Normal and Therapeutic Nutrition

Welcome to Nutrition. This course is about how to eat and move in a healthy way, and how to prevent or relieve disease with good nutrition.


Basic nutritional concepts presented with emphasis on application to patient care. Selected nutritional disorders and fundamentals of diet therapy are included.



Office JW 224

(517) 796-8483


Darlene Bryant, MSN, RN; Julie Walters, MSN, RN; Ronda Albrecht, MSN, RN

Current contact information will be given first day of


OFFICE HOURS:Please see hours posted outside of instructors door. Instructor also available by appointment.


At the completion of the course, the student will

1.Discuss the components of a healthy diet.

2. Identify how culture can affect food choices.

3.Evaluate the student’s own intake compared to established standards.

4.Describe the effects of nutritional deficiencies.

5. Explain the diet necessitated by physiological changes in

pregnant women, infants, children, adolescents, teens,

and elderly.

6.Identify dietary modifications which can prevent or relieve disease processes.

7.Write a Diet and ActivityAnalysis Paper analyzing concept learned in the course.


Lecture Discussion

Homework Tests

Collaborative Group Learning Exercises

Searching for information on nutrition on the World Wide Web

Diet and Activity Analysis Paper

Core Curriculum for Medical Assistants

Medical Assisting Education Review Board (MAERB)

2015 Curriculum Requirements

The following Cognitive (Knowledge) requirements are covered in this course.



Cognitive (Knowledge)
IV:C Nutrition
  1. Describe dietary nutrients including:
  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Fat
  3. Protein
  4. Minerals
  5. Electrolytes
  6. Vitamins
  7. Fiber
  8. Water

  1. Define the function of dietary supplements

  1. Identify the special dietary needs for:
  1. Weight control
  2. Diabetes
  3. Cardiovascular disease
  4. Hypertension
  5. Cancer
  6. Lactose sensitivity
  7. Gluten-free
  8. Food allergies


Students are advised to read the assigned material before class. Attendance in class is strongly recommended to obtain maximum benefit from the course, and to receive a good grade in this course. Regardless of attendance, students are responsible for announcements and information presented in class. It may be helpful, as you get to know others during group work, to exchange contact information so as you may exchange notes in the event one/some of you find it necessary to miss class. Using this plan responsibly will promote the best collaboration.

Use of the Class Schedule and the Syllabus will permit the student to make optimal use of study time. Most college courses demand a minimum of 2 hours of preparation for every hour in class. Students are invited to initiate conferences with the instructor as needed.

Studentsmust be present in class to participate in and receive credit for group work. Group work may not be made up if class is missed for any reason. Class discussions and group work exercises will be based on the student coming prepared to class.PLEASE ALWAYS BRING NUTRITION TEXT TO CLASS FOR USE IN COMPLETING THE COLLABORATIVE GROUP WORK.

If the student comes more than 10 minutes late to class, she/he is required to wait outside the classroom until the break before entering the classroom unless a test is being given. Students are expected to be courteous of others in the classroom. Students who talk and disrupt the class inappropriately will be asked to leave the room. If a student’s behavior is continually inappropriate or disruptive of the class, the student will be dropped from the course. Faculty expects students to be kind to one another and to faculty at all times, and faculty will reciprocate the kindness.

While the faculty recognizes that communication with family and friends is important, the use of cell phones and beepers in class is very distracting to other students and to your instructor. Please keep all electronic devices on either vibrate or voice mail mode during class. If you are experiencing a family emergency and must keep a cell phone on, please obtain instructor permission prior to class. We appreciate your cooperation in providing an environment conducive to learning for all students. It is also unprofessional behavior to be text messaging during class. Please wait for a class break or until after class to text.

There will be assigned homework as part of this class, (dates and method to be assigned by instructor).Points for homework will be given if the homework is complete; no points will be given if the homework is incomplete. Partial points will not be given. Homework is due at the start ofclass.If the student misses class they must contact the instructor to get approval to submit homework after the due date. Homework will not be accepted part way through class or at the end of class. Homework will be returned the following week. The student is advised to keep copies of homework in case there are any concerns about the number of points given on homework.

Testing will be done from objectives, highlighted/italicized material, and lecture discussion as much as possible. All test questions must be answered on the scantron form. Please review your scantron form to ensure that all questions are answered. Once the test is turned in you will not be allowed to go back to the test to make corrections on the scantron form. The answer marked on the scantron form is considered “your final answer” and is the answer that will be graded.


Nursing Department Academic Honesty Policy

Nurses are highly regarded as the most trusted professionals. We are committed to the ideals that honesty and integrity are essential qualities for the profession of nursing.All students are subject to the Code of Conduct for Students and Visitors as outlined in JC's Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. In addition to the categories of misconduct and possible penalties included in the Code, the Department of Nursing has additional standards as follows.

All nursing students will be held accountable for breach of any Jackson College institutional, department, or program policies whether in the live or electronic classroom environment (see Responsible Use Policy, Social Media Policy). Any student found to be cheating on an exam, quiz, or other assessment will receive a maximum grade of 1.5 in the course. Lack of integrity regarding the classroom, clinical setting, or electronic learning environments may result in failing a course, or removal from the program.

