Which of the following influenced you to apply for membership at Crook Golf Club? Please tick all those appropriate…

Moving into the area

Recommendation from member

Played the course as a visitor

Played the course as a member’s guest

Wanting to change club

Advertisement - Which publication?

Word of mouth

Other (Please state)………………………………………………

I/we enclose a deposit of £……... which will cover my joining fee and first year’s subscription.

I/we understand that this deposit will be returned should I/we wish to withdraw or my application is not accepted.


Office use only



Telephone Enquiry

Via member

Via notice boards


Waiting List…….………Offer Date…….……....Date for admission……..….…...

Crook Golf Club

The Club House

Low Jobs Hill


Co Durham

DL15 9AA

Telephone: 01388 762429



Membership Application Form

Please complete in full using block capitals


New members for the season 1st April to 31st March each year, will be accepted at the rates shown, subject to acceptance

I hereby apply for membership of Crook Golf Club

Section / Golf
(12 months) / Club
Junior up to 16 / FREE
Junior 17 / £59
Intermediates 18 - 19 / £160
Intermediate 20 - 21 / £260
Intermediate 22 - 30 / £350
Full Time Student / £260
Gentlemen / £499
Ladies / £449
Retired Gentleman / £384
Retired Lady / £362
Second Club member / £289
Country Membership / £399
Social Member / £15

Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms Surname………………………………………….


Address……………………………………………………...…….…...…...……………………………………………………………………..………..……………..…………………… Postcode………………………………..

Tel No: Home…………………………..Work……………………………

Date of Birth……………………………………………………………….


Type of membership (please tick one only)

Golf Social Second Club membership* Country Member**

Category (please tick one only)

Junior (16 & Under FREE) Junior 17

Full Gentleman I Intermediate 18-19

Full Lady Intermediate 20-21

Retired Gentleman Intermediate 22-30

Retired Lady Full Time Student

* Second club member, MUST be,and be a full paying Member of another Golf Club.

* * Country Members must live more than 25 miles from Crook Golf Club and be

afull paying member of another Golf Club.

I am / was a member of……………………………………….……..Club

Golf Handicap (if any)…………………………………………….…

If any other member of your immediate family is a Member of the Club please state his / her name......

Note: Membership fees can be paid using credit or debit cards. Transactions may attract a handling charge of 2.5%

Note: A senior member MUST have at least 5 years standing as a full member

Payment Methods(Please tick one)

Payment in full

Payment in two parts.

Members choosing this method will attract 2.5% and can pay in 2 instalments. 1st due 1st April, 2nd due 1st July

I/we agree to make payment for my golf fees in two instalments. I/we agree we have an agreement with the club and commit to paying all instalments. I/we accept if I/we fail to do so will result in membership being withdrawn and I/we will be required to pay the balance in full.


Payment by credit arrangement

Members choosing this method will be subject to the credit surcharge set out by the Club which is currently 4%

Payment, shall be payable by direct debit. In the event of default on any payment, the full balance outstanding in relation to the subscription fee becomes due and payable forthwith, together with the interest at 4% per annum. Failure to settle outstanding balances may result in payments being sort through court proceedings and may result in future membership applications being rejected.
