Agreed Minutes of Torridon and Kinlochewe Community Council held in Kinlochewe Village Hall

from 6.30 – 8pm on Wednesday 8th February 2017.

Present :Terry Doe, Jonny Petrie, Anne Macrae, Carol MacIver, Tom Forrest, Cllr. Richard Greene, Andrew Peacock, Andy James for start of the meeting only, 3 Members of the Public.

Apologies :Margaret Smith

  1. Terry welcomed all to the first meeting of 2017, especially Andrew Peacock, Upper Diabaig, who is now voted on to the Community Council as a newly co-opted member. Andy announced he had decided to step down from the Community Council and was thanked by Terry and Richard for his work before leaving the hall.
  2. Minutes of the December Meeting were agreed and then signed by Terry.
  3. Financial Report – Jonny reported no change to the previous figure of £2,251.
  4. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings

Richard’s Report.Terry then invited Richard to give an update on issues he had been researching.Roads and Signage - Following a resident’s suggestion, three 30s are to be painted on the road entering Kinlochewe. A larger one coming from the Gairloch side and smaller ones on the road coming from Torridon and Achnasheen. Following a meeting with Andrew Hunter, Community Works Officer ( CWO ) plans have been drawn up to paint Dragon’s Teeth markings on the road by the Whistle Stop Café and install bollards to help keep the pavement clear. A member of the public stated that there had been no consultation with the café owner over this and Richard agreed to send copies of the plans and ask Andrew to get in touch. It was not clear when the work would be carried out as it would be weather dependant. It was reported that the road there is also sinking and fills with water which then runs to the café door.

Some work has already been carried out on road verges along the glen with more to be done. A jet patcher is due to be in the area for two weeks from 20th February though work will depend on the weather as there is no point filling potholes in the rain. Work is required on the Incheril road, especially on the surface of the bridge. The footpath was cleared after the new year and contractors are just about finished. Unfortunately, the electronic speed sign previously installed as part of Safer Routes to School has once again stopped working. Richard reported it had just cost £900 to have the radar in the screen repaired and would ask the lighting people to check it.

Tom expressed concern over soft banks by the fence at Cromasaig which he considered to be dangerous and that bollards he had placed there had disappeared. He also drew attention to a large hole in the road at ‘Dolly’s Corner’ by the Kinlochewe sign and Richard agreed to look into it.

It was agreed there was a vast improvement along Loch Maree side as with vegetation cleared from the roadside there, deer were now a lot easier to see by the road.

A member of the public also remarked it was nice to see the bin area and car park a lot tidier.

Local Schools Estate Kinlochewe Schoolhouse is now on the Solicitor’s For Sale List though there does not yet seem to be a sign up at the property. Torridon School is currently mothballed. There is yet to be consultation on its future but Richard has been informed it is unlikely to come under any consideration until after the new Council is elected in May.

Countryside RangersHighland Council has relaxed the proposal to cut the service completely although three positions are still due to be cut under Voluntary Redundancy.

NC500 Route Although Tom’s suggestion is a good idea, the Scottish Government will only take responsibility for trunk roads. Richard suggested it may be an item worth taking forward at a future Joint Community Council Meeting in months to come.

Torridon Play Park Anne gave more detail on the poor state of the wooden gates at the entrance which have safety implications. There is also a lot of tidying up to be done. It may be possible to apply for various grants to help improve the play park but most applications require confirmation of land ownership and we need to establish if this is Highland Council or now under Highlife Highland.

Information Shelters A final design has now been chosen and new Information Shelters, sensitive to the area, will be built at Braemore, Achnasheen and Kirkton, Lochcarron.

Kinlochewe Noticeboard Jonny is waiting for an invoice to arrive before sending off a cheque to cover the cost of the new board. A member of the public asked if it is possible to put up notices advertising local businesses. Although space should be left to post Community Council Minutes and Agendas there seemed no reason why not on a short term basis. Where possible it would help if notices could be kept small such as A5. Large A3 posters will be discouraged.

LaptopPrinter Anne has priced various models and will continue to work with Jonny on this.

Defibrillator The new unit is now in place in a cabinet on the wall outside the front door of Kinlochewe Hall. A code is needed to open the case and this is being circulated to villagers.

Policing Tom expressed continued concern at the lack of police cover available in the area, stating that on occasion he believed there could be only one officer on duty between Kinlochewe and Durness. He cited an instance in recent weeks where shots were heard up in Glen Torridon around 1am. Poachers have been known to be in the area in the past. Richard will speak to the Chief Inspector in Dingwall and ask him to contact Terry.

Torridon Mailbox Royal Mail has confirmed that they own the mailbox. An online form has been filled in requesting that the box is returned to the shop side of the road as requested by residents.

