Marcellus Central School District

Board of Education Regular Meeting

September 21st, 2015


Board Of Education Regular Meeting

Monday, September 21st, 2015 at 7:00 P.M.



Members Present: Ryan Riefler – President, John Fuller – Vice President, Dr. David Locastro,Janine Lundrigan, Michael McAuliff, Patty Sagerand Thomas West. Thomas West was not in attendance but did attend via phone, Patty Sager left early. Thomas West was unable to vote, but did listen to the meeting.

Administration Present: Dr. Judith Pastel, Interim Superintendent, Trish McCarron, Asst. Superintendent of Pupil Services, Anthony Sonnacchio, School Business Manager, John Durkee, Principal at Senior High School; Deborah Glisson, Director of Staff Development and Training,Katherine Cook, STEM Coordinator K-12, Michael Free, Athletic Director, Janet O’Mara, Principal at Driver Middle School, Gary Bissaillon, Principal at KCH.

Others Present: Kim LaRose, District Clerk, Helen Thorpe, Joanne Lewandowski and Penny Poorman– Union Representatives, studentsand community members.

NO. 1 - CALL TO ORDER – 6:41 p.m. Meeting was started before 7pm and was immediately went into Executive Session, just to save some time after the meeting.



“RESOLVED BYJANINE LUNDRIGAN, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THATthe agenda for the Board of Education Regular Meeting for September 21st, 2015 of the Marcellus Central School District be approved with the following changes-

Ryan asked the Board if the Executive session could be moved to the beginning of the meeting.

And if item 8(a) that the wording be changed.

Ayes –6, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

NO. 16 – EXECUTIVE SESSION – Entered in Executive Session at 6:43 pm, beginning of Regular Board Meeting.

16(a) “RESOLVED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN, SECONDED BY MICHAEL MCAULIFF THAT the meeting in public be adjourned and executive session be convened for discussion of the following items –

Employment history of a particular person

Matters leading to the appointment of a particular person.”

Ayes –6, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried


TIME: 6:54 pm

Patty Sager excused herself at this time.

Regular Board of Education meeting will continue as listed on the Agenda,


Senior High School – Reward School (among those in NYS that has made the most progress or has the highest performance with no significant gaps in student achievement).

Judy read the certificate that was presented to John Durkee on behalf of the Marcellus High School. The certificate reads as follows –“ In celebration of New York State Schools that have made the most progress or have the highest achievement in the State with no significant gaps in student achievement, Marcellus High School has earned the recognition as a Reward School for the 2015-2016 School Year”. Judy wanted to congratulate all the staff and students for their performance and this achievement. Judy also pointed out that only 9 schools in Central New York received this honor. A round of applause followed.

Liz Flamman – has been selected to serve on the NYS Association of Family & Consumer Sciences Professional Development Leadership Team for 2015-2016 school year.

Judy also read a letter that was sent to Marcellus Schools congratulating Elizabeth Flamman for being selected to represent the Central New York in the Association of Family and Consumer Science Educators. In the letter it read “the purpose of the professional development is to raise standards in both teaching and learning in Family and Consumer Sciences programs and to support the New York State and Common Core Learning Standards in all content areas”. Liz will be serving on this committee for one year. Judy wanted to thank Liz for volunteering to be on this committee and it is truly an honor for the Marcellus Schools to be represented there. We look forward to getting some great, “1st hand knowledge” coming from Liz in the future. A second round of applause followed.


Annual Professional Performance Review update (APPR)

Judy began the presentation with information with regards to the changes over the past 6 years in the process of Annual Professional Performance Reviews or APPR’s. She also explained some of the old designs and the new designs. Part of the new design is the use of a new matrix to analyze scores. She also spoke about the Student Learning Objectives or S.L.O score as well as the changes to the observation process. Meetings are also happening with Judy and the MFA representatives on how the changes will impact the staff. It was stated that new APPR plans need to be in place and submitted to the NYSED by November 15th. Judy will be in contact with the MFA and will work on this, with perhaps the ability to ask for a waiver, if necessary. Judy wanted to keep the Board posted and will relay back more information later. Janine Lundrigan asked what is done with the scores that are generated. These scores are sent to the State Education Department along with others as part of a multiple measures to assess the teacher’s performance.


