Student Counselor Expectations
1. Cabins
a. Positive Role Model
i. Appropriate topics of discussion and language are essential
b. Enforce our rules
i. All cell phones, candy, food, or gum MUST stay in the counselor’s room at ALL times
ii. Any medications? Please see the nurse
c. Communicate concerns to the Outdoor School Teachers, Principal or Nurses
2. Classes and Hikes
a. Positive Role Model
b. Keep students focused on the Outdoor School Teacher and the activity
c. Communicate concerns to the teacher
d. Enforce our rules and supports the instructor
3. Recreation Time
a. Positive Role Model
i. Student Centered activities
ii. Be certain to disperse amongst students
iii. Appropriate levels of competitiveness
b. Enforce our rules
c. Communicate concerns to the Outdoor School teacher, Principal or Nurse as they arise, not well after the fact
4. Meal Time
a. Positive Role Model
i. Table manners, topics of discussion and language
b. Remain in your seat throughout the meal
c. Enforce our rules
i. Help teachers get students quiet by raising hand
d. ORGANIZE and OVERSEE clean-up at the table
e. Communicate concerns to the Outdoor School teacher, Principal or Nurse as they arise.
5. Night Activities
a. Positive Role Model
i. Dressed appropriately for the weather
b. Enforce our Rules
c. Communicate concerns to the Outdoor School teacher, Principal or Nurse as they arise.
d. Focus on students and activities, not other counselors.
A “Typical” Day at Outdoor School
7:00- 7:15 a.m. / Wake-up / Teacher will wake-up cabin: keep students quiet until that time8:00 a.m. / Breakfast / See expectations about meal time
8:50 / Cabin Clean-up / Oversee clean-up, assign jobs and make all students accountable for helping
9:15 a.m. / Class / Check with teacher at the BEGINNING of class about your role. See expectations about class.
12:15 p.m / Lunch / See expectations about meal time
1:40 p.m. / Class / Check with teacher at the BEGINNING of class about your role. See expectations about class.
4:15 p.m. / Shower Time / Make certain that students are showering, safe, and respecting each other’s privacy. When finished, students are to be OUT of the cabin at rec. time.
5:15p.m. / Dinner / See expectations about meal time
6:40- 7:20 p.m. / Student Journal Class / This is your time to shower and take care of homework etc. Use time wisely and be in the cabins at 7:20 to prepare for the Night Activity.
7:30 p.m. / Night Activity / See expectations about night activity
~9:00-10:00 / Bedtime / Time for bed is anywhere in that window. Students have 10 minutes to get ready- please manage behavior and have students remain calm.
· Close Curtains completely
· Open doors to hallway (should ALWAYS be open)
· Turn out lights in bathroom, hallway, bunkroom
· Our Rule: lights out = SILENCE
· When all are in bed, the alarm is set
Student Counselor Evaluation
Evaluators: The Outdoor School Staff (Teachers, Principal, Instructional Assistants, Kitchen Staff, and Nurses)
Recommended to return Not Recommended to Return
Very Effective / Effective / Not EffectiveCabin
Positive Role Model
Enforces our Rules
Communicates concerns to staff
Class Hikes
Positive Role Model
Enforces our Rules
Communicates concerns to staff
Keep Students Focused on Activity/Lesson
Recreation Time
Positive Role Model
Enforces our Rules
Communicates concerns to staff
Actively Involved in student-centered activities
Meal Time
Positive Role Model
Enforces our Rules
Communicates concerns to staff
Keep students calm and maintain order
Remains at table throughout meal
Organizes clean-up at the table
Night Activities
Positive Role Model
Enforces our Rules
Communicates concerns to staff
Focuses on students and not other counselors
Friday Morning Cabin Check-Out List
1. All belongings, yours and the students’, must be moved out before cleaning
2. When saying good-bye to students, do NOT give out ANY personal information
Clean-up Routine
1. All students PACK
2. All students and counselors move EVERYTHING out of the cabin to the assigned spot (sooner the better)
3. Cleaning- it is YOUR responsibility to assign jobs:
- Collect NAME CARDS from bunks—give to teacher
- Windows and curtains closed
- Bunkroom floors swept
§ Pay close attention to the bottom of the bunks and ladders
- Hallway floors swept
- Bathroom mirrors, shelf, and sink wiped off
- Bathroom floor swept
- Showers checked for personal belongings and curtains closed
- Toilets flushed
- All trash cans emptied into trashcan on the front porch
§ Recycle ALL that can be
4. When all of the above is done, students sit on their bunks
5. A Teacher or Nurse MUST inspect the cabin before ANY students or counselors leave the cabin for breakfast or recreation time.
Student Counselor Questionnaire
The Outdoor School Team hopes that your week at Outdoor School has been enjoyable as well as profitable. In an effort to improve the Outdoor School Program, we would appreciate your honest feedback below. Please turn this in at the end of the week. Thank you in advance.
How was the Outdoor School Program profitable for you?
What possible modifications could be made to the existing program to make it better for future counselors and students?
What do you wish you would have known as a counselor BEFORE coming out to Outdoor School? Or were you fully prepared?
Dates Attending:______