Приложение №2

Famous people

(БогатырёваТ. В.)

1 Say what these people are famous for.

Boris Kustodiev /
Nadezhda Babkina
Velimir Khlebnikov
Korneliya Mango
Pavel Vlasov /
Dmitri Dyuzhev

2 What do they have in common?

2 Choose the necessary words to fill the gaps in the texts.

Boris Kustodiev
1 Boris Kustodiev is a great Russian … .
2 He was born at the end of the 19th century in … in Astrakhan.
3 He was fond of … since his childhood becauseAstrakhan with its picturesque markets, the old Kremlin with the wonderful Uspenskiy Cathedral, native nature impressed the boy greatly and inspired him to paint his first pictures.
4 At the age of 18 he went to … to study art at the Academy of Arts.
5 Boris Kustodiev liked to paint portraits, … . He painted many wonderful lyric pictures. The most famous of them are “Fair”, "Shrovetide", "Moscow Inn", and “A Holiday in a Village”.
6 The great Russian artist Boris Kustodiev died in … after a serious illness when he was only 49 years old. / Dmitri Dyuzhev

1Dmitri Dyuzhev is a famous modern …
2 He was born in … in Astrakhan.
3 His father was an actor but Dima was not fond of … at first. In childhood he wanted to become a teacher, a policeman and then a sailor. But then he changed his mind.
4 In 1995 Dmitri finished school and went to … . He entered one of the best Art Institutes of the capital.
5 Dmitri acted his first role in the … “Twenty four hours” in 2000. He became very popular after the role of Cosmos in the film “Brigada”.
6 Now our talented countryman is a very popular actor. He is famous for his roles in comedies, series, and historical films. Dmitri Dyuzhev also works in the theatre and has played some wonderful roles there too.
1writer, artist, scientist, politician, actor, singer, detective.
2 1878, 1999, 1978, 1803
3 mathematics, painting, medicine, acting, English language and literature.
4 Moscow, London, Tambov, Kiev, Paris.
5 landscapes, film, song, dances.
6 1941, 1927, 1880, 1793