EEX 4701



Blending Early Childhood Methods & Field Experience: (3) (B.S.). Prerequisite: Admission to the Early Childhood Education B.S. Program.This course explores an organized approach of teaching young children with and without disabilities, developmental, educational, and functional skills useful in natural environments including home and educational settings. Field experience required. Students will learn classroom-based assessment, and then to interpret and use that information to plan curriculum that is responsive to and supportive of children’s learning and the early childhood teacher’s assessment responsibilities. Students will be provided information on the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices, sunshine State Standards and the Professional Educator Competencies. Students are required to complete a minimum of 15 hours of field-based experience (during the term in which the course is taken) with preschoolers, children and/or youth in schools or similar professional educational settings. (This field component must be via virtual modes of film or Internet.)


The student, at the successful completion of EEX 4701, should be able to:

1.Demonstrate an understand ing on how practitioners as they develop skills and strategies to adapt curriculum for effective inclusion of children with disabilities with a classroom using reflective practices.

2.Identify how each child’s developmental needs are effective with appropriate interventions.

3.Demonstrate an understanding through a working model that enhances the process of problem solving to address each child and family’s unique needs.

4.Demonstrate an understanding that some practitioners will be working in fully inclusive settings, while others will be working in context providing more comprehensive supports.

5.Identify the ongoing variation of interpretation regarding inclusion initiatives.

6.Explain how to provide a framework for the support of dynamic process of problem solving among caregivers, so they may exercise positive professional judgment of the best of their abilities.

7.Identify relevant information to help guile the students in their daily practices with children and families.

8.Identify process at relative rather than reflexive.

9.Identify the paradigm shift toward increased inclusion has resulted in many changes among teacher preparation programs.

10.Explain and provide support to students of potential misconceptions, if unaddressed, may interfere with the application of evident-based practices.

Date of Last Revision:2/4/11

Date of Last Review:2/4/11

C:\Documents and Settings\jonese\My Documents\Baccalaureate Degrees\BS Early Childhood Education\Course Performance Standards\EEX 4313.doc Revised 9/2/09 VPAQS sll