NAME: Matthew Berlin DATE: TIME: PE classesCONTENT AREA: Physical Education/ Soccer
NCSCOS GRADE LEVEL STANDARD: (From the NC Curriculum Extensions Document; include the actual numeric grade level)
NCSCOS Healthful Living Section
1. The student will demonstrate competency in a variety of movement forms and proficiency in a few to gain competence towards lifetime physical activities. (Goal 6)
2. The student will exhibit a physically active lifestyle. (Goal 8)
3. The student will demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities. (Goal 7)
4. The student will demonstrate an acceptable level of health related fitness and be familiar with factors that benefit performance. (Goal 9)
GRADE LEVEL EXTENSION: (From the NC Curriculum Extensions Document)
· Communicate with symbols. (Literacy)
· Counting or number recognition (Math)
· Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of cause-effect relationship (Science)
Early symbolic
· Demonstrate emerging knowledge of symbols (Literacy)
· Categorize by one or more attributes (Math)
· Demonstrate knowledge of a variety of cause-effect relationship (Science)
· Associates objects or physical settings with routine activities (Literacy)
· Have capacity to count (Math)
· Demonstrate emerging knowledge of cause-effect relationship (Science)
OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to…
Symbolic: Independently
Demonstrate modified game of soccer
Demonstrate ball handling skills (dribble ball with feet, trap ball while running forward,passing ball to team mate, shoot ball to goal)
Early Symbolic: using PIC symbols and /or verbal cues
Demonstrate ball handling skills by physically doing the activity, using gestures, using PIC symbols
Demonstrate dribbling ball 20 feet in any direction
Demonstrate kicking ball
Demonstrate passing ball in any direction of a team mate
Demonstrate throwing ball in from side line
Demonstrate shooting ball toward goal
Demonstrate stopping ball with foot (trapping)
Pre-Symbolic: using PIC symbols, verbal cues and/or assistance
Demonstrate ball handling skills with HOH assistance and by using ramps, and other adaptive devices
Demonstrates making an attempt to dribble the ball
Demonstrate attempting to trap a ball
Demonstrate attempting to pass the ball
All levels: develop manipulative skills and gross motor skills
enhance self-esteem
develop socialization skills
develop coordination
1. Warm-up , review, exercise
2. Ball skills-ball handling skills, rolling, grasping, tossing ,ball release, kicking
3. Manipulative skills
4. Non-locomotor skills
Ramps, switches, soccer ball, soccer goals, cones, measuring tape
LESSON PROCEDURES: (What the teacher will do)
Symbolic: the teacher will
1. guide students through proper techniques in each activity
2. engage students in participation
3. make sure students keep eye on ball
4. make sure students grasp ball correctly
5. make sure students kick ball correctly
Early Symbolic : using PIC symbols and verbal cues
1. guide students through proper techniques in each activity
2. engage students in participation
3. place hands in correct position
4. place foot in correct position
Pre-Symbolic: using PIC symbols and verbal cues and assistance
1. help students hold bocci ball correctly
2. provide cue cards and PIC symbols
3. use light bocci balls
4. help students in wheelchairs or ones using walkers get to ramp
5. help place ball in ramp
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Additional opportunities where you plan to implement the objectives of this lesson for the students to carry over the skills to other areas…this is to help in planning for generalization practice)
Special Olympics
Soccer team
Bocci area
At the end of each class students are asked to demonstrate something they have done that day. Words and PIC symbols are used. Students also demonstrate what they have done.
Data sheets and anecdotal notes will reflect degree of prompting needed for each skill.