4-H PDR Activities and Where to Put Them
For Regular Member PDR not for Primary PDR
Types of 4-H Participation- PDR Section
Completed 4-H Project(s) for Year- 1
Club & Project meetings-
Gave prepared talk about a 4-H activity 6
Gave a demo or illustrated talk 6
Organized holiday party or games 4
On a committee for party/games/refreshments 4
Assisted with club fundraiser 4
Club Meetings-
Attended Counts on front of PDR
Club officer Count once per year 4
Officer Election Speech 6
Project Meetings-
Attended- add all project meetings together Counts on front of PDR
Fieldtrips for a project- Does not go on PDR, only Project Form
Recruited a friend to join 4-H- write in your 4-H Story and let your CCL know for the Affirmative Action report
Project activities such as Nasco fitting clinic, Livestock Symposium, fieldtrips, fieldtrip to purchase animals are not events attended. Write about them in your Project Report, and 4-H Story.
Citizenship/Community Service- ***need to include number of hours***
(ex: food baskets, Manna House- counts once for same activity) 3
Chaired a Service activity 4
Attended a Board of Supervisor’s meeting 5
Volunteered at a community holiday dinner or caroling 5
Donated or wrapped toys or clothing 5
Christmas Parade-
Decorated float 4
Participated in parade entry 6
Won a prize for Christmas float 7
Attended Christmas Parade in 4-H Uniform 3
Riding horse in parade with your project (must wear helmet) 2
Achievement Night-
Attended- 3
County Gold Medallist 7
County Silver Medallist 7
100% attendance 7
Club table display (first place) 7
Club scrapbook (historian only) 7
MC 6
Decorated or clean-up 4 Presenter or gave speech 6 County Record Book Winners- Jr., Intermediate, or Senior 7
Achievement Award- Jr., Intermediate, or Senior 7
Presentation of Flags 6 Sang National Anthem 6
Club Officer or Jr/Teen Leader Training- 3
Committee Chairperson or committee member- 4
Types of 4-H Participation- PDR Section
Wrote 4-H News Articles-either for Spirit or newspaper- 6
Do not include articles written about you.
Attended 3
Planned session 4
Taught session 6 or 4
State Leadership Conference
Attended 3
Planned session 4
Taught session 6 or 4
Floor coordinator 4
Judging Day-
Medallist 7
High Point Winner 7
Attended 3
Committee Chair or member 4
Horse Show Clinic or Play day-
Attended 3
Exhibited animal 2
Showmanship 2
Demonstrated skills 6
4-H Rabbit show-
Attended 3
Exhibited rabbit 2
Showmanship 2
Avian Show-
Attended 3
Exhibited poultry 2
Showmanship 2
4-H Avian Science Day- attended 3
4-H Goat Field Day-
Attended 3
Exhibited 2
Showmanship 2
Pancake Breakfast or Rigatoni dinner/dessert silent auction
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Served 4
Committee member 4
Sold tickets to others than your immediate family 4
Set-up or clean-up 4
Baked dessert for auction 4
Presentation Day-
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Attended- gave a demo or favorite food 6
Medalist- Gold 7
Medalist- Silver or Bronze for Favorite Food 7
Medalist- for 4-H Creed Competition 7
Committee member 4
Judge's award- 7
Door Monitor 4 MC 6
Types of 4-H Participation- PDR Section
4-H Camp-
Committee member/teen counselor 4
Attended 3
Did skit or song 6
County-fun days-
Attended 3
Chair or Committee member 4
Regional Presentation Day-
Attended- non-participant 3
Medalist 7
Gave Command Performance 6 or 7
MC 6
Door monitor 4
Fashion Revue-
Chair or Committee member 4
Attended 3 County Winner-Gold 7
Medalist 7
MC 6
Primary Day Camp-
Attended 3
Chair or Committee member 4
State Fashion Revue-
Attended- non-participant 3
Gold Medalist 7
Medalists 7
Memorial Day Parade-
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Presented wreath and gave a speech 6
4-H State Presentation Day/Field Day-
Gold medalist 7
Attended 3
Officer- 4-H Council 4
State Fair-
Demonstration 6
Attended 3
Model in 4-H Fashion Revue 2
Enter your project in competition 2
Best of Show or Hi Point 7
Participation other than 4-H-must be more than a one day activity- 8
(soccer & volleyball counts as 2, but being on two soccer teams equals only once)
Ex: church choir, baseball, soccer, basketball, girl or boy scouts, Awanas, drama class, member of other youth organizations, band, school officer, etc.
