Minutes of the Meeting of Bishops Clyst Parish Council
Held on Monday, 14th November 2016 at Clyst St Mary Primary School Hall (7.30 pm)
PRESENT: M Norman; S Perry (SP); D Axford (DA); M Fernbank; R Hatton; CScanes; C Trudgeon; C Fairburn;E Gibbons (EG)
Also present: Sixmembers of the public.
RESOLVED – 1 that the Minutes of the last meeting be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the chairman (circulated).
The Council noted the usual risks.No declarations.
1.Meeting arranged for Parishes Together Funding with Aylesbeare Parish Council; discussed under item 14.
- REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR None. Clerk to request monthly reports if Councillor not in attendance.
- REPORT FROM DISCTRICT COUNCILLOR HOWE – None. SH reported that the Winslade Park application will be submitted to the PC on cd – response date within 21 days. A public meeting will need to be arranged.
- REPORT FROM PCSO – None. Clerk to request monthly report.
- A member of the public, Peter Cain, reported on the Not Forgotten book sales; meeting to be arranged in the near future re further sales. Enquired as to whether the book sales could be advertised on the noticeboard – all agreed – further commented on the youth football team on the fencing required and the possible use of S106 money from Cavanna– further commented on a meeting with Peter Morrison re youth football and advised on grants available. He requested contact details from NN re his contact for the porter cabin.
- A member of the public,Gaeron Kayleigh, commented on the community assets register application of the Clyst Valley FC land. MN informed him that this matter is to be discussed under item 13.
- PLANNING – (Cllr Perry)
- 16/2405ful – 1 Grindle Way - Erection and retention of boundary fence to front, rear and side (up to 2m in height). No objections.
- 16/2303/ful - 65 Winslade Park Avenue Clyst St Mary - Proposed two storey side extension. No objections.
- 16/2625/ful- 56 Winslade Park Avenue - Single storey extension to south side of existing dwelling & two storey extension to the north side of the existing dwelling. No objections.
- 16/2550/ful- 1 Manor Cottages Clyst St Mary – retention of fence. No objections.
- Another other planning matters.
- 16/2651/ful – Shepherds Rest, erection of solar panels – No objections
- 16/2605/tre - 106 Clyst Valley Road – No objections.
5.3MN enquired as to the equipment needed for the public meeting of the Winslade Park application. SP reported the presentation may need to be held at the village school. CF enquired about the outline for the brownfield areas; provisional date for public meeting 8.00pm, 1 December 2016 at the Village Hall.
- DECISIONS FROM EDDC - 16/1354 – Tithe Barn Green – Approved; 16/1507– Sowton Place– Approved; 16/0714/ful - Westpoint Bridge House – Approved; 16/1750/TRE – T1 Oak - 30 Winslade Park– Approved;
- NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE (Cllr Hatton) –RH reported that the Neighbourhood Plan, with the amendments set out in the Inspector's Report has been approved by EDDC. We will now amend the plan to include the Inspector's comments and resubmit to EDDC for the Referendum arrangements to be put in place.
- Monthly transactions: considered and authorised, a schedule of expenditure. Proposed DA; Seconded CT – all agreed – resolved.
- Discussed dog bin outside Church - £95 + £200 annual maintenance. MN proposed that the need is now urgent – proposed CS; seconded SP – all agreed – resolved. CS requested we order more posters. CF reported on the dog fouling near her property. Clyst Valley News informed of new bins.
- Finance Committee meeting date – precept. Agreed Monday 21 November 2016, 2.30pm. DA reported on the new insurance legislation requesting changes in circumstances the insurance company must be notified.
- CLYST VALLEY FC/VILLAGE HALL – COMMUNITY ASSETS REGISTER–MN commented on the report he sent out to the Parish Council prior to the meeting; RH commented on his concerns re the conflicting views of the football club with the registration; MN confirmed the club can appeal any decision made; CT spoke about his views that the Parish Council are preserving an asset for future generations; SP commented on MN’s report and the financial implications to the Club if the registration goes ahead – MN confirmed his view and the banking association’s view that there should be no financial implications on the Club as he had outlined in his email to Councillors prior to the meeting – MN clarified the position further to the meeting before taking the vote – no further questions raised; MN proposed; DA seconded; voted in favour CT MN DA CS; against MF; Abstain SP; CF; RH– motion carried. MN reported that he had spoken with the Chairman of the Village Hall committee about the proposal of registering the Hall as a community asset;RH confirmed that he had no personal objections but the proposal had not yet been put to the Village Hall Committee and he would have to abstain from any decision in advance of the VH Committee's commentsProposed DA; seconded CT; in favour DA CS MN CF SP; abstain RH. – Motion carried to register the Village Hall. SP raised further concerns re the Clyst Valley FC registration but as the vote had already taken place there was nothing further to add.
