VIA November Board of Directors Meeting
November 4, 2014
The meeting was called to order by Theda Blackwell, President, at 9:30 am
Theda called for a moment of silence
The Collect was recited
Minutes for the August meeting were approved
Directors and Officers in attendance; Theda Blackwelder, Kathy DeGrange, Jeanne Fox, Rose Marie Patin, Phyllis Stone, Shirley Fleegle, Nancy McDonnell, Marge Cintavey, Pat Campbell-White, Carol Hall, Sherry Hall, Ronnie Lutz, Sandy Purdy, Eileen Polini, Anne Jack, Gail Shaffer, Carol Billingsley
Financial Review: Mr. Tom Sombar of Sombar and Associates presented the Accounting Review-Financial Statements for fiscal year ending May 31, 2014. The review reported the following:
Total Assets $113,473
Total Revenues $164,071
Total Expenses $136,398
Net Assets at beginning of year $ 85,800
Total Contributions $ 31,254 ( total contributions in 2013 $28,975)
The question was asked if an appraisal of the real estate is recommended. Mr. Sombar said no because the values change.
Theda asked if there would be any objection to a change in the Agenda.
Arts Committee- Roxanne Nelson introduceded the idea of a mural in the large bathroom. The mural would depict the history of the VIA and would be designed by Faye Kempton in collaboration with Gail Shaffer, historian. The mural would be paint by numbers design so that members who wish to work on the mural could do so. The sketches would be shown to the directors. There was a discussion as to the location of the mural. The motion on the floor was that the Arts Committee would prepare a draft for presentation to the Board. All were in favor. The motion passed.
Treasury Report – Phyllis Stone, Treasurer, presented the report
Beginning Balance for October 1, 2014 $77,466.81
Receipts $13,310.50
Disbursements $22,553.79
Ending Balance as of October 31, 2014 $68,043.52
Endowment Fund $ 8,105.63
Maintenance Account $11,888.71
Total $88,037.86
The cost of the Gala to the VIA was $3596.94 The cost was less than budgeted and voted on for the event.
Report is filed for review
Financial Report- Sherry Hall presented the report as follows:
$2000 Beebe School of Nursing – Mildred Gray Scholarship (2)
$1000 Casa San Francisco
$ 500 Cape Henlopen Senior Center
$ 500 Peoples Place
$ 500 Crisis House
$1000 Meals on Wheels
$ 150 Rehoboth Art League – Young at Art Award
$ 500 HOBY
$ 450 International Outreach – Emma Rider – 3 water balls
$1000 Warrior Weekend Program
$ 500 Sussex County Cancer Survivors Fund
$1,000 ITN Southern DE (Sussex Senior Transportation Cooperative)
$ 500 Home of the Brave Foundation – HOB 11 – female location
$ 500 Soup Kitchen Ministry – Rev. Dunning
TOTAL - $10,100
This is an increase in funds awarded because the monies earned increased. There was a discussion concerning additional charities which may need assistance and amounts increased to other charities. Sherry said they are reviewing the needs of the recipients and adjustment may be made. Applications for funds are on the web site for organization to apply for funding.
Rose Marie Patin suggested a Legacy Category which would continue the work of the Presidents projects. Sherry further reported that the accountant on the committee said it is necessary to check on other funding that the organizations and charities are receiving. Sherry asked that the report be accepted and it was accepted.
Membership: Shirley Fleegle announced that four applicants were presented for membership. It was noted that one application was not complete. The applicants are Eileen Nixon, Faith Lord, Ellen Rooney Hughes and Barbara S Ridgley. Ronnie Lutz made a motion that the candidate whose application was not complete would have until the weekend (November 15-16) to complete the application and the application for membership would be voted on on-line by the board. All were in favor and the motion was passed. Shirley Feeble moved that the remaining four candidates be accepted for membership and induction at the General Meeting on November 12. All were in favor and the motion passed.
