Seventh Grade Science Syllabusand Class Management Plan– Mr. Huntzinger

Contact Information


Phone: 304-527-1942 Ext. 214

Cell: 304-670-8665

Teacher Information

Welcome to Seventh Grade Science! My name is Keith Huntzinger. I completed my Bachelor’s Degree in teaching at West Liberty in 1992. Following that I obtained a law degree at WVU and worked as an attorney for 18 years before returning to teaching two years ago. I am dedicated to helping your child be the best he or she can be! My classroom webpage is located at Please review additional information there at your leisure. It is my commitment and mission to provide the best education possible to each student I serve. I will seek the assistance of anyone who has an opportunity to help my students learn including my administrators, my fellow teachers and the parents of my students. My door is always open and I am always ready to listen.

Class Description

The classroom environment will be one that promotes student learning and provides opportunities for your child to work toward his/her potential and experience success. Students will be exposed to the seventh grade science curriculum through a variety of learning opportunities including, but not limited to: live demonstrations, laboratory activities, written assessments and collaborative projects. Content presented in this course is determined by the WV Science Content Standards and Objectives and the Next Generation Science Standards.

Life Science / Physical Science / Earth and Space Science / Engineering Design and Science Literacy
Make-up of cells and cellular structure. / Relationship of kinetic energy to mass and speed of an object. / Earth’s systems including the rock and water cycles. / Designing solutions to solve problems using evaluation and analysis.
Human sensory receptors and the response to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior and storage as memories. / Thermal energy transfer and the transfer of kinetic energy.
Newton’s third law and the relationships created by magnetic and gravitational forces. / History of Earth including geological time, fossils, and plate tectonics.
Monitoring and minimization of the human impact upon the environment. / Use scientific resources to research topics and determine the meaning of scientific terms and ideas.

Supplemental Curriculum

Students will be using ConnectED, an internet based learning tool in addition to their traditional textbooks. Your child will not require internet access outside of school.

Grading Criteria

I will be using multiple forms and types of assessment this school year. Multiple types of assessments will be used to help your child grow academically. The following categories will be used to determine grades for each student. The weight each category carries is also shown.

Category / Weight
Classwork/Homework/Writing Assignments / 40%
Lab Activities / 30%
Tests & Quizzes / 30%

Required Materials List

The following is a list of materials that will be used daily in the classroom. It is expected that students will be prepared for class each day with the necessary supplies. The reason I am asking for students to bring a three-ring notebook specifically for science class is that the notebook will be collected on a regular basis and be unavailable to use in other classes.

  • Agenda – this will be provided by FMS
  • Three ring binder – 1”-2” with front and rear pockets to be used in science class only
  • Loose Leaf Paper and five dividers with tabs
  • Pencils - work completed in “colored” pens/markers will not be accepted. Tests must be completed in pencil or they will not be graded!

Classroom Management Plan

Students will behave in a manner conducive to learning, show respect to the teachers and classmates, and be prepared with materials and work. Agendas are required every day. Students are expected to follow all classroom rules and procedures, the Brooke County discipline policy and WV Policy 4373 “Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools.”

Classroom Rules / Expectations
Be Trustworthy / Sit in your assigned seat
Do your own work – do not copy the work of others
Be Respectful / Use appropriate voice and language
Teasing, taunting, bullying will not be tolerated
Be Responsible / Bring all materials and assignments
Do all homework AT HOME
Follow all class procedures
Turn in completed work on time
If absent, it is the student who is responsible for acquiring make-up work
Be Fair / Do not interrupt the teacher or other students
Be Caring / Contribute to the workload when working on group activities
Assist other students with assignments when appropriate
Be a Good Citizen / Keep the classroom clean
Put away all lab materials when finished

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Discipline: Yellow/Red Refocus Slips

  • Students are to follow all of the 15 Follansbee Middle School Classroom Rules; if a student breaks one of those fifteen rules they will receive a yellow Refocus Slip.
  • As a school, all teachers in the building use the Yellow/Red Refocus Slips.
  • Refocus Slips do not go on a permanent record, they are meant to “refocus” your attention; they are not the same as a discipline slip that goes to the principal’s office

