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Sample Paper – 2014
Class – XII
Subject – Informatics Practices

Time- 3hr Maxm Marks-70


1 (i) Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using star topology over ring topology? 1

(ii) Identify the following:

(a) Each node is connected with the help of single co-axial cable? 1

(b) 1B:2C:3D:76:98:7D (Write the name of first 3 digits to what they represents)? 1

(iii) Mr Sen & Co is a chartered accountant firm with head office and registered office which 1

are 145 meters away from each other. The company connected their both offices using

Ethernet cable to share the data. But after connection they are unable to transfer data

between their offices? Suggest them the name of device they should use for smooth


(iv) Define Firewall and DOS attack in detail? 2

(v) What is an abbreviation of : - 1

(a) DNS

(b) DHCP

(vi) Give an example of domain name and an URL? 1

(vii) Write any two categories of standards? 1

(viii) Name any two Indian script included in Unicode? 1

2 (i) Write the sample code to extract 7th element from the list box and store it in a variable 1


(ii) What is the difference between setEnabled() anad setEditable() method? What type of 1

values are passed to them as parameter?

(iii) Write the name of method used to extract the value selected in a combo box? 1

(iv) What are the different attributes of table tag? 1

(v) What is the difference between while loop and for loop? 1

(vi) What will be value of x and y when following code will be executed? 2

int x = 5;

int y = 20;






System.out.println(“Values are “+x+” “+y);

(vii) Rewrite the following code using if….else statement? 2

int c = jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex();



case 0 : BillAmt = BillAmt*.05; break;

case 1 : BillAmt = BillAmt * .09; break;

case 2 : BillAmt = BillAmt *.11; break;

case 3 : BillAmt = BillAmt *.13; break;

default : BillAmt = BillAmt-0 ; break;


(viii) (a) Which tag is used in HTML to create ComboBox? 1

(b) Which tag in HTML is used to draw a bar?

3 (i) Mr Ankit Patel a database developer created a table reservation in the database railways. 1

Later on he is unable to remember the size of columns and any constraints defined in the

Table . Suggest him the command which he should use to get the required information.

(ii) In the above question Mr. Patel by mistake written Delhi in place of NewDelhi in the 2

destination column of passenger code P005. Now he wants to perform the correction?

What complete command he should write to change Delhi to New Delhi.

(iii) Mr Kumar created two tables Admission and Library to store detail of students. When 1

Mr Kumar is trying to delete a record of student from Admission table he is unable to

perform the same. What may be possible reason? Both the tables contains a common

column Reg_No.

(iv) In a database Schools, staff is a table which is having Aff_No, Name, Principal and 2

Mobile_no as column. When the following code are executed it produces 27 and 22

as query output for the following query. What is the possible reason for that:



(v) Mr Gupta a bank Manager wants to see the detail of customer from customer table of 1

those customer whose name contains S as 3rd letter in the name. Help him to write the


(vi) Write a command to DELETE all the records of a table FOODS? 1

(vii) What is the difference between Candidate Key and Alternate Key. 1

(viii) Which command is used to eliminate redundant data from query result set? 1

4 (a) Write the name of package required to display dialog box? 1

(b) Mrs Ahana created two class Car and Maruti_car and an interface Automobile. Write the 2

command to derive Maruti_car from Car class and use interface Automobile in Maruti_car


(c) What do you mean by abstract class ? 1

(d) What do you mean by call by value and call by reference of a method? 1

(e) Mr Susmita a Web Developer wants to create a web page which contains the list as given 1


8 Rajkot

9 Mehsana

10 Ahmedabad

Write the Html code for the following.

(f) Write any four differences between XML and HTML?

(g) What will be content of textArea when following code will be executed? 2 String str1=”Ruksana”;

String str2=”Ruksaar”;


5 (a) Sri SAI Hotel computerized its Billing System. Given below the data entry screen through

which bill amount is calculated.

(i)  Write the code for calculate button to calculate bill amount, service tax as per the 3

rate specified in the table. Total bill amount=total amount + service tax.

(ii)  Write code for clear button to clear all the controls. 1

(iii)  Write the SQL Query for (a) to (f) and output of (g) and (h) on the basis of table BANK 7

given below:


Ac_No / Cust_Name / B_Name / Amount / Date_of_open / No_of_transaction
A001 / Agam Shah / SBI / 28000 / 2011-06-01 / 5
A002 / Nishant Patel / HDFC / 22000 / 2012-07-02 / 7
A003 / Krunal / ICICI / 66000 / 2012-06-04 / 9
A004 / Twinkle / HDFC / 55000 / 2013-01-10 / 6
A005 / Jinal / ICICI / 34000 / 2013-01-15 / 3
A006 / Aaditya / SBI / 90800 / 2013-08-18 / 1
A007 / Varsha / AXIS / 18000 / 2013-09-11 / 2
A008 / Vishnu / ICICI / 97000 / 2011-08-13 / 5
A009 / Dhruv Raj / UCO / 12000 / 2010-12-01 / 7

(a)  To display the number of customer in SBI who opened their account in the year 2013.

(b)  Display Ac_No,Amount,No_of_transaction of customers whose bank is SBI or ICICI or UCO bank.

(c)  Display the detail of customer whose name ends with ‘l’.

(d)  Display the Date _ of_ Open of oldest customer.

(e)  Display sum of amount deposited in each bank separately.

(f)  Remove the detail of all customer of UCO bank.

(g)  Select Count(distinct B_Name) from Books;

(h)  Select SUBSTR(Cust_Name,3,6) from BANK;

(iv)  Which command is used to end the transaction successfully in MySQL. 1

(v)  Define ACID properties and ROLLBACK? 1

6 (a) Write SQL command to create the table Passenger with given constraint. 3

Table : Passenger

Column Name / Data Type & Size / Constraint
P_Number / Char(20) / Primary Key
P_Name / Varchar (20) / Not null
Source / Varchar(20)
Destination / Varchar(20)
Charges / Float(7,2) / Default 750/-
Age / Number / Not Null

(b) What will be an output of following SQL command:

(i) Select length(Substr(Concat(“Roop”,”Ranjan”)),5,5); 1

(iii) What do you mean by Cartesian Product of two table? 2

(iv) What is the difference between Round and Truncate function? 1

(c) Consider the tables Trainee & Trainer given below:


Trainee_ID / Trainee / Gender / Trainer_ID
TE001 / Pawan / Male / TR005
TE002 / Radhika / Female / TR004
TE009 / Ankit / Male / TR004
TE007 / Abhishek / Female / TR002
TE005 / Vishnu / Male / TR001


Trainer_ID / Trainer / Sports
TR005 / Mr Gupta / Carom
TR004 / Mr Chaudhary / Football
TR003 / Mr Singh / Carom
TR002 / Mr Das / Cricket
TR001 / Mr Sen / Football

Based upon above given tables, write commands in SQL for (i) and (ii) and output for (iii) given below:

(i) Display the Trainee Name, Gender and corresponding Trainer Name for all Trainee. 2

(ii) Display the Trainee Name and Trainer Name of all Trainees. 2

(vi)  Select Trainne, Gender from Trainee, Trainer 1

where Trainee.Trainer_id = Trainer.Trainer_id and sports = “carom”;

7 (a) Write any four societal impacts of E-business? 2

(b) Write the name of any two E-governance portal of india? 1

(c) What is the meaning of G2B and C2G? 1

(d) What do you mean by Front End and Back End? 1

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