University of Manchester and Salford Royal Hospitals NHS Trust

R & D Executive Risk Management Sub Committee

28th July 2005 8.30am Division Committee Meetings Room

Present:David Thompson(Chair),Peter Crowe, Wendy Johns Judy Hadfield, Margaret Hoadley, Martin Gibson, Linda Coulston, John Crosby

1.APOLOGIES: Linda Gibbons, Sid Swindells


Accepted as Correct


4. Research Governance JOT

JOT not present.

5.Building Maintenance. SS

In the absence of SS PC gave the following updates on progress.

A report/quotation has been sent to BioMed Management on the reinstatement and costing of the isotope room (C308).

The BSU remains empty and there is no information of its future use.

The collapsed ceiling in room A207 has been repaired. In the light of this collapse SS has requested a survey of the CSB by the Head of Facilities.

Staff should be aware of the risks and report the appearance of any new cracks.

The refurbishment of academic dermatology has been put on hold due to lack of confirmation re: funding.

The lino flooring outside room C216 CSB has been reported as ripped. SS and PC have carried out a flooring survey of the CSB and have prioritised areas requiring repair.

This list will be put forward by SS for future expenditure.

6.Clinical Research / Academic SHIFT PTC

PTC reported that R&D will arrange for the Resuscitation trolley on the ground floor of the Irving Research Block to be restocked

Academic SHIFT: The CSB is expected to remain open, but this is yet to be confirmed, as is its expected function.

The funding of the refurbishment of the UTB has been discussed by PTC at a meeting with Simon Neville, Qasim Aziz and MG. Three bids are to be put into the Wellcome Trust by the Christie, South Manchester and Salford. MG reported that the university would like this to be a single combined bid.

PTC commented that if the CSB remains open then the SHIFT process must ensure that the building is made fit for purpose.

7. Radiation Protection WJ

WJ reported that BioMed management decided that the cost of disposal of the leaking tritium source should be passed to the research group concerned i.e. Geoff Warhursts group. Geoff Warhurst and Norman Higgs have managed to dispose of 95% of the source by dissolving in DMSO and the rest can now be disposed of as solid waste. In order to prevent this occurring in the future:

WJ suggested that all ordering of isotopes should go through one person. DT suggested that RPS’s should be involved in the annual inspection to take place in August and that the Use of Radioisotopes policy should be checked to ensure that it covered purchasing and disposal of isotopes.

8.Incidents /Accidents / Security. PTC

PTC reported that we now have a new fire officer for the trust (John Sturgess) and this would be an opportunity to review procedures in the CSB. LC mentioned that a new fire policy for the university will be produced shortly so it would be useful to meet with John Sturgess. DT asked if we needed to have a fire drill and PTC said this would be useful as we had not had a drill for 2 years, and was discussed with John Sturgess at their first meeting.

PTS to arrange further meetings with John Sturgess to discuss these issues.

An update to the Trust's Adverse Incident Reporting software has taken place. This should improve accuracy in reporting for all incidents involving University/R&D locations and personnel.

There were two reported incidents:

Two volunteers fainted during experiments involving fasting and blood sampling, carried out in the Pain Research group in the CSB. A qualified nurse was on hand and no injuries occurred.

DT stated that research involving human subjects should all be moved out of this building and into the main hospital.

A problem arose with confidential waste removed from the NHS Stoma group in the CSB. The bag had not been correctly sealed and some of the contents were lost. The bag had then been placed in the wrong collection bin resulting in it being collected by the wrong company.

PTC is waiting for feedback from Clive Morris.


Michael Dean from photobiology had found the lock on the entrance to the ground floor of the Irving Research Block to be a problem when volunteers and patients needed to gain access.

DT suggested that PTC should forward this to the Clinical Research Users Group.

MEH reported that Cath O’Neill had mentioned that when she came into the CSB at the weekend she had found several laboratory doors unlocked.

PTC will send out reminders to staff.

9.Up-Dates from Other Committees LC

No updates.

10. Health & SafetyLG

LG absent.

11. Training & Development. PTC

Nothing to report.

12 BiohazardsMH

Nothing to report

13 University Education JH

JH reported that there had been an adverse incident reprted when someone had collapsed in the UTB carpark and it was found that an oxygen cylinder which was awaiting a bracket to be fitted by estates was missing..


