Ancient Rome

Study Guide

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  1. Rome is the capital of the country called Italy.
  1. The city of Rome is located on the Italian peninsula and part of the European continent.
  1. The Italian peninsula sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea.
  1. Rome is located on the Tiber River.
  1. The Strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean to the west.
  1. Latin was the language of the Romans.
  1. The Romans built excellent roads, bridges, and aqueducts.
  1. An aqueduct is a great pipe high in the air for the water from the mountain lakes to flow over valleys and hillsides. They brought fresh water to the city of Rome.
  1. A type of clothing worn by the Romans was a toga worn over a tunic.
  1. The legend of Romulus and Remus is a legend that tells how the city began.
  1. The ancient Romans believed in many gods and goddesses.
  1. Vesta was the goddess who watched over the sacred altar fire of every Roman home and the fire of Rome itself. Fire was her symbol.
  1. Poor working men and women were called plebeians.
  1. People who had great wealth and power were called patricians.
  1. Rome and Carthage fought in the First, Second, and Third Punic Wars.
  1. Hannibal was from Carthage. He used elephants to cross the Alps during the Second Punic War.
  1. The Senate was part of the government that made laws.
  1. Julius Caesar was a famous Roman. He was elected consul, named governor, and general.
  1. Cleopatra was queen of Egypt. Caesar’s enemies thought that he would marry her so they assassinated him.
  1. The Colosseum is a great, round arena where gladiators and wild animal fights could be viewed by everyone.
  1. Chariot races took place in the Circus Maximus.
  1. Mount Vesuvius is a volcano.
  1. The city of Pompeii was buried under rock and ash from the volcano.
  1. The Romans persecuted the Christians because of their religious beliefs.
  1. When Constantine became emperor, he allowed Christians to practice their religion freely. He is remembered as the first Christian emperor of Rome. In A.D. 330 he moved the government to Constantinople.
  1. Justinian was a famous emperor of the Eastern Empire.
  1. Justinian preserved the old Roman laws by having them written down. This collection of Roman laws was known as the Justinian Code.
  1. Corruption led to the decline of the Roman Empire.