Yellow Refocus Slipsare given to students for infractions of the 15 FMS Classroom Rules, such as:

  • Being unprepared for class (no binder, book, homework, etc.)
  • Talking during class time or talking without raising hand and asking for permission
  • Not having assignments completed when they are due
  • Having or chewing gum

Receiving a Yellow Refocus Slip:

  • Students fill out on the yellow slip which of the fifteen rules they broke and how they’ll change their behavior and then return the yellow slip to the teacher.
  • After receiving five yellow slips total (may be from multiple teachers) that student will have lunch detention.
  • During lunch detention, students will write a letter to parents that details what they receive yellow slips for and that letter is to be signed by the parent and returned to the teacher.

Red Refocus Slipsare given to students for larger infractions such as:

  • A major classroom disruption (yelling out, verbally fighting or arguing)
  • Repeatedly breaking one of the fifteen rules
  • Misbehaving for or disrespecting a substitute or other guest in the school

Receiving a Red Refocus Slip:

  • Student stops and fills out the red slip just like the yellow slips
  • One red slip automatically equals one lunch detention

Positive Behavior Rewards:

  • Every quarter we will have a positive behavior reward activity, such as a field day, games, intramural sports, parties, etc.
  • Students who have receive zero Refocus Slips will receive special recognition at their PBIS Party
  • In order to attend students must NOT:
  • have had more than two lunch detentions (this means no more than 10 yellow
    or 2 red slips, or a combination of 5 yellow and 1 red slip)
  • have been excluded from class by a classroom teacher, or been assigned ISS (In School Suspension) or OSS (Out of School Suspension) by the principals for a full day.


I feel meaningful communication between teachers and parents is necessary to ensure student success. This communication comes in many forms and has specific purposes. I will be using the following:

  • Daily agenda – Students write topics covered in class and/or homework assignments to keep parents “in the loop” concerning classwork. I often write notes to parents in the agenda, as well. Ask to see it daily!
  • E-Mail – I check my e-mail several times a day, including after school and on weekends.
  • Phone – I reserve phone calls for more serious discipline and academic concerns. If you need to speak with me concerning your child, please call the school office and I will return your call during my planning period or at the end of the day. If it is necessary to reach me after school hours, you can do so by using my cell number. If I am not available, I will get back with you as soon as possible.
  • Livegrades – Livegrades is a classroom management system which will provide information relating to your child’s grades and behavior in my classroom. This system also provides an “instant messaging” feature which can be used as a communication tool.

Lab Safety Expectations

In addition to all other outlined expectations, when in the science lab setting, I expect each student to:

1) Act responsibly and maturely at all times

2) Follow all instructions given orally, or in writing by my teacher

3) Perform only those activities assigned & approved by my teacher

4) Protect my eyes, face, hands and body by wearing proper clothing and using protective equipment such as safety goggles and aprons

5) Carry out general and good housekeeping practices as instructed by my teacher

6) Know the location and methods for operation of safety equipment

7) Notify my teacher immediately of an accident or emergency

8) Never work alone in the laboratory

9) Never eat or drink unless instructed to do so by my teacher

10) Handle living organisms or preserved specimens only when authorized by my teacher

11) Never enter or work in a supply area unless instructed to do so

Consequences for violating these expectations:

  • Immediate dismissal from lab activity
  • Possible discipline referral to the principal
  • No Credit for the lab activity

Following is an additional brief list of rules I expect ALL students to follow at ALL times:

  1. Always show respect for everyone in the class.
  2. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
  3. Don't talk when someone else is talking.
  4. Wait your turn!
  5. Come to class with all needed materials.
  6. When in doubt, always ask questions!
  7. Thoroughly attempt a question or problem before seeking assistance.

I encourage you to review this information with your child and sign below:

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Teacher Signature:______Date:______

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