LLG absent

15. Annual Report

PTC gave an overview of the report in which he stated that the report showed that there had been significant progress and to ensure this continued the recommendations in the report must be turned into actions. It was encouraging that some of the suggestions were already happening.

HSA report.

LG’s main recommendations involved continuing to improve communications to ensure all staff where aware of Health and Safety so as to reduce the number of incidents and accidents. The attendance of Health and Safety courses by staff, particularly if they were held on site would help with this. PTC stated that awareness, and use of the web-site, needed to be promoted and feedback in the form of a questionnaire would be useful.

BSO report

MEH’s main recommendations were that Health and Safety issues must be taken into account in the SHIFT process and if the CSB were not to be closed then it must be ensured that any laboratories staying in the CSB must be refurbished to the correct standard. MEH also felt that communication was important particularly in terms of knowledge of the GM/Biohazards applications in sections of the Division outside the CSB. This was already improving and DT suggested that the annual inspection would be a further opportunity to inform people of this requirement. MEH had also mentioned the requirement for a mechanism to deal with any future applications to carry out gene therapy. MG stated that this was already in place and could be found on the R&D web-site.

TIU report

This report was a good example of how well a new unit can operate when Heath and Safety considerations have been properly investigated before the facility is built. This has resulted in few if any problems arising once the facility was in use. PTC suggested this should be a model for any future changes within SHIFT, whether this is a new building or change of function or refurbishment of existing buildings.

Division Managers report

Areas suggested for future development by PTC were:

Improvement of links between the Divisions, School and Faculty for the development of policies and procedures and local HSA’s and BSO’s should be involved in this.

The flow of information between the University and the Trust for radiological protection would be beneficial.

Improved clarity on funding issues should help with the maintenance of eg. resuscitation trolleys, CCTV systems etc.

If the CSB is to remain open budgeting for refurbishment of old buildings must be included in SHIFT. PTC has made Simon Neville aware of this.

The need for staff to recognise that they have the ability and responsibility to contribute to a safe in environment must be promoted and the yearly and interim inspections and feedback could help.

Staff need to be aware that they should involve the Health and Safety team in situations such as laboratory / office moves etc in a more pro-active and preventative approach to risk management. The training of new staff (induction) and the three monthly inspections being introduced by LG should help with this.

The fire/evacuation procedure should be improved and suggested meetings with the new fire officer should help with this.

A review of incidents reported revealed that incidents involving thefts/break-ins are the biggest problem and staff need to be more security conscious. Security issues should also be included in the annual inspection.

University of Manchester Safety Co-ordinator

LC made the following recommendations that:

The Local Safety Policy Statement be reviewed once Faculty and School documents are available for consultation, and that the H&S website (intranet) be updated.

The working relationship with Trust H&S should be maintained.

Co-ordinators to give more feedback regarding safety inspections.

Incident reporting to be re-examined, including adverse incidents and incident statistics to should be presented at Risk Management.

A review process of risk assessments to be planned and activated, should take place, the baseline assessment discussed and an action plan set out if needed.

Training courses be promoted once specific needs have been identified.

Safety arrangements be taken into consideration when negotiations take place regarding relocating research groups.

Safety personnel should be involved early in designing laboratories etc in new builds and refurbishments.

Protocols for gene therapy applications be put in place at University level.

Radiological Protection Report

WJ’s report was not submitted in time to be included. WJ reported that her main recommendations were that any ordering or disposal of radioisotopes should be discussed first with the local RPS and then with WJ. Each area of research needed to be aware of the cost implications of waste disposal.

University Education

No report was submitted. JH expressed concerns about pathology specimens being kept in the museum in the UTB due to the poor air-flow in case of any spillage. This will be looked at as part of the annual inspection and should also be considered in SHIFT.


This was DT’s final meeting as Head of Division and chair of Risk Management. On behalf of the committee, PTC thanked DT for "his contribution, drive and determination to reduce risk … throughout the whole of the academic community". The committee presented DT with a card and a gift with gratitude

LC informed the committee of the death of Ann Moor and her husband in a motor cycle accident. Ann Moor was a former HSA of the trust and instrumental in setting up the links between the university and the trust on Health and Safety issues.

Date of next meeting