That Living Creatures Change Over Time
- That living creatures change over time
- That God destroyed some creatures in the past (dinosaurs) and keeps making new ones from scratch (humans, poodles)
- That living creatures were created as they are today
- That living creatures change by natural selection
- That only the fittest survive and reproduce (natural selection)
- That man today is the same as he was thousands of years ago
- God made all creatures and humans in one day (day 6) and all animals have been on earth for the same length of time
- That nature is difficult, and only the creatures with the best features to survive in a particular place, reproduce
- The animals best suited to their environment pass on their genes better than others, so such changes slowly improve the species
- That humans can be traced back to ape-like creatures
- Common descent means that all living organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor, from which they later diverged by natural selection
- That living creatures change over time
- That God destroyed some creatures in the past (dinosaurs) and keeps making new ones from scratch (humans, poodles)
- That living creatures were created as they are today
- That living creatures change by natural selection
- That only the fittest survive and reproduce (natural selection)
- That man today is the same as he was thousands of years ago
- God made all creatures and humans in one day (day 6) and all animals have been on earth for the same length of time
- That nature is difficult, and only the creatures with the best features to survive in a particular place, reproduce
- The animals best suited to their environment pass on their genes better than others, so such changes slowly improve the species
- That humans can be traced back to ape-like creatures
- Common descent means that all living organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor, from which they later diverged by natural selection
- That living creatures change over time
- That God destroyed some creatures in the past (dinosaurs) and keeps making new ones from scratch (humans, poodles)
- That living creatures were created as they are today
- That living creatures change by natural selection
- That only the fittest survive and reproduce (natural selection)
- That man today is the same as he was thousands of years ago
- God made all creatures and humans in one day (day 6) and all animals have been on earth for the same length of time
- That nature is difficult, and only the creatures with the best features to survive in a particular place, reproduce
- The animals best suited to their environment pass on their genes better than others, so such changes slowly improve the species
- That humans can be traced back to ape-like creatures
- Common descent means that all living organisms can be traced back to a common ancestor, from which they later diverged by natural selection