See Table 18 under Gatha 491. The total number of operative places with reference to consciousness, till the 8th stage are 40+20+ 23+48+48+56+56+28=320. There are 24 combinations in each place. We thus have 320 x 24=7680 combinations of operative places. In the 9th (II) stage where sex and passion both are operative there are seven places. Each of them has 12 combinations and we have 84 combinations in all. In the 9th (6) stage only the passions are operative. There are also seven places; and each has four combinations. Thus we have 28 combinations in all. In the 10th stage there are 7 places. in one combination. All combinations of all operative places in deluding Karma with reference to consciousness are thus 7680+84+28+7=7799 as stated above.
With reference to sub-classes in these operative places we have 840+160+ 192+360+3+2+308+808=2120 till 8th stage. Each has 24 combinations. We thus have 2120 x 24=00880, sub-classes in various combinations. In 9th (a) we have 14 sub-classes. Each has 12 combinations thus there are 168 sub-classes. In 9th (6) we have 7. each has 4 combinations and thus there are 28sub-classes. In 10th we have only 7 sub-classes. in one combination. The total number of sub-classes in 7799 combinations of operative places in deluding Karma. will thus come to 50830+ 168+28+ 7 =51083.
There are 15 vibrations in all :
1. True mind vibration.
2. False mind vibration.
3. Mixed. both true and false, mind vibration.
4. Neutral. neither true nor false. mind vibration.
5. True speech vibration.
6. False speech vibration.
7. Mixed. both true and false. speech vibration.
8.. Neutral. neither true nor false, speech vibration.
9. Physical body vibration.
10. Physical mixed vibration.
11. Fluid body vibration.
12. Fluid mixed vibration.
13. Assimilative vibration.
14. Assimilative mixed vibration.
15. Karmic body vibration.
See pages 131 to 141 of Chapter IX of Gommatsasa Jiva Kanda. Volume V of the Sacred Books of the Jainas.
ןÖÃÖã ŸÖê¸Óü ¤üÃÖ ×´ÖÃÃÖê Ö¾Ö ÃÖ¢ÖÃÖã ”û½üµÖÛ´´Ö ‹Œ úÖ¸üÖ l
•ÖÖêÛ´´Ö ÃÖ¢Ö •ÖÖê ÖÖ ¡¯ÖÏ•ÖÖê× ÖšüÖ ÖÓ Æü¾Öê ÃÖã‹ ÖÓ ll 494 ll
סÖÂÖã ¡¯µÖÖê¤ü¿Ö ¤ü¿Ö ×´ÖÁÖê Ö¾Ö ÃÖ¯ŸÖÃÖã ÂÖšêü ‹ úÖ¤ü¿Ö l
µÖÖ× Ö×Ö ÃÖ¯ŸÖ µÖÖê ÖÖ ¡¯ÖϵÖÖê× ÖãÖÖÖÓ ³Ö¾ÖêŸÖË ¿ÖæµÖ´ÖË ll 494 ll
494. There are thirteen vibrations (yoga) in (each of the) three (stages, wrong belief, downfall and vowless); ten in the mixed; nine in (each of) the seven ( 5th, 7th, 8th. 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th stages),; eleven in 6th and seven in vibrating (perfect soul). There is none in the non- vibrating stage.
In the stages of wrong belief. downfall and vowless; assimilative body and assimilative mixed vibration are not possible; and we have thirteen vibrations in each of them. In the mixed stage, there is no death, and we exclude physical mixed. fluid-mixed, and . karmic vibrations from the above 13, and have only 10 vibrations. , In the 5th and from the 7th to 12th stage we have no fluid body vibration either. These stages are not possible in hellish and celestial beings, who only have a fluid body vibration. we have therefore nine vibrations only. in these stages. In the 6th stage, assimilative body and assimilative mixed should be added to the above nine. and we have 11 vibrations.
