It will be most helpful if you will please complete this form so that we can note and abide by your wishes.

‘Locally’ produced media includes printed matter distributed mostly in our Group’s area or diocese. As our websites might have viewers from anywhere in the world, the form lets you specify your website consents and refusals separately.

Using my name and contact details separately from images of me

Locally / WGP online
I consent to my name being used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my address being used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my landline phone number being used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my mobile phone number being used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my email address being used / Yes/No / Yes/No

Using pictures in which I appear

Pictures of me in a group....* / Locally / WGP online
I consent to pictures of me in a group being taken and used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my name and contact details allowed above being linked to pictures of me in a group / Yes/No / Yes/No
Regarding pictures of me on my own...* / Locally / WGP online
I consent to pictures of me on my own being taken and used / Yes/No / Yes/No
I consent to my name & contact details allowed above being linked to pictures of me on my own / Yes/No / Yes/No

* NOTE: A person will be regarded as appearing in a picture when, in the relevant WGP leader’s judgment, he or she is visually identifiable from it.

Regarding updates by email...
I’m happy to receive updates about the websites / Yes/No
I’m happy to receive updates about Church activities / Yes/No

You may amend the above details at any time.

My name [block capitals]: ______

Please read before signing overleaf:

  1. I understand that every effort will be made to comply with my wishes as expressed on this form. If I notice any item appearing against my wishes, I will immediately inform the Rector or Churchwarden of my parish.
  2. If I have consented to use of pictures of me:

a.  I acknowledge the Church’s right to crop or treat the pictures(s) at its discretion.

b.  I acknowledge that the Church may choose not to use the pictures(s) at this time, but may do so at its own discretion at a later date.

c.  I acknowledge that the Church may discontinue use of any pictures(s) without notice.


d.  I understand that once posted my pictures(s) on the Church’s websites can be downloaded by any computer user anywhere in the world. Therefore, I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Church, its priest, trustees, members and designers from any claims arising out of the use of my pictures(s).

Signature*: Date:

*Not required if returned through your email address.

The following will not appear in WGP media or submissions unless you’ve given your consent on this form:

The name you’d like to go by (if different): ______


Telephone: Mobile:


Please return to: Revd. R.W. Nichols, The Rectory, 4,Hunters Ride, Caston,NR17 1DE. Email:

Breckles, Caston, Great Hockham, Griston, Merton, Stow Bedon and Thompson

WGP’s use of your name, contact details and pictures

The activities of the Wayland Group of Parishes are publicised in its various media, for example in its pew sheets and posters, and in its submissions to village magazines and to newspapers. From 2015, these activities will also be featured on its websites and social media pages.

As a participant in one or more of our activities, you have legal rights regarding whether and how you appear, in word or image, in any of our publicity. The WGP also recognises its moral duty to respect your privacy.

It is our policy to use personal names and contact details only when appropriate. For example:

·  Jemima Puddleduck shared what she learned from the course on spiritual pond paddling.

·  Thanks to Minnie Mouse for cleaning St. Francis’ last month. It is Donald Duck’s turn next month.

·  St. Francis’ Cleaners: Donald Duck, Minnie Mouse

·  St. Francis’ Cleaners Rota: Minnie Mouse (2 Field Lane, Farmley 01333 555555 07777444444 )

·  Tickets from Mickey Mouse (01333 555555)

Similarly, a picture in which you appear will be used only when appropriate within a Church context.