The leadingprovider of Enhancements & Utilities for
A/P File Manager for SAGE PFW
STC’s A/P File Manager streamlinesA/P processing. Its Data Importseliminate the need to “re-key” A/P-related information from other systems. Externally-generated Comma-Delimited (.csv) or Tab-Delimited files containing A/PVoucher Header and Line Item data can be quickly imported into PFW Voucher Entry (APHDR & APLIN).Vendor data can also be quickly imported into the Vendor File (APVEND).
The Smart Purge deletes selected "old", inactive Vendors and selected History. This can dramatically reduce the running time and length of History Reports (especially if there are many inactive "one-time" Vendors).
Importing Voucher Information - Configuration & Use
Voucher data may be provided in two files (Header & Line Item) or in a single file containing both Headers and Line Items. Installation/Configuration is quick and easy. Once configured, data import/Voucher creation becomes a “one click” process. All fields on the Voucher Entry windows are available for import. Once imported, normal PFW A/Pprocedure (select, print, post) is followed. Note that source files may be automatically deleted or archived after “final” processing is complete
All STC Utilities load on PFW Menus.They feature familiar PFW Processing Windows/ Tab 1 Specifies the number of files, file type and directory path /file name of the source file(s). Other parameters specify the following items.
-Skip a header row
-Trial vs Final mode
-Default Voucher Status
-Delete /Archive the source file
-Use Imported Voucher No.
-Sales Tax Code
-Document Mask
-Filters (for combined files) /
Once the File name on Tab 1 above is filled in, the mapping grids on Tabs 2 &/or 3 will dynamically display actual data from each cell of the first two records in the file (including headers).
Tabs 2 (& 3), alloweach source file field to be assigned (mapped) to the appropriate Voucher Entry field in the PFW database. An F9 lookup on Field cell enables easy selection of the appropriate PFW data field for the information.After this complete Tab 1-2-3 mapped record is created/saved, as a View List Parameter, later imports may be processed with a single “click” on the saved “report parameter.”
Any miscellaneousVoucher data not specified in the import file will be automatically defaulted from Vendor, Ship To & Inventory files. /
These products are published, marketed and supported by Service Technologies Corp. Sage Software disclaims any endorsement or warranty for these product offerings. Sage and SagePFW are trademarks of Sage Software Corp. Crystal Reports trademark and technology are property of Business Objects SA.. All other trademarks acknowledged
Importing A/P Information (cont'd)
Once all of this information is entered & the Parameter saved,Vouchers can be imported. A report lists all the records processed and any discrepancies found. A “Trial” mode allows any discrepancies to be previewed and corrected before the data is actually imported.After the Import is complete and Documents are loaded in the Entry files, normal PFW processing procedures are followed. /
Vendor Import are setup, parameters saved, and run mirroring the above procedure for bringing in a single Voucher file. The file with the Vendorinformation is “located,” its data are mapped to the appropriate PFW database fields and the parameters saved. Then the Import process is “run” in Trial or Final and a log report generated. A “Template Vendor” record (currently in the Master file) is specified on the parameter, any “standard” data fields not mapped/imported (e.g. Terms, Class, etc) will be pulled from that Vendor record. Additionally, if a Vendor Key exists, the duplicate is flagged on the Log and the Vendor will not be added.
In many cases a single source file (for example, jun9sales.csv) is used which contains the Vendor detail as well as Voucher Header and Line Item info. This single file can be mapped to the Vendor Import, then mapped again (as 2 CSV files) to the Voucher Header and Voucher Line Items. Note the Vendor import must be run first to enable anyVouchers from new Vendors to import successfully.
A/PSmart Purge – Vendors & History
Inactive A/PVendors (with their related History & Transactions) can be quickly purged from the relevantA/P Data files using the Purge AP Vendors option on the Utilities submenu. Purging this information can free up disk space and reduce the running times for many A/P Reports. The single parameter window is shown below
/ Vendors/Activity may be purged by any range of Vendor Keys, Vendor Class, Salesperson or Branch Keys. In one Pass, Vendors &/or Activity (as of a given date) may be purged from the following files: VPVEND, APTRANH, APHDRH, APLINHNote that any Vendors with current activity will NOT be purgedeven if they are selected The Purge features TRIAL (preview) & FINAL options.
Both options generate a Crystal Report detailing all data that is being purged.
Contact YourSAGE PFWReseller for Information
Service Technologies has an award-winning Line of Enhancements for SAGE PFW
● Pay-Ware Payroll/ HRIS ● Import/Purge Utilities for A/P, A/RBank Book ● Advanced A/P Payments
●Inventory Management ● GL Maintenance ● Order Base Management ● A/R Advanced Reporting