Section B Earn as you learn?


a. Lead-in

Discuss and answer the following questions

1. How can students strike a balance between work and study?

It is no easy task for a working student to strike a balance between work and study. The following tips may help: good time management: Plan your time wisely and you can make the best out of it. modest working hours: Working too long can weaken your health and affect your school performance. efficiency in work and study: Learn to work and study more efficiently because higher efficiency saves your time and energy. good health: Get good sleep and do some exercises. After all, you can neither work nor study if you are sick.

2. How do you feel about the students who work to pay their own tuition?

I admire the students who work to pay their own tuition as long as they are still performing well academically because they are independent, responsible and self- motivated. They have to work harder on fewer hours of sleep, but certainly they will find it rewarding as they have made full use of their time in college. What’s more, the skills they learn from their part-time work will put them in a more advantageous position when seeking employment after graduation. They also share the financial burden with their parents by paying their own tuition. Therefore, I think we should learn from them.

I feel pity for the working students as they are not able to fully enjoy their college life like many other students. They have less time to study or to do other fun activities. They may have fewer true friends as they are busy with making money. Though they can gain some work experience, that may not be helpful for their future careers because part-time work usually involves labor work rather than professional work. They may feel regretful after graduation because only by then will they know what they have missed as a college student.

b. Background information

1. What is credit hour?

In the United States, a student in college or university earns credits when completing a course successfully. Credit hour refers to credit in a school or college, usually representing one hour of class per week for one semester.

2. How can a student receive credit hour?

There are various systems of credits, but students typically receive credit hours based on the number of “contact hours” for one semester. A contact hour refers to an hour of scheduled instruction (a 50-minute session) given to students. A semester credit hour, or SCH, is normally granted for satisfactory completion of one contact hour of classroom instruction per week for a semester of at least 15 weeks. Typically, a 3 SCH course meets three 50-minute sessions per week for 15 weeks. Most college and university courses are 3 SCH or 45 contact hours.

3. Is there a minimum number of credits required for graduation from school?

Yes, there is generally a minimum number of credits required to graduate. A schedule of 12 to 19 SCH is considered a full-time semester load. Many colleges consider 12 SCH a minimum full-time load for students to be qualified for financial aid.

II.Reading Skills

a.Presentation of the skill

Understanding signal words

Signal words can be a valuable aid in predicting what is coming next; they can also help to identify the pattern the writer is using to get the point(s) across. Signal words may be found anywhere in a paragraph to show relations between sentence parts, between sentences, or even between paragraphs.

Examples and Explanation

This unit focuses on the various types of signal words that are commonly used, illustrated with more examples from Text A besides the example(s) provided in the Student’s Book. Understanding signal words Presentation of the skill

1. Words that signal additional information: also, and, furthermore, additionally, moreover, too, in addition, not only … but also … These words signal that more information is to be added to what you just read. For example: On the other hand, we also detected a different pattern. (Para. 3) Here “also” indicates that in addition to the pattern mentioned in Paragraph 2, there is one more pattern to be discussed.

2. Words that signals an example or explanation: say, for example, for instance, in other words, such as. These words signal that examples are provided to explain the principal or general idea. For example: A heavy commitment to a part-time job during the academic year, say, working 20 hours per week or more, Understanding signal words Presentation of the skill more undermines and significantly interferes with school achievement and commitment. (Para. 2) Writers often use examples to help readers understand their ideas better. In the above sentence, “say” is used to signal that an example is to be provided.

3. Words that signal a summary or conclusion: therefore, consequently, thus, in summary, to summarize, in conclusion. These words are used to signal that the discussion is ending and a summary or conclusion is to be provided. For example: We conclude that students should resolve to work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to be successful in school. (Para. 9) The writer often uses a signal at the end of a paragraph or a passage to tell the readers that he is making a summary or conclusion. Noticing the summary signals will help you get the main idea of a paragraph or passage or the opinion of the writer very quickly. Here “conclude” signals that a conclusion is to be made.

4. Words that signal a change of thought: although, but, however, instead, nevertheless, whereas, on the other hand, on the contrary. These words signal that there is a change in thought, and that something different or even opposite is being said. For example: Whereas it is true that more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours to begin with, it appears that working makes a marginal situation worse. (Para. 4)

Although mind-wandering during school is characteristic of young adults, working students report significantly more of it than non-workers. (Para. 7) Clearly, words such as “although” and “whereas” signal that the writer is changing his direction of thought. With “Although mind-wandering …”, the writer is modifying the saying with different information: working students are more mind- wandering than non-workers. Similarly, with “Whereas it is true that …”, the author signals that while he agrees that “more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours to begin with”, he is suggesting a different idea, that is, “working makes a marginal situation worse”.

5. Words that signal comparison or contrast: same, while, whereas, different from, more / less than, in / by contrast, in comparison, be comparable to. These words signal that one idea is going to be compared with another. For example: While in some countries students have always been expected to absorb part or even all of their tuition costs through work or borrowing, in other countries the Understanding signal words Presentation of the skill more tremendous cost of attending university has been provided by the relevant education authority or by parents. (Para. 1, Text B) The signal word “while” helps to signal that a comparison is being made. The author makes a comparison of how to shoulder the university tuition in different countries.