Safe at Home-
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Committee chair/member 4
Mariposa Pow Wow-
Attended in 4-H uniform to help with booth 3
Career Night-
Attended 3
Chair person or Committee member 4
Types of 4-H Participation- PDR Section
Kid’s Night-
Attended 3
Committee Chair/committee member 4
Decorated/set-up/clean-up 4
Teen Night-
Attended 3
Committee Chair/committee member 4
Prepared Talks- 6
Talks must be related to 4-H or project, well-prepared and should be at least 5-7 minutes long. A talk given to an outside group or a 4-H group must relate to 4-H to count here. Must
Radio/TV- 6
Report any appearance on radio or TV as a guest, speaker or interviewee in
connection with 4-H. If the presentation is taped for multiple broadcasts, this
still is counted as only one. The recording must be broadcast to get credit.
Junior/Teen Leader- 4
Project leader and member must complete the Junior/Teen Leadership Plan to receive credit.
Demonstrations- 6
For project meetings presentations, or Presentation Day.
Junior/Teen Leadership demonstrations do no count.
Regional or State Record Book Winner or runner-up- 7
Planned group activity- 4
If you have planned an activity for the 4-H members, then you get credit
here. An activity is a planned piece of work undertaken by a 4-H member
usually on a one time basis, not to the extent of a project. Individuals or
groups who do the actual planning receive the credit.
Scholarship winner(s)- 7
Children’s’ Fair-
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Gave demonstration or presentation 6
Committee chair/committee 4
Events attended- Must relate to 4-H projects or 4-H events (county, regional, state) 3
4-H events are authorized and publicized functions other than regular club or project meetings. Record event not reported elsewhere.
county fun days, Achievement Night, Goat Show, 4-H field days, 4-H training days, animal shows, UC Davis Days, Ironstone Concours d’Elegance, Fashion Revue, etc.
Ironstone Concours d’Elegance-
Attended 3
Assembled gift bags 4
Baked cookies for bags 4
Gave demonstration or presentation 6
Brought a display 2
Sang or presented awards 6
Greeter 4
Types of 4-H Participation- PDR Section
Weekend in the Country-
Attended in 4-H Uniform 3
Committee Chair/committee 4
Gave presentation or demonstration 6
Served 4
County Record Book Workshop-
Attended 3
Attended all or any part of the fair- 1 CREDIT 3
Attending the auction or awards ceremony does not count as an additional credit
Entered a 4-H class at the fair. Each project you exhibit counts once in #2 but multiple entries in the same project all count together. For Example: you enter one decorated cake= 1credit #2, you enter 2 decorated cakes still = 1 credit in #2. You enter the gymkhana, the horse show and horse showmanship= 1 credit #2. You enter a turkey, a chicken, and poultry showmanship= 1 credit #2.
Give a demonstration or a prepared talk 6
Work in the 4-H food booth 4
Do barn duty once or multiple times= 1 credit 4
Committee work= 1 credit each 4
Committees include barn set-up or clean-up, serve at auction dinner
Fair Awards-
All ribbons and awards should be listed on your project report form. Only significant awards may be listed for credit on the PDR. Significant, as defined by California 4-H, is the top award. So awards which can be listed for credit in #7 are 1st place. Examples are: Best of Show, Round Robin showmanship winner, Grand Champion Market animal and outstanding exhibitor. Other awards may be added to this list as they are clarified by the State 4-H Committee.
Entering other Fairs or livestock shows-
If it is a Fair with 4-H Classes, then entering your 4-H project in a 4-H class counts in #2. If it is a
4-H Show with classes for 4-H members, enter in your project counts in #2. If it is an open show with no 4-H class, then you can write about it in your project report, but the entry does not count on your PDR.
4-H Displays-
If you set-up a display that is not judged or include your project items in a display that is not judged, for example: during 4-H Week or at another community event, then everything you have displayed, even if it represents more than one project, counts as one credit in #2.
Part of the 4-H fun of learning is measuring your progress. The Star Awards in 4-H are designed to help you plan attainable objectives and to measure the progress you are making toward those objectives. The Star Award is a program unique to California. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Emerald, Platinum, and All-Stars are awarded at the county level to 4-H members in recognition of their achievements. There is no time limit for achieving a star rank, and there is no limit to the number of Bronze, Silver, Gold, Emerald, Platinum, or All-Stars a county can award.
At the state level, State Ambassadors are awarded for outstanding achievement and leadership in 4-H.
The 4-H Personal Development Report is a guide for you to use to document your 4-H involvement.
Note: Primary 4-H years do not count once a regular member, so all the activities & projects do not count towards Star ranking. If you have carried over activities etc. to regular PDR, please correct your PDR before end-of-year record book judging.