  1. Correspondence Received

Screen MachineThe new Director of Regional Screen Scotland, the charitable organisation which owns and operates Screen Machine mobile cinema has written to say that having secured funding, the Screen Machine will be off the road from the end of March to early June 2017 whilst refurbishment is completed in France. This will coverall the hydraulic workings and includes installing a new digital projector, as well as a complete repainting and a smart new livery. He is currently reviewing the touring circuit and given the demand from communities not currently visited, there may in future be locations where parking or toilet access problems will force withdrawal from that community.

Regional Screen Scotland are keen to develop closer links with the communities they serve and welcome any practical suggestions. At best the Screen Machine can only visit any given community 3 or 4 times a year but they are keen to also support and encourage film clubs where local groups can offer a complementary range of screenings on DVD or Blu-Raybetween visits. The Community Council welcome any comments or ideas which we will pass on.

  1. Planning Pre- Application Consultation Project Ref 6310 VF –BT Diabaig RS, Lower Diabaig, Near Inveralligin, Torridon. We have received a consultation letter and drawings of proposed telecommunications upgrade for the area. These can be forwarded by e mail to anyone interested.
  2. Any Other Business - Voting Venue for 4th May

The Chief Executive of Highland Council has proposed changes for polling places at the election on 4th May to make use of local primary schools rather than other venues to save money on rental. Stage 1 of consultation began in mid December though we were unaware of this till reading about it in press reports in January as there was no notification given to the Community Council.

Consultation has now closed and a report containing comments and proposals is due to the Communities and Partnerships Committee on Thursday 9th February.Concern was expressed that Kinlochewe Primary is less accessible than the Village Hallwhich is more central. Residents in Torridon had welcomed the productive use of Torridon school building. A member of the public wondered if it would not be possible for Village Halls to provide facilities free or at a reduced charge for 4th May. Richard noted that there are also issues regardingthe storage of polling booths. Ward Manager, Robbie Bain had visited communities to look at facilities including disabled access and toilets.

NB. It was proposed and agreed at the Committee that voting will now take place In Kinlochewe School rather than the Village Hall.( Also in Applecross and Gairloch Primaries.) Voting will remain in Torridon Hall

( also in Shieldaig, Lochcarron and Achnasheen Halls. )A review will be undertaken following the election.

Winter Road Maintenance and Crash Barrier for Diabaig

A resident in Diabaig had suggested that crash barriers should be extended on the hill down to Upper Diabaig as there is such a drop down to the loch if a vehicle slips on the road in poor conditions. Richard did not hold much hope that this would be possible given the very limited budget available but would ask Andrew Hunter to make contact with Andrew Peacock.

Increase in Rabbit Population

The three members of the public had travelled from Torridon to express concernover the noticeable increase in rabbit population within the village. The rabbits have now spread from the Mains Farm, shore and croft fields to the top side of the road, invading village gardens and destroying plants and vegetables. There are numerous burrows along the shore path and rabbits are now also digging under the Youth hostel building. It is understood that the rabbits may have been introduced by the NTS to provide more food for birds of prey but it was felt the number had exploded beyond control. This had resulted in some residents attempting to take matters in their own hands with negative results. Discussion took place on various methods that could be used to reduce the population though it was stressed that this must be carried out safely and humanely.

Terry agreed to make representation to NTS through Seamus. It is understood he has already begun a significant cull.

Storm Damage to Picnic Bench and Table in Torridon

A number of residents have expressed dismay at the deterioration of the picnic table situated near Fassaig Jetty, noting it is a popular picnic spot. The bench on the shore has also completely collapsed and is much missed. A member of the public suggested a local might be able to create a nice new table from larch which would last longer. The Community Council will look into who has responsibility and ownership as it would be beneficial to have these replaced. Any structures would need to be heavy or fixed down. It may be possible to get together and apply for grants to help.

Distribution of Information. We have now upgraded our Website and hope to add more content shortly. Minutes and Agendas of all monthly meetings are stored on the Library page. There is also a direct link from our Facebook page where posts are updated between meetings. We are updating our circulation list so please send an e mail to the Secretary if you would like to be added. In addition to various electronic means, paper copies are also posted on shop noticeboards, village halls and the Medical Centre for information. It is good to have continued interest and active interaction in community matters. We are especially grateful to those who expressed interest in the Co-opted position recently and hope you will continue to provide support and ideas. We now have four members based in Kinlochewe( Terry, Jonny, Carol & Tom) and three on the Torridon side. ( Anne, Maggie and Andrew )

Date of Next Meeting - Wednesday 8th March, Kinlochewe Village Hall at 6.30pm