Appendix D. Open-ended responses and general comments

Which best describes your organization?
FQHC Health Center & IOP for Adolescents, Prevention Services
County Government with CMHA license
Tribal Behavioral Health
We do not provide clinical services/ only educational
Chemical Dependency Treatment Provider
Child Welfare Service provider
Prepaid Inpatient Health Plan
BCBA working with children and adolescents with ASD
multiple specialty practice
CD, public health, DD
Also provide outpatient chemical dependency services, Developmental Disabiilty employment support se
Community Health Center with Integrated BH
hospital based service
Child and Family
Provider of CD Tx. Housing, chlidcare
Juvenile Court
Multiple Social Services
Community Health Center
Licensed Mental Health services in schools
Hospital Outpatient Program
Regional Support Network
Substance Abuse Treatment for API youth and Youth of Color
Parent Coach/Parent Educator
[AGENCY] - sexual assault and traumatic stress services
What types of services are available through your organization?
Private pay
Community outreach & education
Integrated BH with Primary Care Medical
Inpatient hospitalization
Mental Health Evaluations for 4-17 year olds
peer support
Co-occuring Tx-SubsAbuse/MH
Child care, housing, case mngt.
mental health practice
DBT Group Skills Training
Psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, supervision, consultation and training
Wellness, Prevention, ICW, Health care, Native American culturally specific family counseling
specialized sexual assault services; we are a state accredited sexual assault services program - full range of core and specialized services including therapy, advocacy, prevention.
Parent Education/Parent and Child Direct Observation and Coaching
Family Support and Family Education classes
Functional assessment, behavior support plans, medication management, adaptive equipement
Prevention Education
We contract for services with CMHAs
Chemical Dependency, Housing, Payee, Mental Health Court, Homeless Project, Jail Transition
Individualized Treatment Court
office-based outpatient services
art therapy/counseling services in office
contract services out
in office mental health services
office-based outpatient services
dual diagnosis
Peer Support Counselor services, respite
Wraparound, also an array of Child Welfare services
Outpatient Private Practice Services
We subcontract with agencies that provide all medically necessary, covered Medicaid state plan services
parent/care-taker training; behavior intervention; school consultations
Medical Detoxification
Wraparound, Children's Crisis Stabilization Bed, Foster Care Recruitment and Retention, Foster Care Licensing, School Based Wraparound, Children's Initiativies
parent education/support
mental health and chemical dependency
24/7 on call intervention
Liaison/transition services
Drug / Alcohol Treatment - Outpatient
parenting skills/FPS
Health Clinic & Prevention Services
Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, & Veterans
Approximately what percent of your organization’s or practice’s revenue for children’s services is from the following sources?
US Army
cash, scholarship
Private pay
non-profit contract (Sexual Assault Response Center), private pay (cash clients)
sliding fee scale private pay
hospital budget too complex to answer this question
grants, FBG, donations
School contract services
self pay
Private Pay
Federal grant - Tribal 638 contract - Government to government contract - Self determination 638
private pay
city, county and united way grants
Unable to answer this as I only work with adults out of the health clinic
School contracts
self pay
United Way Funds
State, county, and municipal funding; United Way; charity care; private fundraising
client fees
The Family Support side of our practice receives multiple sources of grant funding to provide services to children and their families
school districts; private families
fee for services
County Funded Low Income
Mental Health State Funds
State contracts, Private contracts, Medicare
Private Pay - Cash put of pocket
county mental health funds
private pay
private pay, fee for service
grants, contributions
Private Pay or no Fee
EAP referrals/other non-profits
private pay
private pay and school districts
Foundation & corp. grants=43%
private pay
School Contracts, Private Pay Clients
All of our services for all people are throngh contract agreement with the RSN
King County, local cities, United Way
State of Washington funds, Federal Mental Health Block Grant funds, Transformation Grant Pilot funds
client's pocket
don't know, I see primarily adults
prevention mentoring dollars, foundation dollars
Our Wraparound and SWIFT/Crisis Stabilization are paid to us through our Counties, who themselves are contracted to the RSN. CA pays for our FFK work and a small portion of our Wraparound. We receive United Way funding for our children's initiative and are fee based for our Divorce Parenting program
Our Wraparound and SWIFT/Crisis Stabilization are paid to us through our Counties, who themselves are contracted to the RSN. CA pays for our FFK work and a small portion of our Wraparound. We receive United Way funding for our children's initiative and are fee based for our Divorce Parenting program
2% School MH contracts
Medicaid Tribal reimbursement and private insurance
fee for service, grants, donations
tribal hard dollars
medical providers, education, grants
State funding through RSN contract, non-medicaid
Indigent Defense funds (Juvenile Court)
private pay
Dept. of Health and Human Serives - Runaway and Homeless Youth Grants
private pay
Private Pay
Private Pay
Private Pay
What general types of children’s evidence-based practices and system of care approaches are you most interested in having staff at your organization or practice receive training in?