There are 7 in the vibratory perfect soul ms., (1) true mind (2) neutral mind; (3) true speech. (4) neutral speech, (5) physical body, (6) physical mixed. and (7) karmic body. In the non-vibrating perfect soul. there is no vibration at all.
×´Ö“”êû ÃÖÖÃÖ Ö ¡¯Öϵ֤ü ¯Ö´Ö¢Ö×¾Ö¸ü¤êü ¡¯ÖϯÖã‹ Ö•ÖÖê Ö Ö¤Óü l
¯Öã‹ Ö Ö¤Óü “Ö µÖ ÃÖêÃÖê ¯Ö Ö Ö Ö¤êü ´Öê×»Ö¤Óü ÆüÖêפü ll 965 ll
×´Ö£µÖê ÃÖÖÃÖê ¡¯Öϵ֟Öê ¯ÖÏ´Ö¢Ö×¾Ö¸üŸÖê ¡¯ÖϯÖ拸ËüÖµÖÖê Ö ÖŸÖ´ÖË l
¯Öæ ÖÔ ÖŸÖÓ “Ö “Ö ¿ÖêÂÖê ¯Öæ ÖÔ ÖŸÖê ×´Ö×»ÖŸÖÓ ³Ö¾Ö×ŸÖ ll 495 ll
495. (The operation places and sub-classes in deluding Karma) are added together in the (stages of) wrong belief, downfall, vowless and imperfect’ vow, with reference to vibrations existing in un-developable as well as in developable conditions, but in the remaining. (stages) only in developables.
Undevelopable condition is possible in a soul for one Antar Muhurta, in the beginning of a life. after its transmigration from one condition of existence to another. There are only 3 spiritual stages in the transmigratory condition. and in the life to which it transmigrates. until it does not develop itself. They are Wrong-belief. Downfall and Vowless. In these Undevelopable conditions. mixed vibratory activity is found. Similarly. there is mixed vibration for one Antar-Muhurta. during which an assimilative body is being formed. by a saint in the 6th stage. So’ we have to consider operation places of Deluding Karma in both the undevelopable and developable conditions in the above said four stages. In other stages till the 10th only developable condition is to be taken into account. In order to find out the different places, and combinations of operation places with reference to vibrations. We should refer to commentary on verse 477 and the table given under 479.
I. Wrong belief state. Here. in the upper group there are 4 places with 36 sub-classes. Multiplying them with the 13 vibrations possible here, we get 52 places and 468 sub-classes. In the lower group, where there is no operation of the error-feeding passions, there are 4 places with 32 sub-classes; multiplying them by 10 vibrations only (excluding 3, the mixed-physical, mixed-fluid, and karmic, because a soul does not die in this state). we get 40 places and 320 sub-classes. Thus we have 92 places and 788 sub-classes in this stage.
II. Downfall stage. Here are 4 places and 32 sub-classes. Multiplying them by 12 vibrations, excluding fluid mixed which is dealt with hereafter. we have 48 places and 384 sub-classes.
III. Mixed Stage. There are 4 places and 32 sub-classes. Multiplying them with 10 possible vibrations, we get 40 places and 320 sub-classes.
IV. Vowless stage. In both the groups there are 8 places and 60 sub-classes. Multiplying them by 10 vibrations, the other three physical mixed, fluid mixed. and Karmic vibrations being dealt with hereafter; we get 80 places and 600 sub-classes.
V. Partial vow state. Here are 8 places and 52 sub-classes in both the groups. Multiplying them by 9 vibrations. we get 72 places and 468 sub-classes.
VI. Imperfect vow stage. Here are 8 places and 44 sub-classes in both the groups. Multiplying them by 9 vibrations, because special mention is to be made as regards the assimilative two, which are found in this stage we get 72 places and 396 sub-classes.
VII. Perfect vow stage. Here are als08 places and 44 sub-classes. Multiplying them by 9 vibrations. we have 72 places and 396 sub classes.
