • Malleable table
  • Writing area
  • Focused activities for Lit & Num.
/ What will you need?
How will you use the scissors, paper, pencils, pastel, crayons? Can you tell me about your work? / With individuals, help them to hold and apply materials that will enable them to achieve result they want. / Scissors, pencils / writing materials and mark making materials, clay, dough, tape/joining materials
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity
(EYSP 4 themes) / Key Questions
Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Exploring colour, texture, shape and Space in 2 and 3D /
  • Tries to capture experiences using a variety of different media
  • Communicates experiences through different media
  • Exploring wax resist
  • Daily activities for children to explore painting, cutting and sticking and drawing and colouring
/ Experiment with the wax – what happens when you try to paint over it? Why?
What can you make? How will you make it? What will you need? How does it feel ? how can you create that texture/feeling? What can you see? Can you make that colour?
Cutting, sticking, twisting, joining, tearing, textures – rough, smooth, bumpy, flat, soft, light dark, shading, colour names, / Support children who need help with wax. Colours.
Make sure children have all materials needed, encourage independence and ideas for pieces of work. / Paints, coloured pencils, paper, scissors, glue, instruments colouring sheets.
Singing & music making /
  • Imitate and create movement in response to music
  • Sings simple songs from memory
  • Recognises changes in sound and sound patterns can match with playing an instrument or movements to music
  • Music and instrument free-play area
  • Isn’t funny how the bees love honey
  • Bears honey
  • Music with Miss Agis.
/ Can you sing along?
What are the words of this song?
How will you make a sound with your instrument?
How will you move to the music?
Can you copy a simple rhythm? Can you play your instrument quietly/loudly, fast and slowly?
Sing, song instrument names, listen, hear, repeat, tempo, music, dance, move / Support with joining in repeat for less able – support less confident by sitting with them. / song tapes, tape recorder, musical instruments, instrument and music-making areas.
Developing imagination & Imaginative Play /
  • Engage in imaginative role-play
  • Talks about what they are doing and can communicate modifications of their work
  • Exploring new role-play area. Explore scientist role and equipment/ books.
  • Discuss and communicate at whole class and group sessions about their work ideas
/ What if …?
Who are you?
Can you be a …?
Can you tell me …? / Through inspiration and stimulation
Through developing language and grammar, introduce new lang. where possible / Role play area, puppet/theatre area, Outdoor ‘imaginative’ area, book corner and writing area.

Year: Reception Term: Summer Date: 27/04/2009
Week: 2 & 3 - Bee Attack
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
& Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Dispositions & Attitudes /
  • Self confidence and self esteem
  • Self care
/ Self initiated learning
News time
Circle time
PE sessions
Preparing for lunch / Can you tell me about what you are doing?
Can you tell me about what you have learnt.
Would you do anything differently?
How will you get ready for PE and lunch /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Circle time props
Social Development /
  • Plays alongside others / builds good relationships
  • Sense of community
  • Respecting others and own views/cultures/ beliefs
/ Circle time
Discussions about the behaviour of the ‘Boss’ bee/ queen bee
Voting for recipe to try / Tell me about your holiday, birthday, news?
How did you work together?
– what are good attributes? /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Circle time props
Topic props
Emotional Development /
  • Behaviour
  • Consequences of actions
  • Expresses needs appropriately
/ Care of beehive – sharing of cooking ingredients and jars for pricing/ labelling
Bee visit – behaviour expectations
Self-initiated activities
PE - changing / Can you share all the ingredients? Can you take turns?
Show me good listening by…
How will you get ready for PE and lunch? /
  • Through intervention and questioning
/ Role-play
Jars, behive, cooking ingredients
Knowledge & Understanding of the World
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
& Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Scientific – Exploration & Investigation /
  • Shows curiosity and interest in the features of objects and living things
  • Shows interest in why things work
  • Observes and similarities ad differences and asks questions abut why things happen
  • Explores using their senses
  • Visiting and seeing bees at SussexUniversity
  • Exploring and using the light box as a giant microscope?