NO. 7OLD BUSINESS – None this evening


8(a) BOE SUB COMMITTEE – J. Pastel

“RESOLVED BY DR. DAVID LOCASTRO, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THAT the Board of Education authorizes board members - Janine Lundrigan, Ryan Riefler and Michael McAuliff to write and send an approvedcommunication to staff regarding the first two weeks of school.”

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried


“RESOLVED BY MICHAEL MCAULIFF, SECONDED BY DR. DAVID LOCASTRO THAT the Board of Education authorizes the superintendent to enter into an agreement with SEI Design Group for the Building Condition Survey and Arc Flash Assessment at an estimated cost of $35,000.”

Concerns were brought up with regards to the additionalservices that would be provided and were added to the base cost. It was agreed that the basic services, which would be around $20,000.00, would be provided and Reagan Insurance would be consulted on the other services from an insurance stand point. Also agreed upon was extra training for our staff, if necessary, to keep all current on this information.

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried


  1. Superintendent Search Update

Dr. Lucy Martin had a meeting at 6:00pm with regards to information that was provided to her from all the meetings she held with the staff, students and community members. Then she asked the Board of Education to come up with 8 -10 characteristics that they would like to see put in the brochure to send to possible applicants. These characteristics were narrowed down to the top 5. These characteristics, along with the information shared by the staff, students and community, will be all utilized in the process of selecting candidates for the position of Superintendent. The brochure will be send to print within the week and will be available for viewing shortly. Also the information from the online survey will also be utilized and posted soon as well. There will be a follow up meeting for the Board members on November 9th in the DMS Conference room to view all the possible candidates’ resumes. Interviews will then start shortly afterward.


“RESOLVED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN, SECONDED BY MICHAEL MCAULIFF THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment-“

9.1Appointment of School Nurse

-Erin Nolan, Elementary School Nurse, at a salary of $35,000, effective September 22, 2015

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BY JOHN FULLER, SECONDED BYMICHAEL MCAULIFF THATwages for Kim LaRose, District Clerk and Elaine Potter, Tax Collector be increased by 2.75%, effective July 1, 2015.”

9.2Salary adjustments for District Clerk and Tax Collector

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BY JOHN FULLER, SECONDED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment – “

9.3Salary Column Changes, effective September 1, 2015

-Elizabeth Flamman, Col A03 Step 4 = $53,312

-Dean Kloss, Col A08 Step 27 + M + Long. = $77,708

-James Marsh, Col A12 Step 15 + M = $66,591

-Audrey Turner, Col A12 Step 20 + M + Long. = $71,823

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BY MICHAEL MCAULIFF, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment – “

9.4Resignation of Non-Instructional Staff

Brian Haney, Bus Mechanic, effective September 21, 2015

Eileen DeZenzio, Bus Driver, effective June 30, 2015

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment –“

9.5Appointment of Non-Instructional Staff

Brian Haney, Bus Driver, $22.10 /hour, 4.25 hours/day, effective September 22, 2015

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment- “

9.6Appointment of Non-Instructional Substitute Staff, effective September 22, 2015

Amy MacNabb, SubstituteBus Driver, $20/hour

John Sheridan, Substitute Bus Driver, $20/hour

Brian Haney, Substitute Bus Mechanic, $25/hour

Christina Brown, Substitute Bus Attendant, $8.75/hour

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried

“RESOLVED BYDR. DAVID LOCASTRO, SECONDED BY JANINE LUNDRIGAN THAT the Board of Education approves the following appointment –“

9.7Appointment of Instructional Substitute – effective September 22, 2015

-Joshua Nightingale, certified substitute teacher, $105/per diem

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried



of the following -

1.1Board of Education Special Meeting Minutes, August 27, 2015

1.2Board of Education Meeting Minutes, September 8, 2015

2Committee on Special Education Recommendations as submitted

3Door-to-Door Fundraiser Requests

-DMS Music Performance Ensembles, Frozen Pie Sale, Sep. 25 – Oct. 9, 2015

-Spanish Honor Society, Chocolate Pizza sales, Oct. 28 – Nov. 10, 2015

-Senior Class 2016, Chicken BBQ Dinner ticket sales, Sep. 28 – Oct. 9, 2015

Ayes –5, Nays – 0, Abstain – 0, Motion Carried


  1. Principals reports on first two weeks of school

Janet O’Mara began the evening with information on Driver Middle School. Janet stated that DMS had an “awesome and smooth start” to the new school year. Students and staff are into a routine already. Janet mentioned the Gr. 4-6 Curriculum Night and the beginning of the school year assemblies. During these assemblies she and John Gizzi, asked the students to make a promise to themselves on what to do to have a good year and how to be successful in school. She spoke about the building - enjoys having it“full of energy”.

