Roster for National Club Championships Rotorua 22/23 April 2017
At the last Club Championships, because Rotorua no longer has an affiliated Club, all entered Clubs agreed to contribute to setting up the event in Rotorua 22/23 April 2017.
Each Club entered in the Club Championships will be required to select two duty boxes, they show the number of people required in some cases but allow for lesser numbers if all team members are not available. They must be there on the time and day/s shown to carry out one of the duties indicated. If other teams, select the same duty/s changes can then be made to best utilise the people for one duty. You will be informed accordingly.
Rake and brush whole terrain ready for stringing. Tidy grounds of terrain.
String 22 pistes. Outside boundary in Blue twine and orange for individual pistes. Staple string at corners and middles. Gear provided.
Kitchen, float for change $50 provided. Charge tea and Coffee towards tournament costs. Provide cold water. Wash dishes in dishwasher and keep area clean and tidy please. Collect empty cups from around the terrain.
Set up rubbish bins, ash tray tins, scoreboards with piste number on front screw facing Blue Baths starting at 1 in the front right hand corner across the front to 11 and then to the left far corner piste 12 to 22. Dowelling in the bottom of the scoreboards has holes at the piste in the timber surround to insert them.
Remove ash tray tins, scoreboards with piste numbers. Beware the dowelling in the bottom of the scoreboards has holes at the piste in the timber surround. They need to be lifted to pull them out. Please pick up any rubbish and items left behind. As a public area, the terrain and surrounding area must be cleared each night.
Open and secure the 22 playing circles. Place one on each piste at the beginning and breakdown at the end of play
Set up Scorers and Organisers pergola from storage room. Place on grass near pistes 9 and 10 Blue Baths side . Guy ropes to be away from foot traffic and as an identified OSH hazard. Secure walls to the tent for wind protection.
Bring out old wooden table from the Bowling club rooms for scorers. Three Plastic chairs to also be added. At the end of the days play the reverse is to be carried out please. Set up power supply from Bowling Club Storeroom to gazebo
Set up Scorers and organisers pergola from storage room. Place on grass near pistes 9 and 10 Blue Baths side . Guy ropes to be away from foot traffic and as an identified OSH hazard. Secure walls to the tent for wind protection.
Bring out old wooden table from the Bowling club rooms for scorers. Three Plastic chairs to also be added. At the end of the days play the reverse is to be carried out please. Set up power supply from Bowling Club Storeroom to gazebo.
Erect hired marquee/tent for players gear and shelter. Position alongside gazebo towards Bathouse. Guy ropes to be out of way of foot traffic At the end of play to be dismantled and placed in the Bowling Club.
Erect hired marquee/tent for players gear and shelter. Position alongside gazebo towards Bathouse. Guy ropes to be out of way of foot traffic At the end of play to be dismantled and placed in the Bowling Club.
SUNDAY NIGHT Everybody to help put the Bowling clubrooms back to their original condition.
Pull staples out from stringing and return terrain back to its original condition.