  • Self initiated activities
  • Challenge of the week in Lab Area – ICT can you colour a bee using the mouse to click on accurately?
  • Life cycle
  • Labelling body parts
  • Weekly cooking activity – honey biscuits(Lit)
  • Who lives in hive? Children to find out on visit
  • Continue free-play exploring wax
/ What will we see? What did you see? What did you like best about visit? What do you know now that you didn’t know before visit? How do you feel about the bee? What worried you or worries you?
Who lives in the hive? What is their name? their role?
What are the 4 stages of the life cycle? What is first, 2nd, ? Can you place them in order?
Can you label the bees body? Can you write the labels/ stick?
How do the honey balls change after cooking? What did they feel like, look like? Smell like?. o’s it from?
What do the different honeys taste like? Why do they taste different? Which countries do they come from?
What else comes from bees? /
  • Adults to show be example and to use LSA to support
  • Children to model and extend and share ideas.
  • Through intervention and questioning
  • Support children who need help with tools and with sharing.
  • Encourage children to complete, helping those who have difficulties
/ Topic role-play props, visit, DVD,, camera, books, computers, cooking, ingredients, magnifying glasses, writing materials, bee resources, word bank
Sense of time /
  • Can differentiate between past and present
  • Discussions, sharing of experiences of visit, how they felt, what they learnt? What do they want to learn next? How can we find out?
/ Where did we go? Why? What did you feel, like, learn what next? /
  • Encourage children to join in.
Through questioning their understanding of what they have experienced. / Camera, topic books, mini-bus, sussex uni
  • Knows how to use keyboard and mouse
  • Can operate and access simple programs
  • Appropriate use of mouse for online bee colouring on the links provided?
  • Circle time
/ How will choose a programme?
What will you need to do?
How can you use the mouse to make selections? Whats easy/hard?
Computer, mouse, keyboard, on, off, click, drag, /
  • Pair with mixed levels for extension of skills f Adults to model and to support where needed. To encourage the sharing of ideas for less able
/ Computers, programmes
Sense of Place /
  • Shows and interest in the world they live
  • Comment and ask questions about where they live and the natural world
  • Whole class discussions – where did we go? When? What did we see?
  • Circle time
  • Self initiated activities
  • Finding out where bees live in the world
/ Where has the parcel come from? Who sent it? What should we do to find out?
Garden, bees, flowers, nests, hives, park, /
  • Through intervention and questioning
  • Encourage children to join in.
/ Magnifying glass, honey, camera, recording materials
Construction /
  • To construct in a purposeful way using a variety of resources
  • Use simple tools and techniques
  • Helping in build a book corner – discussions about what we should and should not be doing in the book corner
  • Bee sticks
  • 2D bee shape construction
/ Tell me about your model? How would you change your work? What do you like about your model?
Build, balance, fix, build, make, join, stick /
  • Make sure children have all materials needed, encourage independence and ideas for pieces of work. And collaborative work
/ Construction toys, media
Communities /
  • Begins to know about own and others culture and beliefs.
  • Communicates freely about home and about significant personal events
  • Circle time
  • Discussions, sharing of experiences of when they have seen or experienced bees in the past and in what context
/ Tell me about…?
Family members, special occasions – birthdays, etc, /
  • Encourage children to join in.
  • Through questioning their understanding of what they have experienced
/ Honey, circle time props.
Area of learning / Learning objectives / Activity / Key Questions
& Vocabulary / Differentiation / Resources / assessment
Movement and Space /
  • Develops gross motor by exploring ways to travel, climb on the climbing equipment and risk assesses for themselves
  • Spatial awareness
  • PE sessions
  • Physical Area in outdoor area
  • Busy Bee games
  • Introduction to ‘The Flight of the Bumble Bee’ dance piece – explore speed of piece and being late/busy
/ how does the music make yu feel? Is it fast or slow? How will you move around safely?