
Youth Hostel Association Northern Ireland

About you

First Name / Surname
Street Address / Apartment/Unit #
City / Post Code
Email: / Phone:
Date of Birth:

Other Information

Which Volunteering field are you interested in?
☐ / Belfast Walking Tours / ☐ / Belfast Hostel Events / ☐ / Youth Work
☐ / Outdoor Education / ☐ / Summer Camp / ☐ / Other
Have you had any serious illnesses or injuries, or do you have any allergies/other conditions that we should be aware of?
Please provide a contact number and name, in case we need to contact someone while you are volunteering:
Contact Number:
Do you have a full driving license?
If yes, do you have access to or do you own a car?
☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / ☐ / Yes / ☐ / No / ☐ / No
Would you be interested in volunteering abroad (2-4 weeks) through our international volunteer exchange programme in 2018?
When are your preferred times to volunteer? You can tick both boxes.
At the weekend

Your Skills and Experiences

Tell us a little bit about your (relevant) experiences, skills and qualifications that would make you a great volunteer:

If you have volunteered in the past please tell us where, when and what you did:

How did you hear about our volunteering opportunities?

Criminal Offences

Due to the nature of our work with children and young people we are exempt from the provision of section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (exemptions) Order 1975 and order 1986. As a consequence we require applicants to provide a declaration in relation to criminal records, spent or unspent. Other than driving offence, have you been convicted of a crime?






If yes, please give details:

If you are interested in volunteering in Youth Work, Outdoor Education or Summer Camp please be aware that we will have to get an additional AccessNI check.

Thank you for becoming a YHANI volunteer! If you have any questions or suggestions please contact our programmes coordinator Annette at or 02890 324733.
In the meantime check out our Facebook and Instagram page @youthhostelassociationni