RPPR Pilot Institutions

RPPR Pilot

The materials on this page are for use by those grantee institutions participating in the RPPR pilot, Spring 2012. The pilot institutions are:

Duke University (Duke)

University of Michigan (UM)

Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU)

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Rush University Medical Center (Rush)

University of Washington (UW)

Information for Pilot Institutions

Pilot institutions may begin submitting RPPRs as of May 4.

Activity codes that will be part of the pilot are:

Activity Codes
R01-like SNAPs / D71, DP1, DP5, G08, G11, G13, P40, R00, R01, R03, R18, R21, R33, R34, R36, R37, R56, RC1, RC2, RL1, S10, S21, S22, SC1, SC2, SC3, UB1, UC2, UH1, UH2, UH3, UP5
Individual K SNAPs / K01, K02, K05, K06, K08, K18, K22, K23, K24, K25, K26, K99, KL1
Education SNAPs / D43, K30, R13, R25, RL5, T14, T36, U13, U2R
Fellowships / F05, F30, F31, F32, F33, F34, F37

Pilot institutions may submit RPPRs up to two weeks late, and are encouraged to submit a variety of RPPR types (e.g., R01-like SNAPs, individual K SNAPs, etc.). Pilot institutions may also opt to submit an eSNAP, or, in the case of Fellowship awards, a paper PHS 416-9 progress report in lieu of an RPPR.

Materials for Pilot Institutions

·  Screen Shots of the R01-like RPPR

·  NIH RPPR Instruction Guide [pilot use only]

Points of Contact

•  System issues or comments

o  E-mail Scarlett Gibb at

o  cc Emily Linde and Carol Wigglesworth at email addresses below

•  Content questions or comments

o  E-mail Emily Linde at and Carol Wigglesworth at

Pilot Feedback

We would appreciate being alerted as soon as possible if you identify significant system functionality errors such as unable to submit, route, view, etc. We need these comments in a timely manner in order to incorporate any required code changes in the subsequent eRA release(s).

We would also appreciate receiving general comments on the RPPR Instruction Guide. These comments should be provided by June 30th, if possible

A Feedback “Go-to-Meeting” session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 26, from 1:30-3:30 (EST) for a general discussion with pilot participants.

There is no defined format for feedback but we would appreciate receiving emails so we can document issues.

Known System Errors

Errors being fixed on 5/4/2012

·  RPPR link is showing on status screen for non-NIH grants. RPPRs are not to be submitted for non-NIH grants.

·  User will receive error when submitting RPPR in the rare instance that a Grants Management Specialist has not been assigned to the grant.

·  When associating publications with the RPPR, the publication status does not change to Official Status in Commons or MyNCBI.

·  SOs/AOs with PD/PI delegate authority are not able to initiate RPPR.

·  No Validations occurring for line items in G.4.c ClinicalTrials.gov in Special Reporting Requirements component.

·  Email notification not sent to SO & AO when RPPR is submitted to agency.

·  Incorrect message for submitted RPPR report; 'RPPR' spelled as 'PPPR.'

To be fixed at a later date

·  Display “Nothing to Report” in BOLD & CAPS.

·  When selecting show/hide “+” for “Publications Associated with this award” incorrect pop-up is displayed .

·  Pagination for “Publications Associated with the award” will show error when publications volume requires more than one page.