VIII. New-thought-activity-state. Here we have 4 places with 20 sub-classes. Multiplying them by 9 vibrations, we have 36 places and 180 sub-classes.
Each of these places and classes are to be multiplied by 24 combinations. The result may be shown in a tabular statement.
Table No. 19 showing Combinations.
/ Combinations in.Places. / Sub-classes.
I / 92x24=2208 / 788x24=18912
II / 48x24=1152 / 384c24=9216
III / 40x24=960 / 320x24=7680
IV / 80x24=1920 / 600x24=14400
V / 72x24=1728 / 468x94=11232
VI / 72x24=1728 / 396x24=9504
VII / 72x24=1728 / 396=24=9504
VII / 86x2=4864 / 180x24=4320
Total / 512x2412288 / 2532x2484768
IX. Advanced Thought Activity So far as sex operates, we have one place with 2 sub-classes. Multiplying them by 9 vibrations, we have 9 places and 18 sob-classes. Each has 12 combinations; so we have 108 combinations of places and 216 of sub. classes. Where passion only operates, we have 1 place with 1 sub-class; multiplying it by 9 vibrations, we have 9 places and 9 sub-classes. Each has 4 combinations; so we have 36 combinations of places and 36 of subclasses.
X. Slightest Delusion Stage. Here is 1 place and 1 sub. class. Multiplying by2 vibrations. we have, 9 places and 9 sub-classes. There is only one combination.
ÃÖÖÃÖ ÖµÖ¤ü¯Ö´Ö¢Öê ¾Öê ÖãÛ¾¾ÖµÖ×´ÖÃÃÖ ŸÖÓ “Ö ú´´Ö×µÖµÖÓ l
¡¯ÖÏÖê¸üÖ»Ö×´ÖÃÃÖ ÆüÖ¸êü ¡¯ÖÏ›üÃÖÖê»Ö›ü¾Ö Ö ¡¯ÖϽü¾ÖßÃÖÃÖµÖÓ ll 496 ll
¡¯ÖÏÖî¸üÖ»Ö×´ÖÁÖ´ÖÖÆüÖ¸êü ¡¯ÖÏ™üÂÖÖê›ü¿ÖÖ™ü¾Ö ÖÔ ¡¯ÖÏ™üؾִֿֿ֟ÖË ll 496 ll
496. In Fluid-mixed (vibration) of Downfall (stage) in fluid-mixed and Karmic (vibration) of the vowless, in physical mixed (of the same), and in (Both the) assimilative (vibrations) of the imperfect (VOW, stage), the operation places are respectively squares of eight, sixteen, eight, and one hundred and twenty-eight.
II. Downfall stage. A soul in the Downfall stage does not go to hellish condition of existence. therefore there is no operation of common sex in fluid mixed vibration , but only female and male sexes operate in this vibration when it goes to celestial condition of life,
Thus there will be four groups of operation places as shown in the table below :
Table No. 930 for Downfall stage free from operation of common sex.
Groups. / I / II / III / IVFear and Disgust / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0
Laughter-Sorrow Indulgence-Ennui. / 22 / 22 / 22 / 22
Male & female 2 inclinations. / 11 / 11 / 11 / 11
4 Passions each of 4 kinds / 4 4 4 4 / 4 4 4 4 / 4 4 4 4 / 4 4 4 4
Total / 24 / 23 / 23 / 22
Here there are 4 places with 9, 8, 8. and 7 i. e., 32 sub-classes. There are only 16 combinations. possible in each group, and not 24 as stated and explained in verse 480 because of the non-operation of the common sex.
IV. Vowless stage During fluid-mixed and Karmic vibrations in this stage, the female sex. cannot operate because a soul with right belief does not take birth as a female. therefore we shall have two. kinds of four groups like this, with reference to each vibration.
Table No. 21 regarding Vowless Stage with Clouded Right Belief when female sex does not operate.
The four Groups.
