Congratulations! You have been appointed as a Gym Night Captain for 2018. Welcome to a Neshaminy tradition that is over fifty years running. Your peers have given you a great honor and vote of confidence to lead them through this year’s event. We wish you the best of luck, and please remember that we are here to assist you in any way possible. Do not hesitate to ask for help, directions or suggestions.

To help you, we have prepared this guidebook. Please remember that you are not alone. Do not try to do everything by yourself. A good leader knows how to utilize your group’s strengths, and manage their time adequately.

There are numerous tasks that you must complete before the start of your team’s first practice. These include, but are not limited, to the following:

-Selecting a sub-theme from the main theme.

-Selecting music to accompany your theme.

-Selecting a prop to be used during your exhibition.

-Creating dances for the exhibition.

-Time management for deadlines and practices.

Congratulations and we look forward to working with you; we know you will do an outstanding job!


Mrs. Amy Kochersperger-Geruc

Department Chair

Gym Night Director

Health and Physical Education


  • Attend all Gym Night meetings as scheduled by the Gym Night director.
  • Select along with Grade Level Captains, a Gym Night Theme.
  • Serve as a liaison between the Grade Level Captains and the Gym Night Director.
  • Assure that all grade level captains are aware of, abiding by, and following the Gym Night rules and procedures. This includes exhibitions, costumes, decorations, relays and props.
  • Cooperate with and assist Grade Level Supervisors in all matters regarding Gym Night.

-The selection of each grade level sub-theme.

-The development of exhibitions and selection of music & costumes appropriate to the grade level sub-themes.

-The Grade Level Captains with choreographing of exhibition dances.

-The Grade Level Captains and Supervisors in selecting and developing relays.

-The Grade Level Captains and Supervisors in organizing and running any and all practices.

-All decoration committee activities including the mural.

  • Visit Grade Level activities to make certain they are running smoothly and/or to assist in practices
  • Assist Gym Night Director, Grade Level Supervisors, and Floor Officials in crowd and participant control during school practices and during the performances.
  • Assist in smooth operations of all Gym Night activities.



  1. In order to be placed in nomination as a captain of the Blue or Red team for their respective grade level, a student must meet the following criteria:
  2. Student must have a grade of “C” or better in all classes based on their first marking period grades.
  3. Student must be in “good standing” with their grade level administrator.
  4. Students that have problems with class cuts, lateness and over disciplinary problems will not be allowed to run for captain.
  5. Student must have his/her ballot signed by every subject teacher verifying his/her status as a leader, responsibility and work ethic.
  6. If a captain is selected and fails to meet the general requirements regarding grades, attendance, and discipline as established and stated herein, they will be removed from their captaincy and replaced by the next highest vote getter.
  7. A Gym Night Captain or Participant may be removed from participating in Gym Night for:
  8. Lack of cooperation with captains and/or Gym Night Advisors.
  9. Rude and unacceptable behavior at all Gym Night functions.
  10. Violation of the Neshaminy School District Discipline Policy and/or Substance Abuse Guidelines.
  11. Any offense deemed major by a Gym Night Advisor and/or director may result in immediate removal from Gym Night Participation.
  12. Gym Night participants, in order to participate, ARE NOT required to purchase any items or to pay any amount of money for purposes of covering team expenses. If a participant has an issue paying please refer them to Mrs. Geruc.
  1. Fundraisers cannot be conducted to obtain monies. All monies must be obtained through sponsorships and student donations.
  1. Contact with any supervisors via text messaging must be done with Dr. McGee included in the group message. The use of Neshaminy Email and remind 101 are also permitted.
  1. Participant packets. One standard Red and Blue participant packet will be created and approved prior to handing out. Each grade level can list their own sub them and contact information. Amounts collect per grade level may vary. Please see calendar for due date for approval.


  • Themes, custom-design and colors, music, and dance routines MUST be presented to the grade level supervisor on the date scheduled. See calendar.
  • Once exhibition has been approved by the supervising teacher, any additional changes must be re-approved by the grade level supervisor.
  • No practices begin until the supervising teachers have approved the dance, music, costume and prop designs. Grade level supervisors must have a copy of the final CD before practice can begin.
  • The supervising teachers in charge shall closely monitor exhibition practices. At least ONE supervisor shall be present at each practice. There will be NO off-sight or additional practices without a supervising teacher. This includes giving out costumes.
  • NO CHANGES in costume, make-up, music, or dance routine between Friday and Saturday nights


  • Senior’s only may have a custom change.
  • Attendance must be taken and recorded at ALL PRACTICES.
  • Exhibitions shall be limited to the following times:

-SENIORS: 12 minutes

-JUNIORS:10 minutes

-SOPHOMORES:10 minutes

-FRESHMAN: 7 minutes

-These times INCLUDE at least two minutes of traditionalsquare dancing for senior exhibitions, AND all entrances and exits.

