Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 25, 2017
RRDD#1 Office
31 New Hartford Road, Barkhamsted, CT 06063
7:30 PM
Call to Order by Chairman William Marchand at 7:30PM.
Attendance:Glen Albanesius, Hans Andersen, Peter Bakker, JR, Moe Gabelmann,William Marchand,Brenda Schaufler, and Tim Sullivan, also Debbie Angell and Chris Nicolls.Absent: Joe Beadle and Carol Hewitt.Public: Robert Libby
Public Comment:None
Approval of Minutes:
Board Meeting, June 26:Motion to approve by Moe Gabelmann, 2nd by Brenda Schaufler. Passed.
-----Robert Libby entered 7:38
Personnel Committee, June 26: Motion to approve by Tim Sullivan, 2nd by Brenda Schaufler. Passed
Personnel Committee, August 29: Motion to approveby Tim Sullivan, 2nd by Brenda Schaufler. Passed
Treasurer’s Report:
June:Motion to approve with transfers by Moe Gabelmann, 2nd by Hans Andersen. Discussion: Debbie explained that the bank, Torrington Savings, made an error on June 30th, charging $147,534.36 in service fees, which was noticed during the reconciliation, and reversed on July 5th. She presented the board the financial statements from the bank, showing the error and reverse entry. Peter Bakker requested Debbie Angell call the bank for a letter to explain the issue, due to fiscal year-end on June 30, necessary for the audit. Passed
From / To / Amount113 Contingency / 202 Temp / $695.60
113 Contingency / 502 Recy Eq / $2,880.00
113 Contingency / 503 L/T Station Eq / $3,625.84
201 Payroll / 503 L/T Station Eq / $8,893.70
504 Monitoring Reserve / Savings Account - Monitoring / $15,280.00
July: Motion to approve by Moe Gabelmann, 2nd by Hans Andersen. Passed, noting to show carryover. Passed
August: Motion to transfer funds by Moe Gabelmann, 2nd by Hans Andersen. Passed
From / To / Amount113 Contingency / 206 Pension / $1,503.65
113 Contingency / 207 Incentive / $2,111.30
Motion to accept the August report (with transfers) by Brenda Schaufler, 2nd by Hans Andersen. Passed, noting to show the carryover.
Motion by William Marchand, 2nd by Brenda Schaufler to change the order of business, moving directly to
IX: New Business, Potential Executive Session as the employee in question was in attendance and prepared. Passed
IX: New Business, Potential Executive Session: Chairman William Marchand explained to Robert Libby the procedures of Executive Session. Robert Libby chose to have this portion of the meeting held in public session, adding that he wanted to hear what the Board had to say regarding the issue. Discussion.
Motion by Tim Sullivan, 2nd be Moe Gabelmann to accept the Personnel Committee recommendation of the Separation Agreement and Release of Claims. Discussion followed. Debbie Angell stated the Personnel Committee and she agonized over this for months, acknowledging we were short a driver, hoping Bob would once again be able to drive. She had been working with CIRMA attorneys and our labor attorney, who wrote the proposal. Glenn Albanesius asked 1.) if all other courses of action have been exhausted and 2.) is there a past history of this happening? Tim Sullivan replied 1.) yes, morale has been down and the solution is fair and equitable in the agreement and 2.) no, ground breaking. Vote: 4 yes (Moe Gabelmann, William Marchand, Brenda Schaufler, Tim Sullivan), 1 apposed (Glenn Albanesius), with two abstaining (Hans Andersen and Peter Bakker). Motion passes.William Marchand handed Robert Libby his packet of information, and stated this was the hardest decision this Board has ever had to make and wished Bob well in his future.
Administrator’s Report: Debbie Angell briefly reviewed the 13 items in her monthly report, highlighting the concern with the worn pad in front of the second trash compactor, requesting the O&M committee to reopen the bids for the trash compactors and potentially replacing it the same time the pad is done. She spoke briefly on the recent theft of aluminum fins and auto batteries, stating they are now secure. Debbie recommended adding another camera to the outside of the gatehouse to capture license plates and “walkers”. Superfund Fence repair bids came in very high, still working on other potential solutions.
Committee Reports: Personnel: Tim Sullivan stated the committee is still working on the Incentive Award.
Old Business:
Incentive Award: Tabled
Solar: Addressed in Administrator’s report (Knox Box)
Security: Motion by Brenda Schaufler, 2nd by Tim Sullivan to approve the funding for the camera.
Funds to come from contingency. Passed
Superfund Fence: $7000 quote from Pleasant Valley Fence, $2500+ from Eagle, based on length of repair needed. Debbie stated she is still looking into other options.
COG HHW: Debbie Angell reminded the Board of the upcoming Oct 14 event, where she would be helping out,adding that she has been working closely with the leaders of the three towns in the District and the press.
New Business:
RFP: Replacement backhoe, deadline Oct 16 3:00, to be opened at 7:00 by O&M Committee
Medical Equipment Policy: Board agreed that used medical equipment shall be given away to those who need them, that RRDD1 is not responsible for the failure of any items to work properly. After a week, we could donate items to a charity that could use them (local first)
Towns Transport Use Policy: Discussion regarding the use of RRDD1 containers by town officials / departments. Conclusion: Towns may still utilize RRDD1 containers, however, the charge will not only include the tipping fees but to include the expense for labor to drop off and deliver, each trip, plus fuel. (not truck costs) and an agreement is to be signed ahead of time with town leaders stating the terms, which MUST include the terms for promptly paying the tipping fees to the vendors. (Debbie stated that Frost Bridge in Net14)
EPA: Debbie Angell stated she received an invoice from Daniel Keefe, US EPA, time period May 2015- April 2017, for $15,805.90 for “Future Response Costs Bill #13”, according to the Consent Decree (Civil Action #303CV0084JCH.) Hans Andersen suggested consideration to increase funds to the reserve account. Debbie added that this is in the budget, and that we had recently added $15,000 from FY 16/17, a minimal start to what was not accomplished for numerous years.
Next Meeting: October 23
Adjourn:Motion by Moe Gabelmann, 2ndby Brenda Schaufler. Passed at 9:06
31 New Hartford Road, Barkhamsted, CT (860)379-1972