Date:2/12/2015For: Full Board MeetingRecorder: KP

Present: Board Members - Barb Brown, Renee Campbell, Eryn Collins, Tim Granahan, Pete Handley, Paul Hartmann, Janice Lampert, Chloe Lemcool, Bill Marshall, Kevin McKinley (via phone), Paul Slough, Mary Tomaski, Susan Walters

Staff – Dana Bensinger, Kristen Payton

Excused: Mark Copeland, Dave Gast, Don Sklarczyk

Non excused: Guest:


/ Renee called to order 8:35am.
Welcomed Paul Slough and Susan Walters.
Dana thanked Tim for his two years of being the board chair and presented him with a CHR contribution.
  1. OCCF Minute
/ Each member introduced themselves to new members.
  1. Minutes of January Meeting
/ Motion by Hartmann/Tim, approved

  1. Finance Committee Report
  1. 2014 Financial Report
  2. January Financials
  3. Investment Report –recommendation from committee to get RFP’s
Bill proposed that he and Dana determine a more concise report to present the board in the future; the finance committee would handle the more specific details then make a recommendation to the board. / Motion Slough/Barb, approved to accept financials as presented
Motion Mary/Hartmann, approved
  1. Grant Report
/ Kevin reviewed the grant meeting in which they updated the grant guidelines and outlined the dates of the grant cycle; he invited any board member to join the grant meetings. Grant cycle will run Feb 24-April 10.
Kevin proposed a $2500 grant from McNamara Fund to the Airshow
Dana will follow up with Matt Baressi and encourage him to complete grant app if he wants to seek more funding / Motion by Tim/Hartmann, approved grant
  1. Executive Director’s Report
/ Dana reviewed the transfer of $50K to Community Fund from Extreevaganza; transfer of $30K to Cornerstone Fund from raffle; new scholarship fund established; second board workshop with HP was successful as well as grant seekers info session; several other funding groups will be reviewing our grant apps; I love my community grant cycle currently underway with 6 nominees.
Dana expressed the need to update personnel policy. / Motion by Tim/Slough, approved
  1. Fund Development Report
/ Janice reviewed the goals of fund development: increase number of funds and increase dollars in current funds.Progress being made especially with Gornick partnership for grant cycle; meeting with Johnsons and Tomaskis in the works; upcoming fund development meeting for board; invited each board member to join committee; Donor View is so close to launch for fund advisors. / Motion by Hartmann/Mary, approved
  1. YAC Report
/ Barb reviewed the committee has 10 members; Youth needs survey is being completed currently by each school in the community; the results will be reviewed at March meeting for grant cycle; invited board members to all YAC meetings; May 17 possible picnic; conference in June. / Motion by Bill/Susan, approved
  1. Nominating Committee
/ Mary reviewed new board member orientation; new members attended board basics workshop; second orientation scheduled for later this month / Motion by Hartmann/Chloe, approved
  1. Education Committee
/ Pete proposed $489 from Tripp Fund for 6th grade camp
Pete explained Tripp fund nearly in the negative; will be following up with fund advisor.Possibility of joining Elgas and Reach Fund as they are the same intent.Pete expressed desire to reorganize the education committee priorities. / Motion by Bill/Barb, approved grant
  1. Strategic Plan
/ Dana reviewed progress to date / Motion by Tim/Janice, approved
  1. Old Business
/ After much research it has been decided to meet at the UC each month
/ Next meeting March 12, 8:30am at University Center / Adjourned at 10:11 motion by Tim/Bill, approved

OCCF Executive Director Date