Road Traffic Collision information requests from Merseyside Police.

Directions for ALLcorrespondence for Road Traffic Collisions.

Merseyside Police would like to improve the service we offer to you, by speeding up our processes and reducing the time to reach an outcome. Our preferred method of communication is via secureEmail.

Please e-mail us at RTC. Admin. oviding a secure email address which we can respond back to you on.

But we don’t have a secure e-mail address? Can we get one, so we can communicate with you via –e-mail?

It is straightforward to set up a CJSM Secure Email Service. If you are not already set up with CJSM, and wish to take advantage of this service then you should visit

The service is free with no cost to yourselves in setting up this secure e-mail.

If you can’t contact us via e-mail, please write to us at:

RTC Administration Unit

MSOC Business Support WR

C/O Police Headquarters

Canning Place


L1 8JX

In all methods ofcorrespondence, please include:

  • Collision Reference Number
  • Collision date
  • Your client’s name
  • Your clientsDate of birth
  • Location of accident
  • Your clients Vehicle registration number if relevant.

Types of Merseyside Police Reference number

-A ten digit NICHE RMS Occurrence number, starting ‘0514………..,0515……, 0516……’ depending on the year of the report.

-A call log reference numbers, referred to a STORM number. Will start MP-yyyymmdd- and end with 4 digit number).

-2014 and older RTC files may start with a letter (A-F) in A12345-14 format.

Types of Collision Report on offer and associated fees & charges.

We offer a range of reports and the associated current fees are outlined in the below link:

Fees and Charges

Requesting an interview with a Police Officer.

This will only be granted if the officer actually witnessed the collision, or was present at the scene and can provide any useful facts. If the officer merely took a report of the collision and has only hearsay evidence of the incident, this request will be denied. BEFORE making a request and sending a BACs payment, please contact us first so the officer can be spoken to and ascertain if the above criteria are met.


Please note, we will no longer accept cheques as a form of payment from 1st April 2016.

Remittance advices –to be sent to

DO NOT send payment unless we have confirmed that the information is/will be available – contact us at RTC. Admin. PRIORto sending any BACs payment.

BACS Details.

Sort code 402908

Account number 42020785

Account name Police & Crime Commissioner for Merseyside

For payments made by BACS, ensure the following details are providedon the remittance:

  1. Collision Reference Number,
  2. Your clients name,
  3. Your clients date of birth
  4. Date of collision.

Failure to provide this information with your payment will result in us being unable to process your request.