- PARISHES TOGETHER FUNDING–Noted meeting with Jamie Buckley EDDC, Aylesbeare PC; Farringdon PC and Clyst Honiton PC on 4 November 2016 to discuss joint application – agreed to review needs and make a decision for the funding for 2017/2018. Bishops Clyst to apply for 2016/2017 before February 2017 amounting to £1,882.50. Helen Selby confirmed Lengthsman last visit May 2016 with a further visit November 2016. MN reported on the money we have to claim for this financial year which could be used for the Winslade Park ditch that needs to be cleared; quote to be provided; MN report on meeting already circulated to the Parish Council; CT reported he had been in contact with a councillor at Newton St Cyresto arrange a meeting to discuss how they utilise their Parishes Together Funding and will report back his comments after the meeting; DA reported on the future possibilities of joining with other parishes and sharing a lengthsman. Vote to apply for this year’s funding - proposed CT; seconded CS – all in favour.
- Noted; Email to John Hart re outstanding issues and also requesting immediate attention needed on the gullies on the A3052 and the shop; email to Highways re clearing of the footbridge; email from Highways confirming the gullies will not be repaired until the next financial year; email to Helen Selby making further enquiries re the gullies – reply received stating if the road becomes frozen DCC will take immediate action. MN reported on the road closure at the bottom of the village on 18th November 2016 – email from Highways already circulated.
- Any other highways matters.RH reported that the street lights on the footpath between Winslade Park Avenue and the A3052 are not working ; CT reported on the next Highways conference and invited others to attend; MN confirmed he may attend; CS made further enquiries about the possibility of double yellow lines on the corner of Frog Lane; illegally parked cars to be reported; DA enquired that we contact Wilkinson Grant re roundabout sponsorship; SP reported on residents parking on the grass verges and requested a polite notice go in Clyst Valley News asking residents to not park on the verges; he further reported on the slippery pavements; MN reported on the stats for parking tickets in the village; breakdown requested.
- CORRESPONDENCE – Noted - request received from Mary Gibbs re the selling of Not Forgotten books at the Heritage Shop - £6.50 (they keep £1.50) – PC agreed; broadband upgrade agreed; email to Rt Hon Sir Hugo Swire MP re Local Government Finance Settlement Technical Consultation – everyone in agreement; allotment 9a taken by Mr Perriam; email from TLU Contracts re Oil Mill Lane Road Closure – 6 February 2017 to 3 March 2017; abandoned vehicle in Manor Park reported. MN reported on Radio 4 Road Warden Scheme interview invitation; all voted in favour of MN being interviewed.
1.Clyst St Mary Village Hall –RH requested funding towards new heaters; due to their age they need replacing at a cost of £7,000 and requested assistance from the PC; DA confirmed finance committee to discuss at next meeting.
2.Sowton Village Hall Cllr Fernbank – MF put in request for funding for improvements for toilets and kitchen; exposing rafters in main hall; redecoration – figures to be drawn up in the near future.
3.Airport – Cllr Axford - next meeting 7th December 2016
4.Allotments – Cllr M Norman –MN reported on raising the rent – to be reviewed at the Finance Committee meeting.
5.Play Area/Field – Cllr Norman – none.
6.School Governor – Cllr Hatton – none.
7.Crealy liaison – Cllr Howe – none.
8.DALC – Cllr Trudgeon – CT reported on Health Watch email circulated to councillors and the state of care in Devon – invited councillors to attend next meeting; RH reported that the Village Hall are looking into the provision of an extension which could be a more comfortable meeting place for social care; clerk proposed setting up volunteer group; CF to lead research into community care and speak to her contacts about the needs locally; CT confirmed he attended Resilience Forum about emergency planning; he reported on the need to be clear on an emergency plan should anything happen; road closures; accidents; liaising with emergency services; rest centre allocation; more information requested.
9.Flood Action Group – Cllr Norman – none.
10.Any Other Reports – RH reported on the Biodiversity study and thanked Mike Fernbank for his work.
Monday, 12thDecember 2016– CLYST ST MARY PRIMARY SCHOOL HALLat 7.30pm