6. Words that signal a sequence or time order: one, two, three; first, second, third; next; then; finally. These words signal that there is an order to the ideas. Information that is presented in order is usually more meaningful. Therefore, when you see these words in reading material, pay attention to the order in which the material is arranged. For example: Finally, working long hours can be associated with increased alcohol and drug use. Working students use drugs and alcohol about 33% more often than non-working students. (Para. 8) In Text A, the author lists four explanations to the undesirable effects that employment has on student performance. “First”, “Second”, “Third”, and “Finally” are used to make the writing well-organized. These signals can guide us to follow the ideas presented by the author one by one.

7. Words that signal cause, condition, or result: because, as, owing to, if, then, therefore, consequently, in turn, as a result. These words suggest that a cause, condition, or result is coming up. For example: According to our studies, alcohol and drug use, in turn, may be linked to disengagement from school, and more therefore, is likely to depress school performance. (Para. 8) When you are reading something, especially a difficult material, information is easier to understand and remember when the author gives reasons or results for the information. In the above sentence, “in turn”, and “therefore” make it clear that “alcohol and drug abuse” can lead to “disengagement from school” and “depress school performance”. These signals make it easier for you to understand the sentences. The following are two more examples: Over time, as these become established practices, students’ commitment to school is eroded bit by bit. (Para. 5) We conclude that students should resolve to work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to be successful in school. (Para. 9)

8. Words that signal emphasis: above all, indeed, most of all, it’s time to / that, important to note, most importantly. These words signal that what is said is important. For example: It’s time to abandon this appealing myth! (Para. 9) Here “It’s time” is used to express the urgency of getting rid of the wrong idea that working may help build character.

Practice:Read Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 7 of Text B and underline the signal words.

Para. 1

As the cost of attending university has soared over the last two decades, a frank and vigorous debate is emerging over who should pay for the cost of higher education. While in some countries students have always been expected to absorb part or even all of their tuition costs through work or borrowing, in other countries the tremendous cost of Understanding signal words more contrast signals cause-and-effect signal attending university has been provided by the relevant education authority or by parents. I am proud to be in the small minority of students who “earn as they learn” and absorb the cost of their own university education in spite of the many obstacles.

Para. 7

I am aware that my work and study choices are not popular and that many influential studies claim to illustrate that working while going to school negatively impacts educational performance. They cite increased dropout rates, lower scores and reduced lifetime earnings. Besides, these studies also give evidence that many students exhaust much of their earnings not on school, but on entertainment and partying while attending school. The studies also show increased abuse of alcohol and drugs, which leads me to question these students’ resolve and commitment to the serious side of life.

III.Text Study

a. Text comprehension

1.How did the author pay his university education cost? (Para. 1)

earn as they learn; absorb the cost; their own university education.


I am proud to be in the small minority of students who “earn as they learn” and absorb the cost of their own university education in spite of the many obstacles. (Para. 1, L6 - 7)


I feel proud that I am among the small number of students who make money as they study and cover the cost of their own university education although there are many difficulties to do so.


我是少数派学生中的一员,通过“勤工助学”、克 服种种困难去承担自己的学费,我为此而感到自豪。

2. According to the author, what is the major reason for many students not to pay their own tuition by themselves? (Para.2)

They are not willing to pay or contribute. simply not wanting to pay or contribute

3. How did his peers react when they learned that the author worked to pay his own tuition? (Para. 2)

look at me blankly; as though I’d gone to the moon

They were very surprised.


As for the remaining majority, I ask myself, “Is it me, or are students these days just lazy?” (Para. 2, L1)


When it comes to the majority of students who do not “earn as they learn”, I ask myself, “Am I special, or are students these days just too lazy to work?”


至于其他大多数人,我问自己:“是我情况特 殊,还是现在的学生就是懒惰呢?”

4. What part-time jobs did the author do to cover his education costs? (Para. 3)

1). working as a day care provider

2). working as a tutor in a private school

3). helping deaf children

5. What is the purpose of the word “did” used in the first line of Para.4? (Para. 4)

The word “did” is used here to signal emphasis.

6. What does the author want to show with the example of the girl student from a wealthy family? (Paras. 4 - 6)

having to work and multitask; force you to prioritize; a skill she hadn’t learned

Working part-time may help one prioritize their tasks.

7. According to the author, what is the actual cause of increased abuse of alcohol and drugs among many working students? (Para. 7)

They do not have a serious attitude toward life. lead me to question; students’ resolve and commitment; to the serious side of life

原句 :

Besides, these studies also give evidence that many students exhaust much of their earnings not on school, but on entertainment and partying while attending school. (Para. 7, L4 - 6)


而且,这些研究还提供证据证明,在大学期间许 多学生并没有把大部分赚来的钱用在学习上,而 是用在娱乐和聚会上。


In addition, these studies also prove that instead of using most of their income on their education, many students spend the money they made on entertaining themselves and attending parties. 提供证据 用完;耗尽

8. What benefits has the author reaped from working while study? (Paras. 8 - 10)

1). The author doesn’t have to pay for debts after graduation.

