Present: Councillors Mr M R Lay, Mr T Lockley, Mrs M Bowler, Mr R Browning, Mrs E A Cook, Mr B Gannon, Mr P Johnson, Mrs A Lay, Mr B Walmsley and County Councillor - Mr D A Sprason.
1. Apologies Mrs J A Williams and Borough Councillor Mrs S Sprason
There were two member of the public present.
2. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: - Resolved – the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th January 14 were confirmed and signed by the chair.
3. POLICE REPORT: PCSO M Chapman attended the meeting as PCSO E Green had sent his apologies and had emailed the following report:
MARKFIELD CRIME FIGURES- 01/01/2014 TO 31/01/2014
Theft from motor vehicle x2
05/01/2014- Front and rear number plates were removed from a vehicle on Forest Rd by unknown persons.
Attempted burglary other than dwelling x1
30/01/2014- Entry was gained to a container on London Rd, items were removed and piled up ready to take but were not stolen. It was believed they were disturbed.
Theft x1
01/01/2014- Theft of fuel from Markfield services on Little Shaw Lane.
Mr M Lay asked what action had been taken regarding anti-social behaviour by youths at the Community Centre and Mayflower Close. PCSO M Chapman stated that the police had attended on several occasions and a number of young people had been spoken to.
4.1 Local History Group – Proposal to erect a War Memorial in Markfield adjacent to the Church Wall: - The planning application had been approved.
Fundraising for the memorial Anticipated total: £5600.00
Miners’ Welfare Institute £2 000.00
The Herald £2 000.00
Markfield Local Village Trail Leaflet:
The clerk had advertised the leaflet on the Parish Council website and was available and on display at local retailers. Mr Walmsley suggested that an advertisement should be placed in the Herald for the leaflet or so that local residents could make donations towards the cost of the memorial.
Mr B Gannon informed the members that Mr D Brooks had drawn up the final design. The History Group were in the process of obtaining two quotations from stonemasons. He confirmed that the Granite would be purchased locally – “Markfieldite.” The stone construction would be finished in late April 2014 ready for the memorial plaque to be fixed in May 2014.
Dedication Service: Resolved, a provisional date of Saturday 28th June 2014 at 11am was agreed for the service. Relatives of the deceased would be welcome to attend the service.
Mrs M Bowler suggested that as the Lord-Lieutenant was the Queen's representative in the County, Lady Gretton JP should be invited to attend the service. Mr B Gannon stated that he had contacted the War Memorials Project Coordinator Liz Blood and had been given some very useful information regarding this matter, including contact information.
“Churches Together” united service including the British Legion to be held on Remembrance Sunday at 11.00am with the War Memorial as a focal point.
Resolved in Principle, the parish council intended to plant memorial trees in the Autumn to represent each lost member of the armed forces lost in action during WW1. There had been 30 residents from Markfield. Mrs A Cook suggested that the Millennium Garden could be transformed into some sort of memorial garden where the trees could be planted. This would depend on the developer’s willingness to develop a link between the garden and Main Street.
4.2 Christmas tree and lights: - Mr A Statham had removed all of the old lights from the Horse Chestnuts.
Mr M Springthorpe had removed the tree and the wooden safety barrier.
Future decorations:
Resolved, the Parish Council agreed that the Christmas tree with lights would be displayed on Saw Pitts Green only next Christmas. It would attempt to set money aside for additional Christmas displays in the 2015/2016 financial year, the following option was preferred.
1) Another Christmas tree and lights on the small planted area outside the shops, adjacent to the car park, Main Street. The parish council would need to take on the management of this small planted area so permission would need to be sought from the land owner.
4.3 Protection of highways trees within the grass verge on Neville Drive – Installation of bollards: - Awaiting Licence to Cultivate from Leics County Council Ongoing
4.4 New noticeboard outside the entrances of Mercenfeld Primary School: The clerk had ordered the new notice board from Signs Direct to replace the existing one outside the entrance of Mercenfeld School at a cost of 500.00 + VAT. Still not done.
Additional signs:
1) Skate-park contributors signs (A1)- Approved, but the same font should be used throughout the design.
2) Millennium Garden and Community Centre entrance – Approved.
3) Play area – In accordance with ROSPA guidelines – Ongoing.
4) MUGA – In accordance with ROSPA guidelines – Ongoing.
4.5 Euroshell Bus Shelter,
Main Street, adjacent to The Nook: The Perspex had not been installed.
Richards environmental had not done works as required.
The clerk had therefore contacted two new builders:
Mr M Flint would be willing to undertake works as requested.
Mr I Crowhurst was very busy at the moment but would be willing to help when possible.
4.6 Street name plate for St Michael’s Close had been spelled incorrectly as St Micheal’s Close. Ongoing.
Mr T Lockley had reported many more vandalised signs to Street Scene.
4.7 Markfield – Street lighting Energy Saving Scheme:- No further update at this time
4.8 Two new Heritage Street Lighting Columns, The Nook: - Mr T Lockley had reported the matter again.
4.9 Winter Rock Salt for parish owned grit bins: – No problems at this time.
4.10 Dog fouling - Neville Drive, Oakfield Avenue, The Green, Uplands Drive, Willow Court. It appeared that an irresponsible dog walker was taking a regular route between 5.45pm and 6.45pm every night and allowing their dog to foul the pavements. The clerk had reported the matter along with many other instances that had recently been reported.
5 COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT: – Mr D Sprason gave the following report:
5.1 TRO Ashby Road/Main Street junction: - See attached plans TM4103/3.
The Parish council supported the scheme in all areas other than Main Street.