Fear and Disgust / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0Laughter-Sorrow, Indulgence-Ennui, / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2
Male and common sexes / 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1
4 Passions of 3 kinds / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3
Clouded Right Belief / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total / 21 / 20 / 20 / 19
Table No. 22 Vowless Stage free from the operation of Clouded Right-Belief and female sex.
Groups. / I / II / III / IVFear and Disgust / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0
Laughter-Sorrow Indulgence-Ennui. / 22 / 22 / 22 / 22
Male and Common Sex / 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1 / 1 1
4 Passions each of 4 kinds / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3
Total / 20 / 19 / 19 / 18
Thus in both the groups we have 8 operation places and (9+8+8+7)+(8+7+7+6) = 32+28=69 sub-classes, Combinations in each operative place will be 16 only. Therefore we have got 13 x 8-128 Combinations in places. and 60x18-960 in sub-classes.
The total number of combinations in both the vibrations will be 256 in operation places and 1920 in sub-classes. In physical mixed Vibration of this stage, there is no. operation of female and common sexes. Only the male sex operates, because while going to incarnate as a human or a sub-human in work or enjoyment region, one will be born as male only. Both the kinds of four groups will be as below ;—
Table 23. Vowless Stage.
Stage / With clouded Right Belief and Sex only. / Free from Clouded with male / Right Belief sex only.Fear and Disgust / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0
The 2 Pairs / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2
Male Sex / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Passion in 3 kinds. / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3 / 3 3 3 3
Clouded Right Belief. / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total / 20 / 19 / 19 / 18 / 19 / 18 / 18 / 17
Then we shall have 8 operative places and (9+8+8+7) +(8+7+7 +6)=32 + 28=60 sub-classes, Each will have 8 combinations, as only one of the three sexes operates here. Multiplying places and classes by 8, we have 64 combinations in operation places and 480 in the sub-classes.’
VI. Imperfect Vows;-When assimilative mixed or assimilative vibration is working in the 6th stage. there is no operation of female and common sexes, only male sex will operate. Therefore we shall have both kinds of groups as below :
Table No. 914 Imperfect Vov Stage.
Stage / With clouded Right Belief and male Sex. / Free from Clouded Right Belief and with male sex.Fear and Disgust / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0
Pairs of Laughter, Sorrow, Indulgence and Ennui / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2 / 2 2
Male Sex / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
4 Passion of last kinds. / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1
Clouded Right Belief. / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
Total / 12 / 11 / 11 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 9
Thus we have 8 operative places, and the sub-classes are (7+6+6+5)+(6+5+5 + 4)=24+20=44.
Each has only 8 combinations like this.
Multiplying the places and classes by 8, we have 64 combinations in places, and 352 in classes, for each of the two vibrations. The total combinations in places and classes will come to 128 and 704 respectively,
ÖÛŸ£Ö ÖˆÓÃÖµÖ¾Öê¤üÖê ‡Ÿ£Öß¾Öê¤üÖ ê ÖˆÓÃÖ‡ÛŸ£Ö¤ãü Öê l
¯Öã¾¾Öã¢Ö¯Öã‹ Ö•ÖÖê Ö Ö“Ö¤ãüÃÖã½üÖ ÖêÃÖã •ÖÖ Öê••ÖÖê ll 467 ll
ÖÖÛÃŸÖ Ö¯ÖãÓÃÖ ú¾Öê¤ü: áÖß¾Öê¤üÖê Ö¯ÖãÓÃÖ úáÖß׫ü ú´ÖË l
¯Öæ¾ÖÖìŸ ËúÖ¯Ö拸ËüÖµÖÖê Ö Ö“ÖŸÖãÂÖãÔ Ã£ÖÖÖêÂÖã –ÖÖŸÖ¾µÖ´ÖË ll 497 ll
497. Know that in the aforesaid (verse 496) four places of non-developable vibrations, there is no (operation) of common sex, female sex, (in the first two respectively) and of (both the) common and female sex (in the other places).