2). The author has made his parents happy by becoming a responsible adult.

3). The author has relieved his parents of the burden to pay for his tuition.


Relieved of this considerable burden, I am convinced that I will be able to make intelligent career choices that will provide me with greater personal satisfaction and ensure better pay over the years to come. (Para. 8, L3-5)


Free from this great worry, I am certain that I will be able to make wise choices about my career that will bring me greater sense of fulfillment and make sure that I get better pay in future years. 译文:

没有了这个大包袱,我确信我能明智地选择能让我获 得更大的个人满足感并保证今后有更称心收入的职业。解除某人的负担 确信

9. What’s the function of the words “furthermore” used in Para. 10? (Para. 10)

“Furthermore” is a signal word to indicate that one more benefit of doing part-time jobs is shown in addition to the one mentioned in lines 1 - 2, Para. 10.

10. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the last paragraph? (Para. 11)

To call on other students to work part-time while studying.

Text Summary

As the cost of university education has __ soared__ over the last two decades, a __vigorousdebate __ is emerging over who should pay for the cost of higher education. While many students claim that they have no __capacity__ to pay or contribute, I am proud to be __in the small minority__ of students who “earn as they learn” and _absorb__ the cost of their own university education. I worked for two __solid__ years and managed to cover all the costs of my education.

Meanwhile, I pulled straight A’s and was at the top of my class. I reaped really __authentic benefits__ of the “earn- as-you-learn” approach. First, having to work hard and multitask forces me to __prioritize__. Besides, upon graduation, I was free from the __substantial __ stress and tension of debt payments. Furthermore, I have made my parents happy by becoming a responsible adult. Last but not least, I have ___relieved___ my parents __of__the burden to pay for my tuition.

b. Language focus

-Practical Phrases

1. be in the / a minority 占少数

Their party is only in the minority on the local council. 在地方议会里他们的政党只占少数。

2. a matter of doing sth. 是(做某事)的问题

Reducing cheating on campus is not just a matter of giving severe punishments.要减少校园作弊现象不单是进行严厉惩罚的问题。

3. look back 回忆起;回顾

I always look back on those happy days I spent at college. 我总是回忆起在大学里度过的那段快乐时光。

4. be envious of 妒忌的;羡慕的

He repeatedly told his son not to be envious of others’ good fortune.他反复跟儿子说,不要羡慕别人的好运气。

5. catch / get / have a glimpse of sb. / sth. 一瞥;飞快地一看

Thousands of people had gathered, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Queen. 成千上万的人聚集起来,都想一睹女王的风采。

6. be aware of 知道;意识到

Most people are aware of the dangers of sunbathing. 大多数人都知道晒日光浴的危险。

7. relieve sb. of sth. 解除某人的负担

Robots relieve people of dull and repetitive work. 机器人将人类从单调重复的工作中解脱出来。

-Functional patterns

1. As sth. has soared / increased / declined / dropped / changed over…, a frank and vigorous / heated debate is emerging over sth. else. 用于表达“随着某种事物 的急剧攀升/提高/下降/ 变化”,某种现象成为热 点话题。

原句As the cost of attending university has soared over the last two decades, a frank and vigorous debate is emerging over who should pay for the cost of higher education. (Para. 1, L1 - 2)



典型随着近10年人们生活水平的显著提高,是否要放 弃高考到海外留学已经成为了热点话题。(living standard / College Entrance Examination / study abroad)

As people’s living standard has greatly improved over the last decade, a heated debate is emerging over whether to give up College Entrance Examination and study abroad or not.

2. Sb. claims that … Sb. else thinks / argues / asserts / believes / holds it’s more a matter of sb. simply not doing sth. 用于表达“反驳某人的观 点,强调某人做某事所存 在的问题”。


Collectively, they claim that they have no capacity to pay for college. I think, it’s more a matter of them simply not wanting to pay or contribute. (Para.2, L3)




典型有些学生声称自己没时间学习,我认为,倒不如说他们根本就没有把学习放在心上。(a matter of fact / put one’s heart into )

Some students claim that they have no time to study. I think, it’s more a matter of them simply not putting their hearts into study.

3. The study shows / indicates / suggests / illustrates …, the study also gives evidence / proves that … 用于表达“某研究所提供 的证据及结果”。


有很多颇有影响的研究声称半工半读会给学习成绩带来负面影响。而且,这些研究还提供证据证明,在大学期间许多学生并没有把大部分赚来的钱用在学习上, 而是用在娱乐和聚会玩乐上。


Many influential studies claim to illustrate that working while going to school negatively impacts educational performance. Besides, these studies also give evidence that many students exhaust much of their earnings not on school, but on entertainment and partying while attending school. (Para. 7, L1 - 6)