Mr. Conklin: 7th grade Civics



Phone: (904) 538-0825ex. 2121


  • Follow all TLAM rules
  • Be respectful
  • Come prepared and on time


PencilsORPens (black or blue only), Colored Pencils, Index Cards, and Highlighters


Final grades will be based on scores earned on Essays, Assessments, Projects, Classwork and Participation.

County grading scale is as follows: 90-100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D, below 60 F.

Students know at all times what their grades are because graded materials are in their student folders.


Pencils or Pens, Colored Pencils, & 1 Ream of Paper (to be turned in to Mr. Conklin)

Also Students will be assigned a folder cover which they need to pick up prior to the first class of the 2nd week.

These folders do not leave my classroom. If students need to finish the assignment we are working on at home, they need to take that specific assignment out then return it to their folders the next class.

Late Work:

Classwork is expected to be completed on time, in class. Students who do not complete the assignment in class may request to complete it for homework. Classwork will not be accepted after the notebook check is done. Projects and essays must be turned in by the posted due date, those that are late will be able to earn a maximum grade of 70% with points deducted from there.

Absentee Work:

Classwork will be placed in your folder if you are absent. You will have two days for each day absent to make up the work, any absentee work that is completed after that will lose points for being late.Students are responsible for picking up any resources or handouts needed to complete the work at home. Handouts can be found in the hanging files by the door.All assignments, handouts and PowerPoints can also be found on my website. (

Revisions/Redos: Assignments that receive 69% or below can be redone up toa maximum of 70%. Decisions on revisions on other assignments including projects and exams are at the discretion of the teacher. Exams given by the state or county cannot be retaken.

Extra Credit:

Students may complete up to two additional book projects each quarter. Further extra credit opportunities will be listed on my website throughout the year.


Students will be asked to use the internet for research and specific assignments (ex. Achieve300). There will be some time given in class to work on computer assignments. In addition, students can come during tutoring hours for extra computer time in the classroom.


Tutoring is offered every Wednesday from 8:30-9:00 AM. If you cannot make that time email me to schedule another time.


Occasionally further interventions are required to correct off task/disruptive behavior. Consequences for this include warnings, seat changes, student conferences, phone calls, time outs, alternative assignments, and/or referrals. It is imperative that students learn to “self-correct” their behaviors during the school year and not impede others’ learning.

These policies and procedures will enable the class to be well ordered, maximizing the full potential of every student in my class. Please sign, have your student sign, and fill in your contact information. I look forward to working with you and your family for a productive school year. Thank you for your support.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Student Name (printed): ______

Parent Name: ______

Parent Phone Number: ______

Parent Email: ______