CHEATING and serious violation of responsible technology use can take on many forms. These may include but are not limited to:

  • Bringing an answer source to the testing site. This could be a cheat sheet, your cell phone, etc.
  • Copying answers or work from another student’s test or project.
  • Making copies or taking cell phone pictures of test or course materials including PowerPoint presentations.
  • Changing an answer or completed assignment after submission.
  • Sharing test information, test answers and content with someone who has not yet taken the test.
  • Uploading Prohibited Course Materials to any internet site or facilitating others to do so. Periodic audits of the internet are performed. All course materials have been specifically prohibited for distribution by instructors unless specifically indicated otherwise. This includes but is not limited to graded quizzes and exams, group work answers, etc., along with any questions that are or might be intended for future quizzes and exams.
  • Unauthorized Possession or Disposition of Academic Materials includes the unauthorized selling or purchasing of exams, quizzes, midterm projects, or other academic work; stealing or using another student's work; using information from or possessing exams/quizzes that a faculty member did not authorize for release to students.
  • Facilitation of any act of academic misconduct includes knowingly assisting another to commit an act of misconduct; providing others with course materials to be uploaded digitally or to be shared manually.
  • Taking quizzes with another student. Quizzes are to be done individually - do not share answers with others in person, through e-mail, or on the phone. Sharing answers is considered cheating and will be treated as such.
  • Plagiarism is another form of cheating. Plagiarism may involve but is not limited to submitting a paper written by someone else (obtained from the web or a fellow student) or using direct quotes from any source without crediting the source.

Additional areas of concern specific to nursing include but are not limited to:

  • Covering up or not reporting a clinical error.
  • Charting something that was not done.
  • Pulling forward documentation and saving it as a current assessment.
  • Altering any legal documentation.
  • Deviation from an accepted Standard of Care, or Standard of Practice.
  • Any form of lying to faculty, health team members or others.

If you are unsure if a practice might be considered cheating, please check with an instructor and/or do not engage in that practice. Please remember that failing a course may mean permanent dismissal from the program.


Late Tests/Papers

Tests must be taken with the class to avoid penalty. If you must miss a test, call the instructor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to let him/her know that you must miss it and when you plan to take it. It must be taken prior to the next class unless you are hospitalized.IF IT IS NOT TAKEN BEFORE THE NEXT CLASS, THE STUDENT WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE CLASS OR WILL RECEIVE A ZERO FOR THE TEST IF INSTRUCTOR IS NOT ABLE TO INITIATE A DROP. Makeup tests will be giving in the testing center during open lab hours. If a makeup test is taken at the testing center, the student must enter the lab to take the test with 2 pencils, a calculator and car keys only. Books, purses, and other assorted items should be locked and stored securely by the student outside of the lab.

You will be able to take one test late without penalty. If more than one test is taken outside of class, 5 % points will be subtracted from the score on the next test taken out of class (unless a note is receive made out by a physician or advanced practice health care provider). A third missed test will reduce the grade on that test by 10%, a 4th test taken out of class will result in a 15% reduction in the grade on the test.

All tests and scantrons will be distributed for student review but must be returned to the instructor immediately. If a student removes the test or scantron from the room no points will be given for the test.

One point will be deducted from the grade on the

Diet and Activity Analysis Paper for every day it is late. The paper must be received by the last regular class date (before the date of the final) or a ‘zero’ may be given.


94 - 100% = 4.074 - 77% = 1.5

90 - 93% = 3.570 - 73% = 1.0

86 - 89% = 3.066 - 69% = 0.5

82 - 85% = 2.5< 66% = 0.0

78 - 81% = 2.0

A grade of 2.0 or above is required as passing in the Nursing Department.

Please Note:

A 2.0 or “C” is a passing grade. Only courses with passing grades count toward graduation. Other colleges transfer in only courses with passing grades. Many financial aid sources, including most employers, require passing grades. Additionally, earning less than a 2.0 in a class results in not being able to participate in the next level of courses in a discipline which requires this course as a pre-requisite. If you attempt to register for the next course sequence and have not passed the pre-requisite course, you will be dropped from that class.

REQUIRED TEXT: Lutz, Mazur, & Litch. (2015). Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Evidence-Based Applications, (6th Ed.) F.A. Davis Company: Philadelphia.

ISBN: 978-0-8036-3718-4

An electronic version of the textbook is available.

Participation Reporting (HQV)

Student participation feedback is provided by instructors up to 3 times per course (see Participation Reporting in the JCC catalog). The feedback is accessible via e-Services.

*V – Your instructor confirms you are participating regularly.

*H – Your instructor feels you would benefit from additional assistance and has referred you to the Center for Student Success for academic tutoring.

*Q -Your instructor believes that your lack of attendance/participation may prevent your success and has recommended to the registrar that you be dropped and/or withdrawn from the course.


At JCC we want you to succeed and meet your educational goals. If you find you are having trouble, there are numerous resource people available to help you. The resources are available through the Center for Student Success in Bert Walker Hall, phone number 517-796-8415.

The services include:

  • A class tutor
  • Help in doing percentage problems
  • Help in writing the paper
  • Help on testing
  • A series of classes on how to do well as a student

And more.

Students requiring special assistance (including those affected by the Americans with Disabilities Act) should contact the Center for Student Success. This is the first step in acquiring the appropriate accommodations to facilitate your learning.

We hope you enjoy this Nutrition Course. We will try our best to make it interesting and a great learning experience for you.