ENL 2010: Introduction to British Literature

Mrs. S. Jones

(941) 721-6800 x1182

(Email is the best way to reach me.)

COURSE OBJECTIVES—ENL 2010 is a college level British Literature course. The purpose of this course is to introduce you to some of the major British works/authors, to help you discover a rich cultural heritage, and to hopefully develop a genuine appreciation for these classics.


Reading—I ask that you each keep a reading journal and reflect on your reading. (To be used to generate class discussions, and you will turn in a weekly reflection.)

Writing—Besides the weekly reflections on reading, you will take notes on the Anglo-Saxon Period, the Medieval Period, the Romantic Period, and the Victorian Period (to have a historical context for our readings of these time periods), you will take an essay test over each quarter’s work, and you will submit a literary analysis around Mid-Term and for the Final Exam.

Socratic Seminars (class discussion)—You will be asked to help generate discussion questions, and we will schedule Socratic Seminars in which you will be asked to be prepared with answers and textual evidence to questions generated in advance.


Your grade will be determined as follows:

35% Socratic Seminar Participation

35% Essay Tests

15% Written reflections on reading

15% Questions for Socratic Seminar; notes

Plagiarism--You know that using another's work as your own is wrong. The most flagrant instances of plagiarism are (1) submitting work that is copied from another student's writing, (2) having someone dictate what should be written (such as having a typist rewrite a paper, substituting his/her language for the student's), and (3) using sources without documentation. Don’t plagiarize!


1.  Be punctual. You are considered tardy if you are not in your seat when the bell begins to ring.

2.  Be prepared. Bring necessary materials to class.

3.  Be productive. You are here to learn English; therefore, you should not work on another class during this period, and sleeping should be done on your own time, not mine.

4.  Be respectful. Show respect to everyone in the room—students or adults. There is never a reason to be disrespectful. Be courteous, congenial, and cordial. There is something you can learn from everyone. Please be certain that all comments are appropriate to class discussion. The use of profanity in any form is not allowed. Respect yourself, your education, and your teacher. Cheating will not be tolerated.

5.  Be responsible. I am not here to clean up after you or to serve as your locker. Please put all trash in the wastebasket and take all your belongings with you when you leave. (Food not allowed nor beverages in containers other than water in clear container with a lid—per MSA school rules.) Be responsible for you and only you.


1.  Objectives/Learning Targets will be on the board daily, and you will have an assignment to begin working on at the start of each class. Participation and daily work is required. If you are tardy, it is your responsibility to make sure I have counted you present on the roll at the end of class.

2.  Assignments are due on the date given. Late assignments will be penalized. It is your responsibility to find out your make-up work and schedule any needed make up tests/work. Please write the name, number/email of several other students in this class to be able to call to find out what was covered during class and any assignments given.

3.  Restroom- go during your breaks, not class time. Exceptions are at my discretion.

4.  Progress reports will be submitted for a parent/guardian signature each grading period. And yes, you must get signed by a parent/guardian even if you are 18 years old. Grades will be updated regularly in the school grading program.

5.  You are expected to bring reading material with you to class in case you finish your assignments early. We will have SSR time (Sustained Silent Reading).


An overview of the semester’s work: (subject to possible changes).

1st quarter: Anglo-Saxon & Beowulf, Chaucer, Sir Gawain and the Green

Medieval Periods Knight, Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur

2nd quarter: Romantic Period &: Byronic Hero; Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Film Analysis Various Frankenstein films (TBD)

3rd quarter: Victorian Period Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations

4th quarter: Early 20th century: Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway

I will be available for make-up work at 9:00 a.m. on “B” Days and from 4:35-5:00 on “A” Days. Please let me know a day in advance, so I can have materials prepared.

Name (print) ______Class Pd. ______

ENC 2010 Learning Contract

In ENL 2010, I want to build a community of students dedicated to improving our writing and reading. In this environment, students, as well as the teacher, are responsible for the learning that occurs. Ours is a collaborative learning setting that works best when we understand and meet our shared expectations.

You can expect that as your instructor I will be prepared, professional, and passionate about our study of English. I will treat you fairly and with respect. I will read your work carefully and always with an eye to how I can help you improve. My expectations for you are established by our syllabus (subject to change. Your reading and signing this learning contract will insure that you understand and accept the purpose, policies, and requirements of ENC 2010.

Instructions: Place a check mark in the blank before each of the following statements after you read it. Then sign at the bottom of the page. Detach from your syllabus and submit to your instructor.

_____ I have read and understand the syllabus, pages 1-2. Check here _____ if you have questions pertaining to the course policies and requirements. Write your questions on the back of this contract.

_____ I understand that the purpose of this course is to learn more about traditional works of British Literature and to improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

_____ I will be prepared for class even after an absence, and whenever possible, I will notify my instructor in advance of an absence and will arrange to make up work. I understand that it is my responsibility to make arrangements to make-up quizzes and/or tests before or after school—NOT during class time.

_____ I will get classmates’ names, numbers, and/or emails in order to find out assignments missed when absent.

_____ I also understand that written reflections are due each week, and an essay test at least once each grading period, and two literary analyses (one at Mid-Term and one at Final) Participation in Socratic Seminars are also required.

_____ I understand that late work is penalized. Losing ten points per day is the most typical penalty for late work.

_____ I understand that if I have a question about my individual grades, I will make an appointment to meet before or after school or during a break, NOT during class time. I further understand that progress reports are distributed each grading period in order to be signed by a parent/guardian (even if 18 years old).

_____ I agree to be respectful (of peers and instructor), to be prompt, and to be prepared with necessary materials as noted on the syllabus throughout this course.

_____ I agree to discuss any problems that arise in the course with my instructor and attempt to negotiate a positive solution to these problems.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date______

Parent email: ______

Parent cell# (or other number easiest to reach you):______