17-086 US Office of Special Counsel 2302(c) Compliance Program
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Headquarters, NTC
Fort Irwin, CA
17-086 US Office of Special Counsel 2302(c) Compliance Program
1. (U) SITUATION. Federal law makes all federal agencies responsible for preventing prohibited personnel practices and ensuring that employees are informed of their rights and remedies under 5 USC Chapter 23 (Merit System Principles) and 5 USC Chapter 12 (creates and defines roles of the Merit System Protection Board and US Office of Special Counsel (OSC)). The Office of Special Counsel established a certification program to assist with compliance. The White House made the certification a mandatory requirement for all federal agencies in 2014. The Army submitted the 2302(c) Certification Program Registration form on 29 NOV 16.
2. (U) MISSION. MSCs complete the five (5) steps for certification NLT 24 APR 17 to comply with the 2302(c) certification program.
3.A. (U) Concept of Operations MSCs are tasked to complete the five (5) steps below and submit monthly status reports to G8 (), reporting the 24th of each month beginning 24 FEB 17 (refer to annex D). The final suspense is 24 APR 17.
3.B. (U) Task to subordinate Units.
3.B.1. (U) 11th ACR
3.B.1.A. (U) Place OSC information posters (refer to annex A, Poster Whistleblower, annex B, Poster Whistleblower Retaliation, and annex C, Poster Prohibited Personnel Practices) at all agency facilities (bulletin boards). You must track and report the number of posters that have been posted and where they are located in annex D, (5USC2302(c) (Tracking Sheet).
3.B.1.B. (U) Provide annex E (Agency letter employee) to all new employees during the orientation process. Include the OSC developed materials about the 13 prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) and whistleblower disclosures, as well as annex F (know your rights as a federal employee) and annex G (know your rights when reporting wrongs). Individuals are required to document the date the OSC-developed materials are added to the orientation packets.
3.B.1.C. (U) Provide the same memorandum developed for new employees to your current workforce along with the enclosures as in 3.B.2 above. Commands are required to provide the date this information was provided to the current employees.
3.B.1.D. (U) Post a link to the OSC’s website on the Command websites. The link is Contact for more information.
3.B.1.E. (U) Train supervisors on the 13 PPPs and whistleblower disclosures. (NOTE: training module will be provided under separate cover upon OSC review and approval.) Commands will have to report the number of supervisors in the command, the number of supervisors that have been trained (all are required to be trained), the date(s) the supervisors were trained and the method used for training.
3.B.2. (U) OPS GRP
3.B.2.A. (U) Place OSC information posters (refer to annex A, Poster Whistleblower, annex B, Poster Whistleblower Retaliation, and annex C, Poster Prohibited Personnel Practices) at all agency facilities (bulletin boards). You must track and report the number of posters that have been posted and where they are located in annex D, (5USC2302(c) (Tracking Sheet).
3.B.2.B. (U) Provide annex E (Agency letter employee) to all new employees during the orientation process. Include the OSC developed materials about the 13 prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) and whistleblower disclosures, as well as annex F (know your rights as a federal employee) and annex G (know your rights when reporting wrongs). Individuals are required to document the date the OSC-developed materials are added to the orientation packets.
3.B.2.C. (U) Provide the same memorandum developed for new employees to your current workforce along with the enclosures as in 3.B.2 above. Commands are required to provide the date this information was provided to the current employees.
3.B.2.D. (U) Post a link to the OSC’s website on Command websites. The link is Contact for more information.
3.B.2.E. (U) Train supervisors on the 13 PPPs and whistleblower disclosures. (NOTE: training module will be provided under separate cover upon OSC review and approval.) Commands will have to report the number of supervisors in the command, the number of supervisors that have been trained (all are required to be trained), the date(s) the supervisors were trained and the method used for training.
3.B.3. (U) 916th SPT BDE
3.B.3.A. (U) Place OSC information posters (refer to annex A, Poster Whistleblower, annex B, Poster Whistleblower Retaliation, and annex C, Poster Prohibited Personnel Practices) at all agency facilities (bulletin boards). You must track and report the number of posters that have been posted and where they are located in annex D, (5USC2302(c) (Tracking Sheet).
3.B.3.B. (U) Provide annex E (Agency letter employee) to all new employees during the orientation process. Include the OSC developed materials about the 13 prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) and whistleblower disclosures, as well as annex F (know your rights as a federal employee) and annex G (know your rights when reporting wrongs). Individuals are required to document the date the OSC-developed materials are added to the orientation packets.
3.B.3.C. (U) Provide the same memorandum developed for new employees to your current workforce along with the enclosures as in 3.B.2 above. Commands are required to provide the date this information was provided to the current employees.
3.B.3.D. (U) Post a link to the OSC’s website on command websites. The link is Contact for more information.
3.B.3.E. (U) Train supervisors on the 13 PPPs and whistleblower disclosures. (NOTE: training module will be provided under separate cover upon OSC review and approval.) Commands will have to report the number of supervisors in the command, the number of supervisors that have been trained (all are required to be trained), the date(s) the supervisors were trained and the method used for training.
3.B.4. (U) Tasks to Staff
3.B.4.A. (U) G1, G2, G3, G4, G6, G8, Inspector General, Safety, SHARP, and Command Group
3.B.4.A.1. (U) Place OSC information posters (refer to annex A, Poster Whistleblower, annex B, Poster Whistleblower Retaliation, and annex C, Poster Prohibited Personnel Practices) at all agency facilities (bulletin boards). You must track and report the number of posters that have been posted and where they are located in annex D, (5USC2302(c) (Tracking Sheet).
3.B.3.A.2. (U) Provide annex E (Agency letter employee) to all new employees during the orientation process. Include the OSC developed materials about the 13 prohibited personnel practices (PPPs) and whistleblower disclosures, as well as annex F (know your rights as a federal employee) and annex G (know your rights when reporting wrongs). Individuals are required to document the date the OSC-developed materials are added to the orientation packets.
3.B.3.A.3. (U) Provide the same memorandum developed for new employees to your current workforce along with the enclosures as in 3.B.2 above. Commands are required to provide the date this information was provided to the current employees.
3.B.3.A.4. (U) Post a link to the OSC’s website on Command websites. The link is Contact for more information.
3.B.3.A.5. (U) Train supervisors on the 13 PPPs and whistleblower disclosures. (NOTE: training module will be provided under separate cover upon OSC review and approval.) Commands will have to report the number of supervisors in the command, the number of supervisors that have been trained (all are required to be trained), the date(s) the supervisors were trained and the method used for training.
5.A. (U) Signal.
5.A.1. (U) POC for this program is the G8 Manpower, Ms. Debi Townsend at 380-2136 or .
Annex A - Poster Whistleblower
Annex B - Poster Whistleblower Retaliation
Annex C - Poster Prohibited Personnel Practices
Annex D - 5USC2302(c) Tracking Sheet
Annex E - Agency letter employee
Annex F - Your Rights as a Federal Employee
Annex G - Know You’re Rights When Report Wrongs