Next, Gary Bissaillon spoke with regards to KC Heffernan and their first day experience. Gary mentioned the big smiles and a few tears on the first day and the big adjustment for some of the students and parents. Gary also stated that KC Heffernan building houses 434 students with Kindergarten class size about 17-18 students and grades 1-3 with an average of 21 students. There are a total of 87 kindergarten students or “the Class of 2028”. Gary mentioned briefly the new RTI programs at KC Heffernan with their multiple data points, the 3rd grade Curriculum night and Open House happening this Thursday. He invited the Board of Education to come. Looking forward to a great year.

Finally, John Durkee commented on the Senior High School and their first day experience. The High School also had a smooth start, and he believes it has a lot to do with the work that was done on SchoolTools prior to school starting. Students had access to their schedules beforethe first day of school. He appreciated all the work of the counselors and the staff to get this up and running. John mentioned that he and Katie Cook are going around to the classes and meeting with the staff and students. Janine Lundrigan mentioned a concern with AIS letters going out at the last minute and students schedules being changed due to low State Assessment scores. John stated that there are multiple measures that go into a decision to put a student into an AIS classes. A low State Assessment score is only one part of the picture and would not change a student’s schedule. And, all parents have been notified if their child’s schedule needed to be changed.

  1. High School Vermiculite (Asbestos) Project

Tony stated that there was good news on the Vermiculite Removal in the Senior High School Auditorium area. It looks like the abatement work done is near completion and that, with a few morelast minute tests to be run, the Auditorium and the area around it should be ready to be open by October 1st, as previously stated. Compliments go out to the staff and students for being so accommodating during this time.

  1. Director of Facilities Search

Judy mentioned that the Administration is currently in the process of filling the position of Director of Facilities. They are working with the Civil Service Department to find candidates.

  1. Administrative Internship Opportunity

Judyshared that for the 2015-2016 school year Administration is in the process of looking for an in district staff member to be an Administrative Intern at Driver Middle School in the position of Assistant Principal. The need for more support in the main office for the two different levels – elementary and middle school, is necessary so that others can carry out their roles for the school district. Salary and long-term sub for the staff member were mentioned, as money marked in the 2015-2016 Budget, but more details would be coming forward. Administration would appreciate any ideas that the Board of Education may have. More information will be shared at the October 5thBoard of Education meeting.


#1510 Regular Board Meetings and Agenda Development – discussion

Dr. Pastel: eliminate Monday email of initial draft agenda –

Judy will be working on a system to streamline the Agenda development and when Board Packets go to Board members. Board packets would still be delivered on Wednesday.


Audit Committee – meeting will be held at the next Board meeting on October 5th at 6:15pm in the Senior High Learning Commons. Prior to the Regular Board meeting at 7 p.m. and after the Retiree Dedication at 5:30pm.

Facilities Committee – Meeting was held last Thursday. Several members of the committee watched outside the High School last week to get an idea of the traffic pattern in the morning. Discussion of Phasing on the Capital Project and the Community Form meeting with updates out this spring, 2016. Ryan also mentioned that plans have been submitted to SED and we will be waiting to hear from them in a couple of months.


14(a)REVIEW OF DISCUSSIONS/ACTIONS WHICH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ACCOMPLISHED TONIGHT FOR STUDENTS- Ryan thanked Judy Pastel for explaining some of the points with regards to the Annual Professional Performance Report or the A.P.P.R. He hopes that everyone has a better understanding of the process involved.

NO. 15 – RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS – None at this time.

NO. 16 – EXECUTIVE SESSION – (Reminder – this was held at the beginning of the Regular Meeting.)



Ayes – 5, Nays – 0, Motion Carried

Time: 8:31 p.m.


Focus on student learning

Build capacity

Collaborate professionally

Assure our collective best for every child

Structure learning using current research-based practices