If you chose “other”, please describe what general type(s) of children’s evidence based practice or system of care intervention(s) you were referring to:
So many referrals from medical community for assessing and diagnosing ADHD issues especially for meth addicted children
parent-infant psychotherapy
Native American culturally based, not EBP not tested on Natives
Family Search and Engagement
Dr. Charles Wang's Developmental and Systems Approach
Support for families with grief/loss related to kin or foster placement, for children who live seperately from one or both parents
Evidence based practices should only be used with populations in which it has been tested.
None of the above would enhance my practice
Is there another children’s evidence based program, promising practice or approach that you would be interested in providing at your organization or practice?
Theraplay - Dr. Jurnberg - No research yet for evidence based. Also another attachment based model - Circle of Care. Lots of work being done with attachment so looking for other EBP attachment based models
Infant Observation Training for Mental Health Providers
BFT. Brief Family Intervention
Functional Family Therapy
applied behavior analysis
Functional Family Therapy
Circle of Security
Aggression Replacement Therapy
Promoting First Relationships
Circle of Security
Cornerstone: Reflective network Therapy
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprogramming
need an approach for anxiety for late teens
Parent Child Psychotherapy
The Oppositional Defiant Child Parenting Program - Russell Barkley
Dr. Charles Wang's Developmental and Systems Approach
Child-Parent psychotherapy (Lieberman)
Postive Parenting
We call it SWIFT, Tacoma calls it FAST and I'd like to see it become an evidence or promising practice with accompanying fidelity index
Collaborative Problem Solving
MRT Parenting and FAmily Values, Parents As Teachers
Solution-focused Brief Therapy
Family-Focused Treatment of Bipolar Disorders in Adolescents (Miklowitz and Goldstein)
Collaborative Problem Solving - CPS
Critical Incident Stress De-briefing
functional assessment
Promoting First Relationships
Promoting First Relationships
Promtoing First Relationships
Functional Family Therapy
Please provide any additional feedback about your organization’s need for training on specific EBPs for children, youth, and families, or how the EBPI may support your organization or practice here:
There are numerous EBP our agency would be interested in but we are limited not only in training funds but geographic limitations(with costs) to attend trainings. Also have difficulties with maintaining fidelity of many EBP models due to unique limitations often found in rural health care. And too, our agency primarily serves the Medicaid population. Access to Care criteria for children, youth often presents as a barrier to provide services to children/families seeking parenting and/or behavioral counseling.
Forget EBP. Our system is broken. We need more group homes, childrens homes so children are not moved from home to home and abused. We need schools in which Special Education Teachers with BD kids have a cap on the number of kids in the room. We need a Mental Health system that functions. We went from Block Grants to Fee for Service with a population that often cCancels or no shows for appointments. So the response is to push productivity. And don't forget all the wonderful QA forms, froms the RSN wants and you have a broken system. Why not a survey on concerns and issues that block ones ability to provide services.
Our staff are very well trained. Our biggest need is increased resources. Placement options for respite are nonexistent, stabilization resources are mainly unavailable. Prevention work and family support prior to negative episodes are not supported by the State Plan for CMHAs. Training is interesting, but does not address the most pressing needs.
I would have to figure a way to pay for staff training. As you see there are a number of EBPs that I would be interested in for staff and youth in different units of my operation.
As a long time sole provider, practicing attachment based work with adults and children, and teaching undergraduates developmental courses on the role of relationships in attachment and growth as a foundation for further post-BA training, I'm not very engaged in training at agency level, although I do consultation with other established providers. I am committed to the need children have for long term healing relationships with caregivers who have learned how to manage their own life histories- whether these be teachers, therapists, parents, researchers...
I am interested in providing training for mental health clinicians working with infants, children, adolescents, and adults in an experiental course on infant observation modeled based on British Object Relations theory. The course would meet weekly for 90 minutes and would result in clinicians understanding the development of mind in infancy as it relates to adult mental health and psychopathology. Additionally this training would increase clinicians ability to observe interpersonal and intrapsychic development with patients of any age.
