Ellensburg, Washington

Minutes of: Commissioners’ Board Meeting, Regular Session

Meeting date: September 10, 2015

Meeting time: 1900 hours

Meeting place: 102 N. Pearl Street, Station 29

Commissioners in Attendance: John Smith, Neil O’Neill, and Neal Houser. Pat Clerf and Glenn Huffman had excused absences.

Others in Attendance: Chief John Sinclair, Financial Services Manager Amber Simon, Deputy Chief Elliott and two members in the audience. DS Hill had an excused absence.

1. Call to Order: Commissioner Smith called the meeting to Order at 1901 hours and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Approval of Agenda:

Commissioner Houser made a motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the agenda as amended.

3. Consent Agenda:

Items listed under the Consent Agenda were distributed to Fire Commissioners in advance for study. All of the following items were enacted with one motion:

3.1 Approve Meeting Minutes

·  August 13, 2015 Regular Meeting

3.2 Acknowledge Correspondence

·  A letter from Royal Vista Nursing & Rehab discussing the closure of their facility.

3.3 Authorize to pay vouchers

Batch # / Amount / Description
2015.08.08 / $12,750.00 / Special Run - General Fund 010
$12,750.00 / Total
Batch # / Amount / Description
2015.09.01 / $297,388.73 / Payroll - General Fund 010
2015.09.02 / $105,766.64 / Payroll - EMS Fund 011
2015.09.03 / $25,359.58 / Expenses - General Fund 010
2015.09.04 / $15,813.41 / Expenses - EMS Fund 011
2015.09.05 / $800,613.49 / Expenses - Bond Fund 021
2015.09.06 / $6,048.70 / Expenses - Equipment Fund 041
$1,250,990.55 / Total

Motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to approve the consent agenda items as presented. Commissioner Houser seconded the motion. There was no further discussion. The Board voted unanimously to approve the consent agenda items as presented.

4. Public Hearing: None

5. Public Comment: None

6. Administrative Reports:

6.1 Finance Report: FSM Simon presented that attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:

·  Bond Fund Interest – during the budget process, an investment strategy will be determined and a policy will be created to document those strategies.

6.2 District Secretary Report: There was no report. Chief Sinclair requested the Commissioners let DS Hill know if they wish to attend the Commissioner Conference.

6.2 Deputy Chief Report: Chief Elliott presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:

·  Assisted Living Facility Charge – The actual cost for delivery of this type of service is being researched; it will probably come in around $500 to $700. Chief Sinclair will create a policy for this type of transport. A finished proposal will be submitted to the Commissioner’s at the October meeting for their consideration.

·  DC Elliott also expressed his appreciation for the support of the organization in his ability to finish his Division Supervisor task book. At this time, within the local fire district personnel, he is the only one with Division Supervisor signed off. Both Captain Delvo and Lieutenant Wallace are extremely qualified, just not signed off in the task book. Our goal in achieving overhead positions to support operations inside Kittitas County and in adjacent counties, DNR and Forest Service is bearing fruit and we have received very good feedback from every incident we respond on, people are happy to have us there.

6.3 Chief’s Report: Chief Sinclair presented the attached report and the following items were discussed in further detail:

·  Wildfires: In the past month we have responded to several different fires in Grant County, Chelan County and Okanogan County. At one point the District had different people on four different fires. All the feedback that we have received has been positive, our folks do a great job representing us and the fire service

·  County Chiefs Wildfire Plan: This was devised and with a few revisions it was a good plan and will probably be implemented again.

·  Construction Meetings: Dealing with some issues, but on track. We are submitting the Adams Street improvements as a change order.

·  There was discussion regarding a proposal dealing with water storage capacity that Kittitas Reclamation District working on. Urban Eberhart submitted the briefing documents to the Chief. KRD is looking for support from the Fire District. This will be on the agenda for the November meeting.

6.4 Commissioners Report: DC Elliott attended the KITTCOM meeting and reported that there was conversation on KITTCOM’s role in the I-net and how it will interface with the city. The partner agencies, KITTCOM specifically, may peel off a piece of this (the maintenance issue) that the City has interest in taking on. There was also discussion regarding long term funding concerns about KITTCOM that are 10 to 15 years out.

7. Unfinished Business: None

8. New Business:

8.1 Resolution 15-21, 15-22, and 15-23: Cancel and Reissue Warrants. Motion made by Commissioner Houser to adopt Resolutions 15-21, 15-22, and 15-23. Commissioner O’Neill seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the motion passed 3 – 0.

9. Executive Session: None

10. Adjournment

A motion was made by Commissioner O’Neill to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Houser seconded the motion. There was no further discussion and the board voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 1945 hours.


Board Chair


District Secretary

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