The Parish Council still had concerns about:
Main Street: - The proposal for a new 1hr parking bays, 8am-6pm, Mon-Sat, no return 1hr. This runs from the new Co-Op store car park entrance to 100 Main Street and then crosses over the road outside of the car park with a new TRO running on the opposite side of the road. This created a chicane effect which the County Council felt would slow traffic down. The Parish Council did not agree that this would be the case, the Parish Council preferred the permitted parking to run all the along one side of the highway or the other to prevent confusion and allowed a better flow of traffic
5.2 County Council budget proposals: - The Local Government minister Eric Pickles had now confirmed that the cap on council tax rises would be set at 1.5%. This had resulted in the administration revising its plans to increase council tax by 1.5% and to now take the £2.5 million increase in government grant and therefore not increase council tax for 2014/15.
5.3 Policy on academies and school transport: - The consultation on home to school transport had once again been made available which proposed to set school catchment areas to the nearest school. The proposal also included charging the full transport cost for 16+ students again using the nearest school model.
5.4 Get ready for winter: - The County Council was running the winter campaign again with an informative leaflet to help residents to be ready for this year’s wintry weather. The information included staying warm, snow and ice and preparing your home. Local advice was available on www.leics.gov.uk/winterweather
5.5 Jelson development, Land off London Road: - Ongoing.
5.6 Markfield Library: - Mr D Sprason stated that the Scrutiny Committee had picked up on the point that there was not enough details and planning so Parish Councils’ could not be asked to take on at this time.
5.7 Planning applicaton: 13/00979/FUL: - Erection of 2 dwellings with associated parking, Land Rear of 106 Main Street. Mr D Sprason stated that he had attended the Planning Meeting to object to the above application. He stated that the decision had been deferred because of the poor access, namely the Granite stone wall. Officers had recommended refusal.
5.8 Request for a grit bin: - Mr D Sprason stated that residents living adjacent to the Field Head Hotel had requested the provision of a grit bin from the Parish Council.
Resolved, the parish Council could not install a grit bin in the proposed site as the was within the parish of Newtown Linford.
Mr D Sprason left the meeting at 9.10pm
6.1 Miners’ Welfare Institute: - There was no update at this time.
6.2 Environmental Improvement Scheme 2013/2014 Village Plaques and Village Trail: - The clerk had written to Mr A Davies, to inform him that all of the signs were within the conservation area and that the Parish Council would like to plaques to be of Cast Aluminium and painted in 2 or 3 colours. The Borough Council would write formally to any proposed properties affected by the plaques. The Parish Council had also request that any remaining funds allocated to the scheme be passed over to part fund the information board. Mr M Lay had also discussed the above matter with Mr B Whirrity.
6.3 The Co-Op store redevelopment, Main Street: - Mrs A Cook was concerned about the new car park being closed, as this was causing additional parking problems along Main Street. M Lay stated that the car park had to remain closed because of the demolition of the old Co Op store and the building of the new houses. He stated that the existing terrace property would be converted back into a cottage and 3 new terrace properties were being built.
Mr B Gannon had noticed that behind the existing façade of the old store there was the original clock face and asked if this could be preserved.
6.4 Bob Jones’ Garage: - Mr M Lay had received many complaints from residents about vehicles and vans blocking access on the public highway around the garage; the intensification of use had now become unacceptable.
6.5 Request for 5 street names for the new Jelson development – H & BBC: - Ongoing
6.6 Traffic enforcement: - No further update
6.7 Council Tax Support Grant: - Mr Lay stated that the Borough Council had agreed to freeze Council Tax for the next financial year.
7.1 Open Space – Countryman Way: - A grant of 60% up to a maximum of £500 would be applied for from Stepping Stones.
The following quotations had been received for the project:
M Springthorpe = £1713.48
DLO = £ 914.65
Cuckoo Gap Farm = awaited
Resolved in principle, the quotation from the DLO was accepted and the works would be ordered pending successful grant funding.
7.2 Connecting People & Wildlife grant application: - Mr M Springthorpe was undertaking the works
7.3 Millennium Garden: -
1. Fly tipped garden waste and compost on the boundary from No 45 Rectory Road.
Resolved, the clerk should write and give two weeks’ notice to clear the area. If this is not done the Parish Council would employ a contractor to clear the site and invoice the owner of the property for costs incurred. Await drier weather.
2. Encroachment – No 55 Rectory Road – Amended resolution, the Parish Council would write to clarify the position that this piece of land belonged to the Parish Council and at present the Parish Council grants permission for temporary use of this piece of land for recreational use only. No permanent structures should be built or erected on this land and the land was not available for resale by the owners of No 55 Rectory Road.
3. Encroachment – No 57 Rectory Road - Amended resolution, the Parish Council would write to clarify the position that this piece of land belonged to the Parish Council and at present the Parish Council grants permission for temporary use of this piece of land for recreational use only. No permanent structures should be built or erected on this land and the land was not available for resale by the owners of No 57 Rectory Road.
4. The clerk would write to all residents of Rectory Road whose properties were adjacent to this boundary.
5. Two overhanging Ash Trees should be removed. Quotations awaited.
The following quotations had been received for the works to the two Ash Trees:
Burnt Oak = £650.00
Johnson Tree Care & Fencing specialist = £380.00
M Beddows = £675.00
Resolved, the quotation from Johnson Tree Care & Fencing was accepted.
8.1 Memorial Applications: - Headstone - Grave - G Hill
The memorials were accepted
8.2 Inspection chamber & drainage: The clerk would ask the grave digger for some assistance the next time he attends.
8.3 New hedge planting – Entrance Gate: - CJ Springthorpe had completed the works.