Name: Date:

Block: Standard:

#20 (10.02.17)

We will start dancing this Thursday and Friday. Copy and answer the following questions:

1.  What is considered proper dance attire?

2.  What is different about what the boys are allowed to wear?

3.  When do you leave to dress-out?

4.  How long do you have to change?

5.  If you’re tardy, what must you do?

#21 (10.03.17)

We will start dancing Thursday and Friday. Copy and answer the following questions:

  1. How do we respect each others space?
  2. What are the four stage directions?
  3. What are the progressions?
  4. What is considered negative space and positive space in the dance studio?

#22 (10.10.17)

9th: Identify the 5 ballet steps and 5 feet positions we practiced Friday.

8th: Place the following events in the correct order

Cool down, progressions, warm-up, floor work, stretches, center work


  1. Who are the indigenous people of Mexico?
  2. What type of dance will we be exploring?
  3. What is the name of their holiday in Spanish?
  4. What goddess rules over the under world in their culture?

#23 (10.11.17)

10th: Translate these ‘Dia de los Muertos’ words into English-

calavera, altar, calaca, mictlan, and ofrenda

9th: Name the three ballet pieces we watched yesterday.

Describe in one sentence what each one was about.

11th: answer the following questions from your quiz yesterday.

  1. What is the percentage of Mandika people in Guinea?
  2. Where do the Susu people live in Guinea?
  3. What are the three regions of Guinea?
  4. What tribe created the Yankadi dance?

8th: Copy and answer the following questions about the video.

1.  What’s the name of the choreography?

2.  Who’s the choreographer?

3.  What is the dance piece about?

4.  What medium did she use to create her dance work?

#25 (10.16.17)

10th: Think of a loved one that has passed away. Answer the following questions:

  1. How were they related or associated with you?
  2. How long has it been since they passed away?
  3. What things or items make you think about them?
  4. If you were designing their ‘ofrenda’, what would you include for the elements of

water, air, fire, and earth? Pick one ofrenda for each element.

11th: Write six vocabulary words that we explored last week through our dance practicum

With SOFAR dance of West Africa.

8th: Answer the following questions. You DO NOT have to write the questions.

What is the correct order of a typical dance class?

What medium of dance did we explore last week?

Which sound was your favorite and why?

9th: What is the correct order of a ballet class? Why do we do these things in order?

·  Tendu, plie, stretching, en croix, demi, degage,