-Freshman Dance: Freshman will wear the uniform t-shirts and shorts and be allowed ZERO props.

  • Exhibitions, excluding entrance and exit, must stay within the boundaries of the main basketball court. The red lines are the boundaries. You may not go over the white lines when performing the main dance.
  • The throwing of candy or other items during exhibitions is prohibited.
  • Exhibitions must be presented in good taste with no sexually suggestive music, body positions, or body movements.
  • If any special effects (spotlights, overhead lights) are required for the dance, directions must be written out and given to your supervising teacher. You should have a team member present to instruct them when these effects are needed.
  • Lights, (electrical or battery-operated) are NOT PERMITTED on costumes in exhibitions, on exhibition props, or on decorations. No dry ice or solar lighting. If you are unsure, please ask your supervisors!


  • The teacher in charge of decorations must approve all decorations and the location of the decorations. Captains and decoration committee should check the decoration dimensions in Gym 3, and discuss with the Gym Night Director methods used to install the decorations. Please do not purchase any mural materials without talking to the Art Supervisors.

-Each team is limited to ONE PROP per exhibition, seniors may have TWO.

-All props MUST HAVE 4” wheels on them.

-Measurement of props:



-WIDTH: 6 feet

If these requirements are not met, the supervising teacher and/or Gym Night Director will remove the prop from the exhibition.

When creating props keep in mind that they do not block the view of spectators. Think of location of props during the dance.

Props may unfold beyond the measurements only during the dance. Must fold back to the original measurements.

  • All props must be constructed by Neshaminy High School students and family. No outside help can be obtained in construction.
  • No project shall be undertaken that will scrape or mark the gymnasium floor.
  • Do not block exits or exit signs.
  • There can be no decorations hung from the rafters.
  • No students will be permitted to climb on the rafters.
  • Painting is not permitted in the gymnasium, the lobby area, or outside the gym area.
  • No nails, screws, staples or other anchors of this type shall be inserted into the gym floor or anywhere else in Gym #3.
  • No primary or original construction projects shall take place within Neshaminy High School.
  • Projects must be prefabricated and may be assembled in the gymnasium.
  • Any wood that comes in contact with the gymnasium floor must have a cardboard base for protections of the gym floor.
  • No air or heat vents shall be covered by decorations.
  • Decorations will be hung on the boards provided for that purpose and placed on the floor and wall areas that are so designated.
  • Any personal equipment or tools that are used are not the responsibility of the Gym Night Director, supervisors, or the Neshaminy School district.Items will not be replaced via Gym Night funds.
  • All accessories must be on the student or on the prop at all times. Safety First at the digression of the supervisor.


  1. Students medically excused from Physical Education classes MAY NOT participate in Gym Night relay activities.
  1. Supervising teachers will schedule time trials. Both Supervisors must be present at the time trials.
  1. Participants scoring the best times will be selected for relay teams.
  1. Supervising teachers may place a participant with poor qualifying time on a relay team if he/she considers this move educationally sound.
  1. Members of relay teams may participate in ONE relay and ONE co-ed relay.
  1. Supervisors will determine participants in all relays.
  1. In order to be in a relay, a participant must be in the exhibition and present at relay time trials.
  1. Supervising teachers will confer with grade level captains and select relays.
  1. Supervising teachers shall attempt to keep teams equal in ability.
  1. Floor diagrams and directions MUST be provided for the floor crew and floor officials by the grade level supervisors. Please see supervisor’s manual for dates.
  1. Relay diagrams, directions, and equipment needed must be turned in to the Gym Night director 2 weeks prior to Gym Night.
  1. NO MORE than 3 repetitions of any activity with the exception of basketball lay-ups are permitted (bat circles, pin knockdowns, forward rolls, etc.)
  1. Supervisors of the event must check all equipment and placement of equipment to make sure it is the same for both teams before a relay can begin.
  1. Participants must remove all jewelry to participate in any relay event.
  1. No foreign substances or materials of any kind are permitted to be applied to the body or clothing to gain an advantage (Vaseline, rosin, Tuf-skin, grease, oil, powder, hair spray, etc.)


  • Winning team from the previous year will start the music draft. Everyone will use the NHS digital recording class to create music.
  • Song lists must include the following:
  • Correct name of song.
  • Artist
  • Song lists must be typed and included lyrics.
  • No holding songs for another team. Each individual team must have their own song list.
  • On Draft day:
  • The Gym Night Director/Supervisor will approve the SONG.
  • Supervisors will approve the part of the song and lyrics being used.
  • Individual supervisors have the “FINAL SAY” over music selections.
  • Some songs may not be approved if they “sound like”, are “bleeped out” or deemed inappropriate by the supervisor. Grade level supervisors will have the final approval.

