Directory of Muslim Lawyers in the Tri-State New York Area
Data Form
To meet the growing needs of our members and the public, the Muslim Bar Association of New York (“MuBANY”), has established an online directory of Muslim lawyers in the Tri-State New York area. The Directory will be available on the MuBANY website ( and will be accessible by all members of the public. The Directory is not a referral list. It is instead a resource that can be used to find or learn about a lawyer.
List Yourself on the Directory!
The Directory is open to any lawyer living or practicing in New York, New Jerseyor Connecticut. There is currently no fee for being listed on the directory, but MuBANY members willbe featured more prominently and will be allowed a more detailed listing. To become a MuBANY member, please visit the MuBANY website at download a Membership Form and follow the instructions for payment and sending in the form.
To be listed on the Directory, please complete this form and email it to within 30 days. Any questions or suggestions can also be directed to . Please read the disclaimer at the end of this form.
Please complete all fields, but kindly note that only MuBANY members are entitled to have the data in the “*” fields listed online in the Directory. For non-Members, MuBANY will keep the “*” data on file should the individual later become a member.
Are you a MuBANY Member? (Yes or No):
(Not sure? Please email )
Business Address:
*Business Phone:
*Business email:
*Business website:
Admitted to Practice in the following State(s) and Federal Court(s):
Primary Area of Practice (please select only one)
Antitrust & Trade RegulationFamily LawMatrimonial Law
Appellate PracticeGovernmentPersonal Injury
BankruptcyHealth / Medical Real Estate Law
Civil RightsImmigration LawTrust & Estates, Wills
Commercial / Complex LitigationIntellectual PropertyOther:Corporate / Business Law International Law
Criminal LawLabor / Employment Law
*Additional Areas of Practice (select a maximum of two additional areas)
Antitrust & Trade RegulationFamily LawMatrimonial Law
Appellate PracticeGovernmentPersonal Injury
BankruptcyHealth / Medical Real Estate Law
Civil RightsImmigration LawTrust & Estates, Wills
Commercial / Complex LitigationIntellectual PropertyOther:Corporate / Business Law International Law
Criminal LawLabor / Employment Law
Disclaimer: The Muslim Bar Association of New York (“MuBANY”) Directory of Muslim Lawyers in the New York Area (“Directory”) is not a legal referral service or a legal advertisement. MuBANY will not screen or evaluate the legal competency or legal fitness of any individual that is listed on the Directory. The fact that an individual is listed on the Directory does not constitute an endorsement of the individual by MuBANY or an advertisement by MuBANY or the individual. The presence of a listing on the Directory does not establish an attorney-client relationship between the lawyer and MuBANY or between the lawyer and any member of the public. Lawyers listed on the Directory are not affiliated with MuBANY other than via membership status and lawyers listed on the Directory are not authorized to make any representations on behalf of MuBANY. MuBANY will make no representations as to the accuracy of the information submitted by the individual. False, misleading or otherwise improper representations will be the responsibility of the submitting individual. MuBANY bears no responsibility for any communications between the listed lawyer and any third party. MuBANY reserves the right to deem a data form ineligible for posting.
I have read the above Disclaimer and I understand its terms. I consent to having the information on this form posted on the MuBANY website.
Name: /s/Date:
Last updated 10/3/2018