Directions for filling out the VISA APPLICATION (2013)
***If you currently have a valid (unexpired) Japanese visa in your passport, such as a student visa, before receiving your JET visa, you MUST consent to having the old one cancelled by submitting the form found here:
Make sure to attach an appropriate, professional passport-style photo in the box on the upper right-hand corner
with glue or tape adhered to the back of the photo. Absolutely NO STAPLES! Please write your name on the back of the picture at the bottom. The photo must be a clear, frontal head shot against a light or white solid background, taken within the past 3 months and meets the size criteria listed on the Visa Application Form.
1. Name in full: the top line should be your last name and the second line should be your first and middle names, as they appear in your passport. Your SURNAME (last name) should be written in all CAPITAL LETTERS. If you have no middle name put “N/A”.
2. If you have a different name, please state it here. If you do not, please write “N/A”.
3. Date of birth: (Fill in numeric answers for Day / Month/ Year and the form will convert to text) Place of birth: (No abbreviations please).
4. Sex & Marital Status: If you are engaged, please mark “single”
5. Nationality or citizenship: United States Citizen (This has been pre-filled for you.)
6. Former nationality: If applicable, please state your former nationality here.
7. ID No. issued by your government: “N/A” (This has been pre-filled for you.)
8. Passport: a) Passport Type: “Ordinary” (This has been pre-filled for you.)
b) Fill in your passport number
c) Place and date it was issued. (Day / Month/ Year) (This is located on the far right hand side of the picture page, under the “Authority/Autorite/Autoridian” label.
d) Issuing authority: Passport Agency (This is the name of the official office)
e) Fill in the date your passport expires (Day / Month/ Year)
9. Purpose of journey to Japan: Use the drop down menu to choose the appropriate title:
Ø Instructor - if you are an ALT
Ø Specialist in Humanities/ International Service – if you are a CIR
10. Intended length of stay in Japan: 3 year (This has been pre-filled for you, regardless if you are planning on staying a shorter time.)
11. Date of arrival in Japan: Please enter the correct date of your pre-assigned ARRIVAL IN JAPAN by typing in the (dd/mm/yyyy) date format. If your pre-assigned arrival is not one of the dates listed below, contact your JET Program Coordinator.
· April 10, 2013 – Early Departure (Group #1)
· April 21, 2013 – Early Departure (Group #2)
· July 28, 2013 – Group A
· August 4, 2013 – Group B
· August 21, 2013 – Group C
12. Port of entry into Japan: Narita (This has been pre-filled for you.)
13. Name of ship or airline: (Write the name of your airline and flight number if available)
14. Names and addresses of hotels or persons with whom you intend to stay: (This has been pre-filled for you.)
15. Dates and duration of previous stays in Japan: If applicable, please write the dates. If not applicable, please write “N/A”.
16. Home address: Write your permanent US address (do not use a PO Box). Do NOT write your new Japanese address
17. Current profession or occupation and position: If you are newly graduated, please choose “New Graduate” from the drop-down menu and fill in the appropriate information. If you currently have another job, choose “Other” and fill in the appropriate answers or if you are unemployed chose “N/A” and write “N/A” in the appropriate spaces.
18. Name and address of employer: If you are newly graduated, please write your school name, address and main phone number. Otherwise, please write in the applicable information.
19. Partner’s profession/occupation:
î If you are married and your spouse is a JET, then write “Instructor”.
î If you are married and your spouse is not a JET and IS traveling with you, then write their profession.
î If you are married and your spouse is not a JET and IS NOT traveling with you, write “N/A”.
î If you are NOT married, write “N/A”.
20. Guarantor or reference in Japan. (This has been pre-filled for you. Disregard the boxes for gender.)
21. Inviter in Japan: (This has been pre-filled for you. Disregard the boxes for gender.)
22. (Remarks) Special circumstances: (This has been pre-filled for you.)
23. Criminal History: Answer these questions by checking the appropriate box. Do not leave any boxes empty.
24. Please read the declaration and do not forget to date and sign your application!
Double check your application and make sure everything is correct.
JET Program Office
Consulate General of Japan
Federal Reserve Plaza
600 Atlantic Ave., 22nd Floor
Boston, MA 02210