Fund Raising Report- Rose Marie Paten reported that the committee’s purpose is to look at all the fund raiser activities and to evaluate which ones should continue and the dates for those events. It was suggested that the Art of Accessorizing be moved to March or early spring. The Halloween party will continue as before. Trips should be two or three in number which is sufficient and the trip fee should be all inclusive. The Valentine dinner is scheduled for February 9, 2015. The golf tournament is to be continued in the fall. St Nicholas Tea will remain as fund raiser and continue in the same time frame. The cookbooks sale will continue and the Lewes Auto Mall discount is still active. The Designer Showcase House will continue every other year. Amazon Smile is encouraged especially at this time of the year with all the internet purchases. The bricks are still being sold and it should be encouraged that members look at the bricks. The committee suggested that the cost of the 50/50 ticket be increased to 1 ticket for $2.00 and 3 tickets for $5.00. A new possible fund raiser which is being looked at is an Academy Awards Party with the suggestion of having a red carpet and an interviewer asking people who they are wearing as they enter the party. The rentals for the clubhouse were nine (9) in 2014 and year to date the bookings for 2015 are three (3). Rose Marie asked that an ad be placed in bridal publications to promote the building rentals. It was mentioned that the facility as a wedding venue was going to be represented at the Milton Bridal Show. It was also stated that previous rentals have come from the caterers. A suggestion was made that a sign be placed on the door of the clubhouse with the contact number for rental inquiries. Rose Marie Patin made a motion that the fees for those members who have not met the minimum volunteer hours be raised from $100 to $175. Theda asked for any discussion on the motion. Ronnie Lutz amended the motion to an increase of $150 and Marge Cintavey seconded the motion. Theda asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the motion and the motion was call for the question. Ten were in favor and 6 opposed. The motion did not have the necessary two thirds votes and did not carry. A motion was amended to raise the fee to $125.00. 13 voted in favor and 2 opposed. The motion was carried. The committee made a motion that the 50/50 be increased to 1 ticket for $2.00 and 3 tickets for $5.00. The motion did not pass.
Nominating Committee: Theda announced the standing rules require that no later than the November Executive Board meeting the committee shall be established. The committee is to be made up of the three retiring directors and two members at large. The board elected Pat Campbell White and Ann Sebastian as the two at large members. The three retiring directors are Anne Jack, Jeanne Fox and Marge Cintavey. A motion was made that these individuals make up the committee. All were in favor and the motion passed.
Old Business – Shirley Fleegle reported that the golf tournament earned proceeds of $7643.00
New Business –
Baby Changing Table- Sherry Hall suggested to the Board that a baby changing table be considered to be purchased and placed in the large bathroom for a need at rental events. The cost of a permanent table with cover from Koala Care is $138.31 and installation by Mr. Grab bar is $150.00. It was discussed that a portable table may be a better option, what is the best location for the table, the concerns of insurance coverage and the need for a changing table. Ronnie Lutz will look into an alternative table. The motion was tabled until February Board Meeting when more information is available. The motion was seconded and all were in favor. The motion passed.
Addition to Hours Sheet- Theda Blackwelder set the issue aside.
Set up committee Theda asked for volunteers to help in setting up for November meeting. Ronnie Lutz, Sandy Purdy and Theda Blackwelder will set up for the meeting.
Break down committee- Theda asked for a volunteer to head this committee. The committee would be in charge of putting away the chairs after the meeting and storing them properly. Kathy DeGrange volunteered to be committee chair and Sandy Purdy, Phyllis Stone, Shirley Fleegle volunteered to be on the committee.
December Luncheon - The December meeting is a luncheon provided to the membership by the board. This year each board member is asked to give $20.00 which will purchase the food in lieu of each member cooking individual dishes. Entertainment will be provided and a donation will be given to the band. The luncheon is for members only and guests do not attend the December luncheon.
Reminder that a gathering in memory of Linda Moreau will be this Saturday, November 15 at the clubhouse The Villages of Old Landing hosted by her family.
Theda reminded the board members that the board meetings begin at 9:30 am.
Theda adjourned the meeting at 11:45am.
Submitted by Kathy DeGrange