Due to being a private practice we want to provide the same resources to children that they have access to in community mental health centers. All of our practitioners have worked multiple years in CMHC's and feel we can offer the same services but are limited by RSN's. WE want to provide insurance paying clients access to these same resources as well.
Are there EBTs that focus on systemic approaches rather than direct service delivery. Not everyone wants ro do 'direct service'. Are there other opportunities to use EBTs or promising practices?
Fortunately, we get most training for free when we contyract with the CA to provide the EBP
Using EBP that have not been used in Indian Country and mainly have been used in non-Indian, middle class populations, does not provide what we need. Research based EBP focusing on Native American children and families is what we need.
I am a trainer for Functional Assessment Systems. FAS is the dev eloper of the CAFAS, PECFAS, JIFF and Caregivers Wish List. These instruments are designed to identify functuional impairments in children and to match parnets needs to parent management interventions.
The primary objective of using evidenced based pracitces is to improve client/patient outcomes. The CAFAS and PECFAS are particularly helpful in tracking progress /outcomes over time and matching common functional impairments with evidenced based interventions. Please check out : Let me know if I cahn be of further assistance.
Thanks [NAME] for your thorough assessement of these practices in MH centers. I would support trainings for staff in many of these areas if the cost was low. We are currently assessing our entire mental health program, population served, and modalities offered.
Our funding is very tight. If our funding has more than is needed for salary and benefits then we use the funds for training and supplies. Thank you
We would like to hear about all potential offerings and how to access them. We can make decisions about sending specific personnel based on dates, costs, etc.
We are trained in multiple Evidence-based practices as a Family Support Staff. There is another half of our region that provides Children's Mental Health Services through the RSN. We work together and individually. Often, the cost of getting staff trained and staff turnover (needing to train new staff) are large barriers in providing services for our area.
I continue to raise the inherent ethical conflict between EBPs and positive behavior support. The latter often results in more restrictive programming and placements, an increased probability of placement in the justice system, more psychotropic medications, and, in sum, the denial of effective treatment. It pains me to see this push for empirical treatments when PBS rides high in this state with no push-back.
Our organization is contracting, planning and oversight agency. We're interested in increasing the use of EBPs by network of CMHAs. The cost of training and operating EBPs during this time of reduced funding is an ongoing frustration.
Our intent is to specialize in use of evidence based practices. We already use several and are always scouting additional one. Obviously money becomes an issue for training and implementation. It would be nice to have quality training at reasonable price for our therapists.
Aggression Replacement Therapy is an intervention which is owned by the state and an intervention which we would be really be interested in providing to our clients. We have tried to access training for this intervention in the past but have been locked out because currently training is only offered to agencies within the Juvenile Justice system.
I am private practice LMHC trained in adult CBT. I am working with some terrific adolescents ages 14 and up and am very interested in getting more training in working with adolescents in general and with their parents also. I would love to take advantage of any training opportunities you have. Even though I don't have anyone to train at my PP, I might in the future seek clinic work where I would love to train others, as I did previously on a Marital Therapy Research grant.
I am a solo practitioner in an isolated, rural community so I'm not sure my responses to this survey represent more than this biased perspective.
Please make sure trainings are open to private practice providers as well as agencies.
Interested in how the evidence based therapy will be documented by the therapist and client.
I have reported just on the program I oversee which is a home visiting program for parents and young children who have been homeless. I am not able to report from the perspective of the many other programs in the [AGENCY].
Most of the children seen in our practice have been victims of trauma. PTSD is the most common diagnosis, and we always need more effective and efficient means of treatment for children and families, regardless of diagnosis.
I am a sole proprietor, the only clinician at [AGENCY 1] to specialize in children and adolescents. I have a contract with DCFS to provide counseling services to children in Foster Care or Foster Adopt or Adopted children. I have gone to considerable expense to become certified as an Adoption and Foster Care Therapist ([AGENCY 2]) and in June will become a certified Attachment Therapist ([AGENCY 2 and AGENCY 3]). Children who qualify for reimbursement by DCFS are only about 20 percent of my caseload, but I would like to see more of them. At this point, I am not willing to invest more of my personal funds in further training. I would, however, be interested in a training program of EMDR for children.
any specific trainings for 15-18 year olds in anxiety, depression
As an independent contractor, I can only speak for myself. I am very interested, however, in some of the trainings mentioned in this survey. If at all possible, I would like to follow-up on those in terms of availability, cost, etc. Also, if there is any other way I can facilitate your research, I would be happy to consider participation.