How the music draft will work!

  • First Round will be as follows:
  • Seniors will choose 35 songs, alternating every 5 songs. First team to choose is the team that won last year.
  • Juniors will choose 25 songs again alternating every 5 songs.
  • Sophomores will choose 20 songs again alternating every 5 songs
  • Freshman will choose 15 songs, alternating every 5 songs.
  • Second and subsequent rounds will be as follows:
  • All grades will choose 10 songs alternating every 5 songs
  • Seniors will cap at 65 songs
  • Juniors will cap at 55 songs
  • Sophomores will cap at 50 songs
  • Freshman will cap at 45 songs

*Subject to change to improve the draft.



  1. Contact the individual via letter and/or phone call or in person.
  2. Meet with the individual.
  3. Always follow the donation with a thank you letter.
  4. Sponsors must fill out the donation form.
  5. All donations must be made by check payable to: Neshaminy High School.
  6. Students must use sponsor form provided. No customizing sheet.

Gym Night Clothing

  1. Clothing sales/designs are the responsibility of the Color Captains.
  2. Grades levels will provide clothing options too.
  3. The Gym Night Director willselect the company for the shirt order.
  4. All Gym Night Clothing will be done on line.
  5. All ads and artwork for the T-Shirt must be approvedby the Art Supervisorbefore going to the printer. This should be Neshaminy student derived.
  6. No personal messages will be permitted on the clothing.
  7. The back of the T-shirt ad goes directly into the mural fund.


  1. Each team will receive money from the Gym Night account.
  1. It takes 7 daysfor the bookkeeper to process this request before you can receive a check for your reimbursement.
  1. DONATIONS – Have all checks made out to NESHAMINY HIGH SCHOOL.
  1. All money transactions must follow the procedure outlined in your captain’s book.
  1. Neshaminy School District, supervisors and employees are not accountable for any mishandled funds. Students handling financial transactions are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the funds and will be legally accountable.
  1. In order to receive a reimbursement, you must supply a receipt of your Gym Night purchases. There will be norefunds issued without a receipt.Please be responsible with receipts. Please keep all personal items off of receipts.
  1. One Parent per grade/team can be in contact weekly with the Gym Night Director to confirm team balances. The team treasurer and parent should communicate together.
  1. Do not combine your purchases. If you are purchasing personal items, for example a candy bar.Get a separate receipt for the candy bar. One receipt for your personal items and one for Gym Night items.One receipt can slow down the refund process.


  1. You must have a deposit slip or withdrawal voucher to place money into/or withdraw from your account. Please see examples!
  1. All forms must be filled out in ink and signed by the following people:
  2. Team treasurer
  3. Gym Night Director
  1. You need to attach the original itemized receiptwith the attached gym night form signed by the appropriate people before the form can be turned into Mrs. Adler to withdraw funds from your account.
  1. You are responsible for all transactions. Gym Night supervisors do not make purchases.

The role of the supervisors is to equally enforce the rules established concerning the construction and presentation of the murals. The supervisors are going to approve all artwork for the mural, Gym Night Program, essay and t-shirt designs. One of them will be present during all of the hours you are working on the mural.

Painting Hours

The art supervisors are aligned with a singular team but will often check in on both teams. They are not telling secrets or informing the other team of mural progress. Your supervisor must be informed of every hour you are painting and will be there for every hour. If you are not informing the supervisor of your working hours, you can be docked cooperation points. Both of the supervisors are easily available throughout the school day or through text message communication. You do not need to let both supervisors know of your painting times, just one; the supervisors will communicate with one another about painting times. Please note that the mural must be completed in 50 HOURS. This includes the time it takes to sketch it on to the mural and paint it. The art supervisor will create the mural schedule.


There are multiple strategies to choosing a location to paint and sketch. In the past teams have assembled their entire mural and painted it once it was completely assembled. This requires a facility that has enough open floor space to accommodate the fully opened mural on the floor. Another option is to break the mural into sections either in half or in thirds, and in doing so you need less floor space to paint. One thing often overlooked when painting is seepage through the canvas. To combat this, using plastic sheathing helps prevent staining of the floor in the painting location.


All artwork for the murals will have to be approved by both art supervisors. There is an official form for approval of the gym night mural design at the back of this packet. All modifications to the original artwork must be pre-approved by an art supervisor, if the mural consists of artwork not pre-approved, it will be painted over or physically removed from the mural. This will also impact the scoring of your mural by the judges. Please discuss the process with art supervisors. For example, photo shop and or tracing.