Minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2016.
1. Present: John Mayne (Chair), Paul Bullivant (Sec), Steve Perry (Treasurer), Dennis and Jenny Broe, Sarah Cemlyn, Kevin Coughlan, Elaine Hicks, Maija Lawrence, Alex Mills, Jon Rogers, Martin Weitz (minutes).
2. Apologies: Apologies were received from the following: David Cemlyn,Councillor Jude English,Jon Gulson, Sarah McMurchie, Kerry Allen, PCSO Clare Gardner, Mary Welsh.
3. Matters arising :
3.1 New signs in the meadow area:
The new signs that were expected in August are still awaited but Sarah Tyler says they are imminent.
3.2 Sculpting of felled trees:
Paul Bullivant (PB) reported that over £1100 insponsorship had been received including ammounts from Elephant estate agents,Grape And Grind, Spice and Cole and more than £100 from various members of FoSAP members. PB will contact sculptor Andy O'Neillto discuss what can be achieved for this total which may still increase if other FoSAP members wish to make donations.
PB is in contact with Sefton Park School to see if pupils would like to get involved in the initial design.
It is understood that if they are protected with oil the sculpted trees will last between five and 10 years.
3.3 Fundraiser job description:
The proposed job description which was previously circulated was agreed. PB will circulate this job description initially to committee members and FoSAP friends and supporters and will also consider other possible locations including Bishopston Matters, Bishopston Voice, VOSCUR and Do-It.
If this does not attract a suitable volunteer it was suggested we should employ someone on a commission basis paying them a percentage of the amount raised. Jon Rogers said he was working with a community group that was planning to pay 12.5% on a ‘no-win no-fee basis’. PB will discuss this proposal with Jon Roger (JR).
3.4 Replacement tree planting:
John Mayne (JM) said he would ask Jo Corke about the latest situation and report back.
3.5 Unsafe Tree Felling in the Park:
Health and safety issues have been raised in connection with the recent felling of trees in the park. David Cemlyn (DC) had complained to the council of serious failings in their health and safety procedures when they were chopping down trees in the park recently. Trees were being cut down by a private contractor with chainsaws only a few feet away from where children were playing with no safety barrier.
Martin (MW) agreed to call DC as he wasn’t present. DC told him the response from the council was a whitewashand also said that this raises very serious issues which need to be discussed at a future meeting. FoSAP needs some undertaking from the council that all future tree felling will receive a health and safety assessment and monitoring to ensure such a dangerous situation is not repeated.
3.6The flowering meadows
MW reported that a meeting will be held on site with the council representatives on Sept 26th to discuss several issues including :- the large number of weeds, use of weedkiller, planting bulbs, lateness of display and the general plans for planting in 2017. He also pointed out that the council had not cut the hedges during the summer and that, in his opinion, they looked untidy and scruffy and had led to a loss of amenity. It was difficult to see into park and some residents living around the park were not happy with an overgrown hedge facing them every day. PB said that he didn’t object toa variety of hedge growth and height around the park.
PB suggested that hand weeding of the flowering meadows would be beneficialand could reduce the number of weeds for the following year. PB proposed that he shouldcoordinate a series of weeding working parties and this was agreed.
Kevin pointed out that, as we are into the third year, we are now getting seeds from weeds which were growing in the first and second year.
4.0 Chair’s report:
JM spoke about how we communicate with the council. John is concerned about making it clear that if a FoSAPcommittee member is contacting the council as a private resident and not as a representative of the group then this needs to be stated clearly in all correspondence. The proposed wording of the protocol will be confirmed at the next meetingand, if agreed, will be included in the FoSAP constitution.
5.0 Sarah Tyler’s report:
Sarah reported that the council needs to make cuts of £29 million this year and there will be reductions of around 1000 staff. The Parks Department will be restructured and she will contact us again about this in due course, but no job losses had been forecast within that Department.
6.0 Conveners’ reports:
Appearance and restoration:
Jenny Morris (JMo) said that she wanted to thank JM and MW for their work in connection with signage and maintenance of the hedges. JMo also mentioned that on Saturday 17thSeptember there will be a street party in Effingham Road and Melita Road and everyone is invited. JMo was also interested in receiving a sheet of A4 from every convener describing the activities of their subgroup to use as part of FoSAPdisplays at public events.
Bristol Parks forum : the next meeting will be held on October 15th
Dog Walkers:
Kevin reported that Mary has sent an email regarding the netting which still needs to be put in place at the bottom of the gates to the dog free area and she was wondering what the schedule was as nothing has yet appeared.Sarah Tyler had informed PB that there has been an issue regarding the placing of wire mesh under these gates as the council has received damages claims from a person wearing flip-flops who caught their foot in the mash. It was also reported that new signs are to go up on either side of the gates which will say ‘no dogs allowed’.
Doug Reid has reported that at the back of the Co-op (which is not part of the park but which Doug includes in his patrols) has been cleared of some graffiti which appeared there.
Play area:
Unicorn spotted?Sarah Cemlyn (SC) reported that she was surprisedto see a pony inside the children's play area disguised as a unicorn for entertaining children as a private tea birthday party. She felt she couldn't go up to the people concerned at the time as she didn't want to be a ‘party pooper’but feels strongly that we need to urge the council to enforce a strict rule of no animals allowed in the children's play area.
She also reported that she had submitted to the Neighbourhood Partnership an application for an outline survey for a new children's play area. She had received two architects proposals but only one was within budget. SCsaid that she is starting to have conversations in the park about the needs of people using the play area.
PBproposed a vote of thanks to SC for all her work on this application on behalf of the group. Her application was submitted on 24th August and the Neighbourhood Partnership meeting will be held on 17th October. The application was sent to Neil Burwell, the Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator, who she felt had been very supportive.
She added that people come to the play area from all over Bristol, including from as far away as Yate.
Martin reported that he had edited and uploaded onto the FoSAPwebsite the video of the ceremony for the 75th anniversary of the crash of the Wellington bomber in the park and this can now be seen in the video section of the website.
Social and Arts:
Alex reported that on 18th September at 5:30 PM there will be a concert pic-nicby the wind ensemble ‘Gone with the Wind’under the Silver Birch treeclose to the paddling pool. All are welcome.
‘The Pantaloons’ theatre grouphave been contacted about a possible mid-summer performance of a Shakespeare play in the park in 2017. More details at the next meeting.
The North Bristol Arts Trail will be taking place during the last week of November, 26th – 27th.
The idea of holding a European picnic toinclude not only European farebut also food from South America also highlighting the work being done to help refugees and their human rights was discussed.
Any other business:
JR describedplans by the Parish of Bishopston and St Andrews to sell the Church of the Good Shepherd on Bishop road. This would leave St Michael and All Angels Church and St Bartholomew’s opposite the park as the principal churches in the parish. He told us that they are holding a building review and substantial investment needs to be made to improve the heating and facilities at St. Barts.
St. Barts will remain the main place of worship because it can seat up to 400 people. Ideas are requested for new ways to use the building, to open it up for community use, for example, as a concert venue and possibly opening the building up so that it becomes more physically integrated with the park.
PB agreed to coordinate a formal response to the Vicar, Wayne Massey on behalf of FoSAP and will initially circulate a draft to JR and JM.
Minutes prepared by Martin Weitz – 27.09.16.